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Product Review For Kids | Kiwi Crate

Last month I received an email from a cool company called Kiwi Crate asking if I was interested in testing out one of their creative kits for kids.

I checked it out, thought it looked fun and something Anna would be interested in exploring.

Kiwi Crate is a cool twist on the monthly kit clubs we are used to as scrapbookers. This one is geared towards kids ages 3-7.

They offer a monthly subscription based service where they deliver a box to your child each month that’s designed around a certain theme (think Dinosaurs, Garden, Superheroes, Space). In each box are 2-3 carefully designed and kid-tested projects, which cover a range of developmental areas and subjects, including art, science, and imaginative play. All the materials and inspiration to encourage creativity and curiosity are included.

Check out some of their sample crates.

Katie and Anna tested out a sample crate yesterday and we all thought it was really cool.

Anna loved that she got a box in the mail addressed to her. She was so excited to open it up and find out what kind of surprise was hidden inside.

This Busy With Bugs crate included two projects (1) bug painting with cool sponges that you place in water and they expand (see the photo at the top of this post) and (2) a firefly project (making a firefly out of a bottle, glow sticks, stickers, etc).

Here's a look at the supplies for the firefly project:

Anna placing the stickers on the bottle:

Here's a look at the instruction sheet for the painting project:

I was impressed with the overall design, the emphasis on both creativity & facts, that everything was included, and the level of thought that went into the kit.

These flash cards were great for talking about facts while she was having fun painting and creating the lightning bug.

Overall I was super impressed.

I really liked that it was all there in one box - it simplified the gathering process and Anna enjoyed the whole thing. She was super proud to come up to my office and show me the firefly she built.

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27 thoughts

  1. Sue P says…

    Looks like a fun project and Anna did a great job. This could be pretty entertaining on those long winter days that are on the way

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. adrienne says…

    This looks super cool! My two youngest kids would love this...I'm going to have to give a try. I also think this would make a great gift! Thanks for the insight :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Ellie A. says…

    Oh how fun is that! I was looking into those kits actually looks like a blast :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Amanda McGregor says…

    Yours is the second blog I have seem this week, reviewing kiwi crate! I love the idea, can't afford it, but am in awe at the whole idea of kiwi crate!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Keianna says…

    I have been waiting for Claire's 3rd birthday to buy this. I love the idea of it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. laura g. says…

    what a great idea! looks like fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Alida says…

    Such a cool idea. Pity we live overseas. Gathering all the stuff needed is usually the one thing that gets in the way of me doing a project with the kids.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Debbie says…

    Hi, these look like a unique and interesting gift idea. Does anyone know of something similar available in the UK?

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Kristie says…

    What a great idea for kids! Anna did a great job on her bug :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Denise says…

    My GC are now just a tad too old for these kits, but love arts & crafts. Anyone know of a similar thing for 8-12 year olds? I love, love, love this idea.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Tina Johnstone says…

    I'd love to find something like this for slightly older kids... I have 10 and 11 year old sons who are very artsy and creative, but these activities look a little young.

    Have they mentioned doing anything for Simon's age group?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      They didn't - wondering about that too.

  12. Susan C says…

    With a three and a four year old at home this looks super cool, thanks for sharing Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. jengd says…

    I've been subscribing to this for the past few months and my just-turned 5yr old gets so excited when the green box shows up. That bug bottle was one of my favorites just because I love the colors so much.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Paula says…

    Awesome kits! Wish my kids were still in this age group, I loved crafting with them!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. ARC says…

    We got a 6mo subscription from a friend, and have done one kit so far. It's also a great dad-kid activity because even non-crafty dads can get into it with everything nicely planned out.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Bernadette @b3hd says…

    Really cool instructional fun. I think I'm going to reach out to them to see if they might be willing to sponsor some learning kits for some of our schools. It would be awesome for kids to have fun activities to do while grown ups are doing their things (ie, conferences, workshops, etc.)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Sheila Ferreri says…

    Looks great! Although my kids are past this stage, I have a couple of nieces and newphews who would absolutely love this! Great idea!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Sheila Ferreri says…

      oops, nephews!

  18. Talby says…

    Have sent several emails to this company with specific questions.
    We have triplet grandchildren who will turn three just after the first of the year. I want to know if it's necessary to "add on" 2 more children to these kits. Do they ALL need to be tripled??
    Can anyone else out there help me? Plus, I am wondering about the customer service!!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Talby says…

      Forgot to mention that nobody from Kiwi Crate ever answered my emails which I did send through their website.

  19. KIWI CRATE – Monthly kids crafts subscription box | subscription obsession says…

    [...] Product Review For Kids | Kiwi Crate ( [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Megan Evans says…

    Hi Ali,
    I actually make the type of box you've been trying out with your kids. I work within the national curriculum guidelines and all my ones are dyslexia friendly. Everything in the box is also designed and made in Britain. I would be thrilled to send your kids a box to see what they think.
    All my boxes are dyslexia friendly, follow the Foundation Phase and up to key stage 2. Numeracy, literacy,science, arts and crafts and cooking skills are all covered by each and every box.
    Please let me know where to send a box or ring me on 07445457216 for more information.
    Discovery Kids

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Megan Evans says…

    Message for Talby,

    Each box is made for as many siblings as you need and more or less can be added to boxes for twins, triplets or more. Boxes can be made with nurseries in mind. I also make boxes in Welsh, French or Spanish.
    Contact me on 07445457216 for more information.
    Discovery Kids

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Rosie says…

      Megan do you have a web site?

  22. Laura says…

    Megan Evans, where can I find out more about these boxes in the uk that you were talking about? I am very interested.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. vendors in Dallas says…

    Have you have considered doing a content schedule of upcoming posts?

    It helps keep you accountable and gives fans, like myself,
    something to look forward to. Best of luck.

    Reply 0 Replies

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