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Reason #163 Why I Take Lots Of Photos

REASON #163 WHY I TAKE LOTS OF PHOTOS | Because most of the time school pictures don't tell the whole story.

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98 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    Oh my goodness, have we ever seen Anna looking like this, she must be used to just her mama taking her picture. Almost seems like she's trying NOT to smile. How big she looks in this photo.

    I like the grumpy pants photo you shared also. Great shot of her and her shadow, loved her cute outfit also.

    Thanks Ali for this post, made me smile!

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  2. Shirley says…

    OHHHHHH I have one of those pictures. My expression is exactly like that. The funny thing is I remember more about that school picture and the story behind it than any other one. I think I was in 2nd grade.

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  3. Michelle B says…

    My little Zooey (1 years old) did not get her spring daycare pictures taken. I guess she took one look at the photographer and took off screaming! The staff told me that she is probably "camera shy". I just laughed... she is the most photographed kid ever! I am always in her face with my big camera. I think the situation or the photographer made her upset. Oh well...saved me some money because I didn't have to buy the package of not-so-great school photos.

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  4. Amy says…


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  5. Jill Kane says…

    I didn't recognize her - seriously, thought it was someone else's child until I read the caption.

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  6. Amy says…

    My sister has a school picture with a similar expression. Of course, it is the picture that we all remember and it is the ONE with the story!

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  7. Lisa W. says…

    OH my...this is to cute, AND to funny. What a little sour face. What is it with school "pics" I just have never like them!!! Thanks for making us smile!!!

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  8. Cheri says…

    What did that mean photographer say to her? She looks like she is about to bust out in tears!

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  9. Susi from Germany says…


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  10. Ruby C says…

    She is so pretty, even though she looks very uncertain about why she has to sit so still for a photo. Maybe that photographer just doesn't know what he's doing. LOL!

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  11. Raquel says…

    Too funny! I have a similar one (more tears, though) of my then 3 year old.

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  12. laura g. says…

    ohmygosh!!! that doesn't even look like anna! anna is a smiling whirlwind!!

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  13. MK Hennigan says…

    So true, if we had to rely on school pics to tell the stories of our lives mine would be a sad tale. Such a sweet picture anyway, love a girl with spunk and spirit. I have two of them myself and I would ask for nothing more. Keep telling and sharing your stories with us.

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  14. Melanie says…

    OMWord how sweet!

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  15. Francesca Di Leo says…

    oh but they do tell stories. just from a different perspective. it's a beautiful picture of beautiful big girl anna-pants. xox

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  16. Michelle L says…

    I've never gotten a good school photo of either of my boys! It's always something! LOL
    She's super cute though!

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  17. Catherine says…

    This will be a family classic! Oh my.

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  18. {vicki} says…

    How True!
    School pictures are the worst!
    But I buy them anyway!~

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Pat Baker says…

    I remember one little boy at the elementary school where I worked who would purposely make a quirky face for his school picture every year. Needless to say, his mother was not amused!

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  20. Miranda says…

    Hahahahaha! Great post!

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  21. Amy says…

    we are VERY lucky at our school to have a local photographer take the kid's pictures and NOT Lifetouch. They are 100 times better for the same price.
    Although that photo of Anna is priceless! That face!!

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  22. Jeanette says…

    Awww...still an adorable photo!!!

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  23. Sarah K says…

    One of mine had a school picture that looked terrible...when I asked him why he made that face....he replied with, "I was trying to look old." Whoops :P

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  24. madeline St onge says…

    Never seen Anna grumpy, but she still looks cute Ali

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  25. amy says…

    aw. the little peanut! she still looks pretty cute. :)

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