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One Little Word 2012 | Class Registration Now Open

Throughout all of 2011 I've been conducting a class over at Big Picture Classes called One Little Word.

It's been such a good experience for me personally and I'm excited to move forward with the same format, and my new word, for 2012.

THE BASICS | After registering you'll receive an email reminder at the beginning of each month to come to the classroom for a video presentation and a creative prompt (writing, photography, and a bit of craft). The class and the prompts are not meant to take a lot of time, the whole goal is to help keep your word visible for you throughout the year.

FOR ALUMNI | If you were in the class this year (2011) and are interested in taking it again you should have received an email (on 12/9) with a special offer for alumni. If you register for OLW2012 by December 31st you will receive Stacy Julian's Finish Line Scrapbooking self-paced class ($12 value) free**. The code for the free class is olwalumni (you need to register for OLW2012 before the code will work). P.S. If you’re already registered for Finish Line Scrapbooking, please email for an alternate free class!

FOR NEW STUDENTS | Register by December 31st and be entered in a random drawing. Big Picture will be selecting 10 students who will be featured on my blog along with their word in January.

**Disclaimer: This coupon only applies to the "Finish Line Scrapbooking" Self-Paced class; coupon does not apply towards other Self-Paced Classes, Workshops, Products or Gift Certificates. Offer will only work for students who have enrolled in both One Little Word 2011 and One Little Word 2012. Expires January 15th 2011 at 10:00pm PST. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Coupon must be entered in the "Promo Code" box during checkout and press "apply" button; discount will be applied immediately. Not applicable towards previous purchases. Other terms and restrictions may apply.

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62 thoughts

  1. MichelleGB says…

    I signed up a couple weeks ago...and for a change, my word for 2012 already found me! So excited for the new year! Thank you too for the bonus class for alumni!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Lee Currie says…

    So happy to be taking the class again. I have to say "do" really had me hopping in 2011. Thinking of something a little less - but equally resonant - in 2012. LOVE this course, Ali. Thanks so much for offering it again.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. brenda says…

    In the email I received as a OLW alumni there was the following note for those who might already have purchased 'Finish Line Scrapbooking': P.S. If you're already registered for Finish Line Scrapbooking, please email for an alternate free class!

    Hopefully that offer is still available for those who have already taken Finish Line Scrapbooking (I hadn't, so was glad to receive it for free when I registered for OLW 2012).

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Yes, Brenda - thank you for that reminder - that is still the case :).

    2. Missus Wookie says…

      Oh thank you for that I took that class w Stacy a few years ago. I've enjoyed this year although not managed to do the album the prompts have been inspiring.

  4. caro says…

    LOVE the album that resulted from this year's OLW class. It's going to be a permanent record of the MANY things that centered around my word. Still got work to do with that word, it grew from little to BIG thanks to you. "Move" on to 2012.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. theresa says…

    Hi an alum of OLW for 2011, thank you so much for the freebie (thanks to Stacy also) word came to me in October, and I am so looking forward to another year with my new word and this class. I love it. Thank you , Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jennifer says…

    Hi Ali, I took the OLW 2011 class and was wondering if I will still have access to that version of the class beyond 2011? I am not planning on signing up for the new one - need to finish up 2011 and work with that word more! But I will need to go back and reference the materials and videos for the months that I did not complete. I absolutely LOVED the class and the process...just need a little break and catch-up in a lot of areas of life!


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes - it will remain open.

  7. Elizabeth H. says…

    What should we do if we did not receive the email as an alum (or accidentally deleted with the onslaught of other emails I have been receiving daily)?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Elizabeth H. says…


    2. Ali says…

      The special offer is listed above that was included with the email if you are wanting that specific information. If you didn't receive it at all and just want to make sure you are receiving emails from them generally email Kiley at

  8. Cynthia says…

    As an alumni of 2011 (and already signed up for 2012 - I am already resonating and feeling the flow with my word) I want to send you a huge thank you Ali! Setting a word, working with it and being more mindful because of it has really created such a difference within me. My word, and all that came from it, also changed the world around me and my relationship with others (some great, some good and some not so great) in ways that were fundamentally for my betterment as a human being. This idea, and the class, are life changing. So again, THANK YOU!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Flavia says…

    Hi! I am new to this class and never heard about it. I am not an english mothertongue so I don't really understand what you mean when speaking of "working with a word". Can you tell me more?
    Moreover, will I be able to do the class although I am italian?

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Flavia says…

      dear ali! thanks a lot! now is much more clear! I will surely read all your material and most probably follow your class. thanks again!

    2. Ali says…

      Hi Flavia - click through to this link for a better understanding of One Little Word and the class: You can also see my past posts on choosing a word here: The basic idea is to pick a word for yourself for the year (maybe instead of resolutions) - it can be any word you want. Here's a list of people's words from last year:

    3. Ali says…

      Also - the class is all in English. As long as you can read/listen/understand I think it would definitely work.

