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Week In The Life 2012 | Options For Sharing

Photos printed using the Share Your Story layered templates (with the titles removed).

Week In The Life 2012 kicks off on Monday.

Here's a few places set up for sharing for 2012:

BIG PICTURE | Free Week In The Life Community - includes message boards and gallery (and archives from last year for additional inspiration)

FLICKR | Week In The Life 2012

TWITTER | #weekinthelife

INSTAGRAM | #weekinthelife

Also feel free to link up thoughts and comments to my Ali Edwards Design Facebook page.

I'll also include a spot within each of my daily word + photo posts for you to share a link to your content.

Giveaways will be running throughout the week as well, with two sponsor giveaways each day + a large Title Sponsor giveaway on Sunday (the 29th).

Have a great weekend, rest up and get ready for a cool experience next week!

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25 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    I can't wait for Monday to come, it always feels like Christmas Eve the night before. So happy to have all these places to share our photos.
    Thanks Ali for sharing this project with us!!
    So excited!!!!

    Happy weekend to you Ali!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Becky M. says…

    I can't wait either!! This will be my first year and I am not sure what I will end up with but I am so excited for the challenge. Also, to be able to have this to look back on for years! Thanks Ali for all the support you give us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. J3SS1C4 says…

    I can't wait for Monday to come! I'm well looking forward to documenting the next week! And I'm super glad to have come up with a simple format ahead of time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Paula says…

    Yay! Looking forward to lots of inspiration! Giving myself "permission to participate" on a journaling only level this year to accomodate the 6AM-10:30PM daily schedule I currently have of getting daughter to school/working all day/going to rehab to spend time with mom/coming home exhausted and doing housework/errands. Past 2 months haven't fit the week in the life mode I prefer or have time to work with - but I got to thinking that my feelings, thoughts, "ah hah's" and little moments are still occuring every day anyway - so why not do something fun for myself and participate in a smaller way. Looking forward to it!!!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Birgit says…

      I am so glad, I am not the only one with a schedule like that. Great idea to "down-size" week in the life approach. Usually I take plenty of pictures, planing on journaling later and then it never happens. So, I really like your way of doing WITL. I will give it a try, too. Thank you for sharing.

    2. Annette says…

      I love this idea Paula. I think it is brilliant!

  5. Laura Halmrast says…

    I am ready for my 3rd year of doing WITL! I have the 8.5x11 version of your templates and when working with them I noticed that on the Friday page the tag is not the same size or the wording is bigger because my element wouldn't fit like it did on the other ones. Is this something that can be fixed?


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Laura - the letters in "fri" are "skinny-er" which then makes them "taller" when enlarged to fit the width of the letters "day." You could make it smaller if you wanted by clicking on the "friday" layer and dragging to make it smaller.

  6. Angela says…

    Ok, I'm excited for this!!!! I just blogged about it and invited my readers!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Murray Ho says…

    I am participating from thousand miles away - Singapore (Asia)! Same excitement as New Year eve!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Clare Lloyd says…

    I'm new to scrapbooking but looking forward to this project. It is especially exciting for me as it is my birthday on Tuesday so I get to document all of my celebrations. What an excuse to stretch them out :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Shelly P says…

      Welcome to scrapbooking, you're gonna love it. :) and an early Happy Birthday wish to you :)

  9. Michelle says…

    Much excitement here as well. This Wednesday is ANZAC Day which is a very important holiday here in Australia were we remember our military personnel. As a two person military family I am so excited that this is the WITL week and we get to record the lead up to this day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Sandy says…

    Hi Ali,
    I had a great thought while in the shower this morning about how I'm going to approach Project Life the week of Week in the Life so I thought I could share in case it helps anyone else who is concerned about how both fit together or not.
    I do traditional physical PL with a picture (or memorabilia) a day and digital WITL. Did both for the first time in 2011.
    Last year I combined 6 instagram pics onto a 4x6 print for each day for my Project Life. When there were soooo many pics to choose from each day it was hard to narrow it down to one. Made it a bit busy and different from all the other weeks, which is a good thing.
    This year I decided that I'm going to make my Project Life during WITL completely about memorabilia - kids handwriting and art samples, mail, packaging, etc. I have been wanting to get a bit more memorabilia in there anyway so this gives me a good focus to my week!
    Bring it on!
    I'm trying to get a few of my friends on board with WITL too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jessi says…

    So excited to join in!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Peggy says…

    I live giveaway Saturday's! Thanks for always sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. tydzień z życia 2012 {a week in the life 2012} | says…

    [...] Czy ktoś z tu obecnych czytających zamierza wziąć udział w projekcie organizowanym przez Ali Edwards ”Week in the life 2012”? [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Darlene says…

    Count me in for a chance to win such great prizes, thanks to your sponsors Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Mallory says…

    Still undecided :/
    Maybe I'll do a simple variation within my Project Life album with a photo a day and some journaling about life right now.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Marya says…

    I'm getting really excited about my first WITL. I've been trying to get organized and it's just making me more excited to get started!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Jennifer L. says…

    For the first time ever, I'm going to cut the umbilical cord from Ali and try to do my own thing for WITL...I'm hoping for something exciting and innovating, and I'll be sure to post it on my blog as well as Flickr. I hope Ali will be proud!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Bec says…

    I am 60 years old, with grown children. I am an RN and work 12 hour night shifts. At least 3 days out of the week I just work and sleep. Has anyone done A Week in The Life who has similar circumstances as I do? Just curious. Wondering if it is worth doing since mine would probably be pretty boring. Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Milena Romaniuk says…

    Every year I try to do Week in the Life & December Daily & every year I fail. I liked the idea of sharing the pictures on Instagram & I think I may actually succeed with finishing this year! I have a very busy week, but I think taking a minute several times a day to snap a quick photo will be no problem & I'm excited to document this! Thanks for the idea!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Week In The Life | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] Options For Sharing (Big Picture Community, Flickr, etc) [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Andrea Lamp says…

    I'm Sharing Thru Instagram, So Much Fun!! :)

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