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Dear Anna

Dear Anna,

Just a little note to let you know how much I love you.

Here's a look at what's happening during the summer you were three:

  • You just started swimming lessons today (with Logan again) and the difference in interest is really big. Katie took you today and reported back that you loved it and had a really fun time and did a great job following directions. I saw Logan at the pool and he said you did too (even though it was a cooler cloudy day at an outdoor pool).

  • One of my favorite things about you at this point in time is your singing. You are making up songs left and right. I need to try to capture one as you are singing it (they change just about every time and are usually really funny and totally fed by whatever it is you are thinking about at the time).

  • You and Katie created a reward chart (Simon has one so you needed one too) and you've been really motivated to do some of your alphabet and number worksheets. Loved watching the two of you working together at the table yesterday.

  • It's still all about pink & purple.

  • Bedtime has been a bit of a challenge and with the summer here and later natural bedtimes it's shaking things up even more. Some bedtimes are really hard and others are smooth sailing - just trying to head in the direction of more smooth sailing evenings (I found this article helpful as I was working to get myself back on track: Bedtime Battles - How To Nip Them In The Bud.).

  • I love your silliness and giggles and all the life inside you.

  • You've been saying "I love you" a ton and also "you're the best."

  • I asked you what your favorite thing right now is and you said "berries" followed by "raspberries" and "blueberries."

I love you so much Anna,

Love Mom

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48 thoughts

  1. heather says…

    beautiful! your words and your daughter both!!

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  2. Pauline says…

    Gorgeous photos & words. Must do something similar for our girls!

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  3. Stephanie Ackerman says…

    SHE is growing soooo fast and is ADORABLE!!! I still remember the day you told me you were pregnant and I cherish the photo and the moment! Love you friend..think about you sooo often..wish we lived closer to each other! Happy Summer!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Melinda says…

    The spirit of your words and the preciousness of your daughter speak straight to the heart -- so uplifting!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Karina says…

    She is so adorable !!! I would looove to hear Anna singing !!! Ali, I have two girls, 9 and 12 years old. My advice ? ( I'm sure this is not the first time your hear it, but is totally true ) ENJOY EVERY SINGLE MINUTE ... Time literally FLIES !!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jesa says…

    What a greats idea to document your child's summer as it's happening right now. I had been thinking of creating a layout or two for my son's summer vacation since a lot of activities are in motion. This would be one way to approach the writing. Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Kimberlee says…

    Awww... she is so cute. What a great letter. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Lenea says…

    I love how you write your posts to your children. You are an amazing mom!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Anita says…

    Makes me miss my little girls. They are now 25 and 29 and living far (too far, in my opinion) from home. They are happy, which makes me happy, but I do miss them and treasure the time we do get to spend together!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Sheila@Chinaberry says…

    What an inspiring letter -- and something Anna will cherish when she is older :-)

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  11. Melissa says…

    So, what is it like to look at your daughter and see your own face looking back at you?

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  12. Jenny says…

    Love this Ali.

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  13. Nancy says…

    My daughter is 23 and I always say that if I could have her go back to any age it would be three. It's such a sweet age! Anna is ADORABLE and has the sweetest smile ever!

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  14. Kim S. (nerdgrl) says…

    Love that smile!

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  15. Ruby C says…

    So sweet, such a precious smile!

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  16. Deb J says…

    Anna is such a pretty little girl with such a sweet, great smile. I love the way she is growing and changing and becoming. Thanks for keeping us updated so often.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Jane says…

    I love this letter to your daughter and always love all your writings. I wish I could write like that. I look at your blog everyday and you do inspire me so much. Thanks for always sharing your life.

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  18. Alexandra says…

    I'd love to know more about your reward charts. My twins are 9 and I'm thinking of setting something up like this for the summer - just not sure where to start and how the rewards work.

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  19. Sue says…

    She is so doggone cute. I think I'd just let her stay up as late as she wants :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Carol W. says…

    She is too cute. Beautiful and heart warming. Love reading your words. TFS

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Melanie says…

    Love this.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Wilma Cole says…

    Ali, I love the 'grown-up' hairdo. Precious.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. madeline St onge says…

    Love your words to your beautiful little girl

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Tere says…

    love your share.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. jennifer Camplin says…

    perfect... thank for sharing..

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