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Four Things + CHA Video

Here's a few products I'm loving lately and a short video of some things I really liked at CHA:

ONE | Hip Hip Hooray Stitched Circle Embellishments (Pebbles) because circle embellishments have long been a favorite. These are sweet and simple (and yes, you could make them on your own). Might be using these on a birthday layout sometime soon.

TWO | Sequin Arrows (Heidi Swapp) for all things "up."

THREE | Mini Stars Knock Out Punches (American Crafts) for making some of that great confetti I've been seeing around.

FOUR | Be Happy Follow Your Heart 6x6 Paper Pad (My Mind's Eye). Lots of love for these designs by Rhonna Farrer. invited me to do a video while I was at CHA that highlighted a few of my other favorites from the show:

Still feeling a bit under the weather over here.

Trying to take it easy while still trying to get things done that must get done and finding a few moments to start the last book in the Hunger Games series.

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38 thoughts

  1. Gwen says…

    Hey, I always loved your Three Things post and so excited to see it back, kind of.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Bev W. says…

    Found this on pintrest and thought of you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Melanie K says…

    My advice? Finish what needs doing, then start the book ... you will not want to put it down once you start! How did you like the other two? Excited for the movie? I have that day blocked off on my calender ... will be there no matter what!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Beth says…

      For sure (!) get everything essential done before you open that book :) Might be a great way to get that rest you probably need.

  4. Ellie A. says…

    Hope you are feeling better ASAP ((HUGS)) My oldest is SO excited for the Hunger Games movie as he LOVED the series after reading it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. liza says…

    Loved your video, thanks for your top 5, who makes that 6x8 album, is it Simple Stories? I'm going to the Scrapbook Expo in Anaheim, CA in a few weeks and I want to see if they have it there. Thanks.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes - Simple Stories.

  6. jenn shurkus says…

    love the video ali.. i missed being there this year, SOOO much.. so i have enjoyed the various videos out there

    thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. heidiY says…

    Thx for showing your faves - I'd pick those too, esp Hambly & American Crafts!! Great job w/video - and u look FAB!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Alexandra says…

    great post - love it when you showcase products that you like.
    And... how pretty did you look in that video??!! Fabulous!!

    feel better soon : )

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Molly says…

    great video! I especially like the cosmo cricket chipboard album with page protectors. It's perfect.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Anne T. says…

    I read the Hunger Games series three weeks ago. Finished all three books from Thursday to Sunday- could not put them down. Hope you're enjoying them. I'm looking forward to the first movie on March 23rd. Thanks for all the daily inspiration. Love reading your blog.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Totally enjoying them. I'm kinda savoring this last one vs. gulping it down because I want it to last a little bit (and I need sleep LOL). I'll definitely see the movie.

  11. Molly says…

    Also ... feel better :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Sue TR (Your Story 2011) says…

    Feel better Ali!
    My daughter Lily is on book two...and has told me I have to read the series when she's done. She's got her eye on book 3 next!
    Big Hugs!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Debbie says…

    Hi Ali,
    I hope you feel better soon! I was over at Hambly and could not find the overlays you showed in the video. Could you add a link?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Debbie - they aren't available just yet (a few more weeks I think). I'll post a link when they become available.

  14. kristy says…


    I enjoyed hearing your voice in this video. I get to read your words on your blog often, but to hear your voice was a treat.

    : ) kristy

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Amy says…

    awesome post ali!!! i'm a digi scrapper but i still love looking at all these products. as always i appreciate the way you are able to objectively consider and discuss other products, not just your own - but also glad to see what you shared that was yours :O) hope you feel better soon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Michele H. says…

    I think that mini chipboard album is a must have. Love that there are page protectors included.

    Feel well soon! And happy reading...I too savored that last book:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Lisa S says…

    Ali, Thanks for the video, new products always get me in the mood to be creative.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. rhonda says…

    Ali love seeing your favorites from CHA, and I personally loved SC releases and your stamps with TT! BTW I also loved your white jacket!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. HeatherC says…

    Like these things -- will look for them too!

    Question on the overlays -- love them but not always sure how to use them -- especially adhereing them --- anyway you could do a post sometime on this topic?

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Suz says…

    I LOVED the Hunger Games trilogy. My 13YO read the set when they first came out and now my 10YO is reading Catching Fire. We can't wait to see the movie when it comes out!!
    Enjoy and get well really soon!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Teri Hartman says…

    Thanks for the peeks! I'm loving all of your choices and am also really liking My Mind's Eye and Heidi Swapp's new stuff.

    I hope you feel better! We've got the cold of death going through our house too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Steph S. says…

    Sounds like your day is similar to Jamie's....she's at home with strep, reading Hunger Games, and I think she's watching a little Downton Abbey on the side. Sounds like it's going around. Loved your CHA picks...we have similar taste. I had held at least 3 of those things in my hands when I was at Archiver's earlier this week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Patti L says…

    Ooh, I just started the first Hunger Games book and almost halfway addicting! Love it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Jessica Poelma says…

    Simple Stories 6x8 album looks so good!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Christine says…

    Hi Ali,
    Hope you are feeling better.
    The Hunger Games series kept my two kids entertained during our 36 hour power loss recently. My daughter is pushing me to read the first book. Its next on my list.:)

    Reply 0 Replies

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