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Guest Post | Susannah Conway's Day In The Life

The lovely Susannah Conway has a new book available today titled This I Know: Notes On Unraveling The Heart. I received it last week and have been savoring it. It's real and raw and beautiful and true. It's about loss and rebirth and finding yourself. Highly recommended.

To celebrate the launch of her book I invited her to share some words and photos with you today about her everyday life (totally makes me want to do a day in the life again).

1. A simple breakfast of smoked salmon, boiled eggs, blueberries and cream cheese. I’m trying to loose a few pounds so I forgo my usual toast. It’s not too much of a hardship.

2. Exercise. This is a new part of my day, something I’m not loving enormously but hoping I will learn to enjoy. My body needs it, my minds it… I’m doing my best. Today I fast-walked through the park listening to dance music then came back and lifted free weights. My arms are starting to tone up which makes this 39-year-old woman extremely happy.

3. Most days are spent indoors at the computer, but today I met my friend, Jo, for lunch. Walking into town I discovered bunting has been draped everywhere — everyone seems very excited about the Queen’s upcoming Jubilee. I remain ambivalent.

4 & 5. Lunch at Jamie’s Italian, my favourite place in Bath. Jo and I talked non-stop for an hour or so. I’m so grateful for friends who get me.

6. More bunting. It’s an epidemic, I swear!

7. Home and back to work. My first book is coming out in a week so I’m sending out copies and doing lots of promotional work. It’s exciting and nerve-wracking and amazing.

8. Every time I open my book I find something I need to read in that moment. It’s uncanny. I sometimes wonder if I wrote the book for my future self.

9. Quick Skype check-in with my virtual assistant, Nita, who lives in California. Having help and support in my business has truly revolutionised how I work these days.

10. I finally get off the computer around 10pm and chill out with a DVD for a while, beer in hand. There was dinner too, but it wasn’t worth photographing. My bed, however, WAS worth photographing — it’s my cosy cocoon and I love it so. Sleep rocks.

ABOUT SUSANNAH | Susannah Conway is the author of This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart (SKIRT!, June 2012). A photographer, writer and e-course creator, her classes have been enjoyed by thousands of people from all over the world. Co-author of Instant Love: How to Make Magic and Memories with Polaroids (Chronicle Books, 2012), Susannah helps others reconnect to their true selves, using photography as the key to open the door. You can read more about her shenanigans on her blog at and connect with her on Twitter: @SusannahConway.

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21 thoughts

  1. KathleenB says…

    Sounds like an interesting book. Will have to put it on my "to read" list.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. sherry says…

    hhmmm, this might be what i'm looking for

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. nathalie says…

    oh, I cannot wait till I receive my copy !!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Katrina says…

    Really adored Susannah's book....and equally adore seeing her beautiful photographs. Thanks for sharing :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. marsha. says…

    Susannah is amazing! I haven't seen the book yet, my ordered copy is still on it's way... But I know that it's going to be good!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Susan Anderson says…

    I ordered the book last week and it's wonderful. Like sitting down with a good friend over coffee. Comfortable, inspiring, warm...

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. christene says…

    All of a sudden thinking about a day in this (crazy, hectic) life, before my "it's just a year" is over and I find a new norm. I know I won't remember how it was, even though I think I will...

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jesa says…


    I've been following you closely on both your blog and work. The raw style of writing and all your photography I simply love! When I first read about your story in a little mini bio "about the artist" from Liz Lamoreux's Inner Excavation book I gravitated to you and ever since, read your blog on a daily basis. I have taken three courses with you including Unravelling. Though the classes are over and done with I still find myself using photography to continue learning about myself. I'm a huge fan and soon will have both of your books in my collection. I wish you the very best and much, much success with this book. Ali thank you for inviting such an inspiring guest!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Susannah Conway says…

      aww, thank you so much Jesa! I love that photography is still a part of your life -- don't ever stop, okay? :D xxx

  9. borcherding says…

    aw man, ANOTHER book to check out at amazon! thanks ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I know! You can always request it at your local library too.

  10. Barb in AK says…

    I'm not familiar with Susannah, but her book sounds fascinating! It would be well worth my time to pick it up and read it, I believe. :-) Her post today beckons me to get to know her better.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Patti L says…

    Cool. Thanks for the blog link, she seems like someone I would like to know more about and read her book!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Susannah Conway says…

    Thank you so much for your sweet comments everyone! and thank you, Ali, for inviting me into your blog home -- it's an honour! xxx

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. kate adderley says…

    book looks like a good read, another one on the list, thanks for always having sometime interesting.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Maggie says…

    Love, love, LOVE Susannah and have been staring at her new book on my desk for the past week or so. I'm afraid to break it open before I have some quality time to give it the attention it deserves. I'm definitely looking forward to devouring it this weekend! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Karen Hamad says…

    Went out and got a copy- it will be a help to both myself and my patients as we deal with personal grief and growth- thanks for the suggestion!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Niki says…

    I loved this post. Honestly I used to skip guest post, but this has caught my eyes, so I read it and it totally worth it. Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Sarah in the UK says…

    Thanks for a great guest- I've added Susannah's book onto my amazon wish list.

    Recently been seeing trails on TV for 'Britain in a Day' which the BBC are showing tonight, which is made up of video that people recorded on 12th November 2011 and submitted via youtube, makes me think of day/week in the life :)

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