  10. JKnepper says…

    Hi Ali,
    I never got my alumni email.

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi - if you didn’t receive it at all and just want to make sure you are receiving emails from them generally email Kiley at

    2. madeline St onge says…

      OK got it to work now, sorry to be a pain

    3. madeline St onge says…

      Just tried signing up for Stacey's class and it isn't deducting the cost when I put in the promo code. Anybody else having a problem

    4. madeline St onge says…

      I din't either but signed up with the code but don't see where I got the free class. I didn't get the last 3 emails for 2011 either so that may have something to do with it

  11. Theresa S. says…

    Signed up yesterday. Didn't take the course in 2011 and I am SO looking forward to taking it in 2012. Now to come up with my word . ..

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Melinda T says…

    Hi Ali-I'm currently in the class(2011) but don't remember receiving an email.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      If you didn’t receive it at all and just want to make sure you are receiving emails from them generally email Kiley at

  13. Felicia Young says…

    I already signed up a couple of weeks ago! Thank you for the bonus class for the alumni!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jeni says…

    I signed up a few weeks ago. Will be signing my Mom up this weekend too! I'm still not 100% certain of my word but I could be overthinking it. I'm really looking forward to this class.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. dawn says…

    I am glad your doing this again this year. Even though I loved my word from last year it still needs more time and thought for this year.

    When will we be hearing what your OLW is or did I miss it somewhere?

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Paula G says…

    I am looking forward to taking OLW again! I have decided to go with an "add a word" approach and continue this year's word (I'm behind plus don't want to give the word up yet) while starting another word.

    This year has been bittersweet due to challenges both my kids are facing. Some days are heartbreaking - and my word "soul" is sometimes easy, sometimes too painful to write I am thinking of picking a playful word in 2012 and keeping both going simultaneously.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I love the idea of two words for you Paula - soul is a wonderful word. I'd love to hear what you choose for a more playful addition.

  17. judyC says…

    Ali, Could you talk some about finding or deciding upon a word. No word has "found" me! I was thinking of 'organize' or 'declutter' as those are things i would like to finally accomplish, but they don't seem to have any 'energy' in them! I am trying to get around to reading "Improv Wisdom" by Patricia Ryan Madson; I have barely started it. I also have the book "The Gifts of Imperfection," on which you commented (& are quoted on the back cover); haven't started this one yet. Maybe those two books give you some idea of the direction in which I'm headed. Thanks, JudyC (met you previously at Get Croppin' events!)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Judy - I will have some more posts about One Little Word after Christmas. The Gifts Of Imperfection is an awesome book - I haven't read the other one :). Words don't always just find us - sometimes we need to take specific action to choose one and invite it into our lives.

  18. KazT says…

    You know I didn't do this last year, but this year a word has already appeared - be bold in 2012! Heading over to BP to sign up now.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Khloe says…

    Hello!!! I've signed up yesterday!! I'm an italian girl, I've knew you thank by becky higgins's blog, I like you very much!
    I've choosen my little word, I'm excited to follow this class in 2012!!! Bye Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Jennifer Kolakowski says…

    Ali-will the 2012 class be exactly the same as 2011? I have absolutely loved this years class.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      The specific prompts will be the same but I will be recording new presentations (audio/video), updating the handouts to include the things I create with my word (so both text and images), etc.

  21. Kara says…

    I am so excited for OLW this year. My word found me sometime in September or October, I already have my album prepped and my title page done and I'm so excited. Thanks for the alumni discount to both you and BPC!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Annette says…

    I've already been working on my itunes list and a wordle for 2012. It's making it so fun and exciting to get me pumped up for 2012. Someone had a bucket list for 2012 on Twitter, so I may get started on that too. For anyone trying to decide about this class, I say it is definitely worth it and I'm in for 2012 again as well!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Susanne Huettner says…

    I am so thankful, that you will guide me through another year with my word. Thanks to your class, I did not loose sight of my word in 2011 - and I had some positive "adjustments" in my everyday life.
    I watched and enjoyed every video, but I missed to do 3 of the tasks. But best of all: I don't feel a bit of guilt, having not done them, because of YOU!
    Now it is about moving forward and finding a new word for 2012 and seeing what happens.
    This class is the best I have done so far - because it is not about stuff - it is about me - nothing more and nothing less.
    Thanks again, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. sarabeth burke says…

    thank you Ali for guiding this class again-i'm finally jumping in to join this journey and even have had my word for a while now-it's everywhere and i'm going to embrace it for 2012! thanks and see you in class!


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  25. One Little Word « TWO WRITING TEACHERS says…

    [...] one little word to the next level?  Check out Ali Edwards’ Blog for information about her One Little Word 2012 Class. GA_googleAddAttr("AdOpt", "1"); GA_googleAddAttr("Origin", "other"); [...]

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