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31 Things | New Workshop With Me Through Big Picture Classes

I'm excited to announce a new 4-week online workshop I'll be teaching at Big Picture classes in May & June: 31 Things.

Over the course of 31 days, from May 17th through June 16th, you'll receive a daily email that prompts you to document one story from your everyday life. Each email will include a specific word/theme for the day, a detailed writing prompt with suggestions on how to tell the story, and a photo prompt.

31 Things is about capturing life right now but will be much more in-depth on a single daily subject than the documentation you might be used to with projects like Week in the Life or Project Life. This workshop is an opportunity to get specific pieces of your story told with the simple goal of telling more.

Class includes:

  • Supply list with live links to product resources

  • Access to a pre-classroom, available immediately upon registration for class

  • Handout and supporting materials that include full color step-by-step album instructions and everything you need to be ready to go on the first day of class

  • Daily emails that include a specific theme for the day, a writing prompt (with supporting information) and a photo prompt

  • Downloadable layered templates (Photoshop) and journaling templates (Photoshop and Word)

  • Printable elements to create a hybrid/printed album

  • Message board to share your thoughts with your classmates

  • Private posting gallery to share your work and view the work of your classmates

  • One live chat with Ali Edwards

Cost of the class is $31.

Read more details, listen to an audio introduction and register here.

Upon registering you'll have immediate access to a pre-classroom which includes a 50 minute presentation/overview of the class and project, the printables & digital downloads, etc. I want you to be all ready to go for that first daily email on May 17th.

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36 thoughts

  1. Mrs. V says…

    I signed up Saturday and viewed the pre-class materials. I am so excited!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Susan says…

    can't wait - im' signing up this week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Rachael Yonko says…

    Love Project Life! Going to check out 31 Things too looks very cool!
    Thanks. Love all the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Marie-Pierre says…

    THIS is exactly what I was hoping for!!!! I'm SO HAPPY!! :) I'll see you in class. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Marcia Scantlin says…

    This would be an amazing class to take and especially to win.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Holly Heaslip says…

    what a super opportunity to begin scrapbooking!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Terri says…

    A perfect class for those of us who journal or write a lot, and that's me. Thank you so much for the simplicity of the product use and the depth of the writing we will do. I signed up for this class, listened to your detailed audio/video portion, and danced around my scraproom! Can't wait, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. ana smith says…

    can't wait to start '31'. I have a yosemite vacation during this time so the everyday story will be interesting, along with time to get it on paper. fun all the way around.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Keianna says…

    Ali, the class sounds great, but I was wondering if you could hive us an idea of what you mean by a daily word/theme. You mean like love, food, etc?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes. They are simple topics that could a variety of different stories. The first day is jewelry.

  10. Ellen McKinley says…

    I'm thinking about it. . . . I need to rejuvenate and get excited about scrapbooking again--life events interfered with my regular routine and now I'm having a hard time starting. Perhaps this would do the trick!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Linda says…

    Since I am doing Stacy's Twelve this seems like it woudl fit in very nicely. Another help in getting stories on paper!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Sue Pinkowski says…

    Very excited!! signed up on Saturday. See you in class.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Miranda says…

    I just signed up for the class and am so excited! This sounds like a great opportunity to push our writing limits. Can't wait!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Nicole says…

    I'm very excited about this class Ali and I can't wait to dedicate some time to focus on writing. I've already listened to your pre-class presentation twice! Do you think you could add 'make a 31 Things blog button' to your to-do list? I'd love to add one to my sidebar. Thank you!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Raylene says…

    Love your classes! They are so thoughtful and easy to follow! I hope I can win a spot . . . otherwise I will be signing up! Yippee!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Queen Mary says…

    Well, I signed up too even though I have ZERO problem writing stories! I'm looking forward to some "automatic thinking" with the words before even looking at questions - jewelry (since you let the cat out of the bag already) for instance brings to mind my wedding ring -- we got 2 for $75; how I wear something from my husband when I need good luck with work; how I love two pieces I have that were my grandmothers -- and then how certain members of my family fought over my mom's things when she died in January -- good, bad, sweet, bitter, all excellent stories in their own right.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Melinda T says…

    I'm very excited for this class!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Kellie says…

    I won't be able to attend this class because I'll be traveling for work for most of the summer - would this be offered as a self paced class for those of us who'd like to do it later?

    By the way - LOVE your prompts :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Kellie - this one won't be a self-paced class (at least anytime within the next two years or so). With Big Picture once you sign up you have indefinite access to the class so even if you aren't available to do it "live" you would still get the emails and could archive them for a time that's more convenient for you down the road.

  19. yanina says…

    I just signed up. I can't wait. Thanks

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Mary in IL says…

    this sounds so neat.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. dawn says…

    This looks great Ali, would be nice to have a little book with simple stories about me.

    Where did you get the ideas for each prompt?

    I see your comment about the jewelry one, I don't wear any so would I skip that day?

    Thanks for always keeping us inspired with new projects. Will start saving for the class.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      The story you would write for that day would be why you don't :). Or what your Mom or Grandma or Aunt wore/wears.

      The prompts are ones I thought of here in my office as I thought about what sorts of stories about my life (basic, regular old stories that my kids might want to know someday) I want to write about.

  22. Autumn says…

    I am excited to be creating again! Having a one year old and working full time as a middle school teacher consumes most of my time but I am looking forward to getting stories told this summer! I am going to sign up today. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Kari says…

    Hi Ali,
    The class looks great, and I'm really interested, but had a question. I am outside of the US, in a country where it is hard to get supplies. I looked over the supply list and it looked simple enough, but I was wondering about how the two days will go on one 12 x 12 layout. Would it be cut and paste each day onto the layout, or would I need to print 12 x 12? I don't have access to a fancy printer, so wondering how "digitally" involved it would be. Hope that makes sense! Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Kari - I'm cutting and pasting mine without using the oversize options on my printer. Each day will take up 1/2 the page (I'm cutting and pasting a photo, my journaling, and two strips - one at the top and one at the bottom + washi tape or ribbon in the middle). It's a very simple set up.

  24. Julia says…

    this class looks awesome... i've never done one of the online classes... but am thinking this one should be my first! i love the idea of some extra motivation and accountability to get those stories down on paper!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Susanne says…

    I signed up today and am happy to take another class with you!
    Hope I can learn more about journaling - that is always the hardest part for me, because I often think it somehow sounds stupid. And I love yours so much.

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