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Sponsor Giveaways | Project Real Life, Words Unsaid, Kit-tastic

GIVEAWAY | One person will receive a spot in Becky Higgins upcoming 12-Week workshop Project Real Life at Big Picture Classes.

"Cultivate a good life and record it." This idea is at the heart of everything Becky Higgins does with her blog, her products and in her real life. Come and join her for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend some time with her during the last quarter of 2012. As Becky goes about preparing for the holidays, organizing around her home and documenting her family's story along the way, she'll be sharing ideas to inspire you, tips to motivate you, and real-life suggestions on how to cultivate the life you want.

Whether you're a long-time Project Lifer or you're just now hearing about Project Life, you will love learning about the guilt-free philosophy behind this system of memory-keeping. While Becky will give you plenty to think about and do during the 12 weeks of this workshop, she has no intentions of overwhelming you. This is based on her belief that that there isn't a person that exists who really "does it all" — and this should be the last thing that we expect from ourselves.

Additional details and registration can be found here.

GIVEAWAY | One person will receive a spot in Jen Gallacher's new workshop Words Unsaid at Two Peas In A Bucket.

Memories fade quickly and making sure we include all our stories within our scrapbooks can seem daunting. In this Mini Workshop, Garden Girl Jen Gallacher shares her approach for meaningful journaling. Jen is a dedicated journal keeper and has kept personal journals for over 30 years (ever since she was old enough to write). Now she combines her love of record keeping with scrapbooking! This journaling-centered class covers topics from holidays, to day-to-day events, to family moments, and several often forgotten subjects.

Lessons include:

  • Chapter 1: Special Events

  • Chapter 2: Day-to-Day Living

  • Chapter 3: Stories to Remember

Each chapter includes 10 BRAND NEW layouts for a total of 30 layouts. An instructional video is provided for each chapter in which Jen discusses her philosophy on journaling each memory, as well as, her creative approach to journaling design. Each chapter video highlights the start-to-finish process of one of the chapter layouts. Watch Jen select the photos, journal her story, and complete a layout all under 30 minutes!

Beyond mere journaling, Jen discusses challenges to telling the story, creative methods for incorporating journaling on the page, and product suggestions for a fresh approach to journaling design. A helpful PDF is provided for each chapter and combines into a complete, comprehensive guide to meaningful journaling. Each layout is highlighted on its own page and includes the complete supply list, a close-up photo, and the approach to both documenting the story and the design of the journaling. Additional materials found within the PDF include topic ideas, journaling product ideas, and tips and tricks for journaling.

Whether you're an experienced writer looking to incorporate journaling into your scrapbooks, or you struggle with knowing what to say on your pages, this workshop's for you! Never leave "words unsaid" again!

The content of this workshop will be available immediately upon purchase. The lessons are available for you to work at your own pace and upon purchase can be accessed in the "Workshops" section under "Classes & Events." A private message board forum is also available to ask questions of both Jen and to connect with other participants. Enjoy!

GIVEAWAY | One person will receive a spot in May Flaum's new workshop Kit-tastic at Big Picture Classes.

Does it take you WAY too long to decide which supplies to use on a layout? Would you like to learn a solution to this and a way to dive in and get creating fantastic projects?

Whether you have packaged kits that you’ve never even opened or an overflowing paper tote, want to learn how to create your own kits so that you can be more efficient packing for crops or are just looking for some scrapbooking inspiration, this is the class for you.

In Kit-tastic, May Flaum will lead you through four weeks of ideas, inspiration, scrapbook layouts and cards. She will show you how to bring your supplies together to make kits – and get the most from your creative time. Filled with videos, handouts, all new projects, and a very interactive class experience, you don’t want to miss out on this class.

Additional details and registration information can be found here.

TO BE ENTERED into this giveaway please leave a comment below (if you are reading this post on Facebook please come to my blog to leave a comment). Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific on Sunday evening. The winners will be posted shortly after. Please be sure to check back or subscribe (click here to get posts delivered to your email box) to see if you are receiving one of the items.

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947 thoughts

  1. Karen d says…

    Good morning. Thanks for chance to win a spot in a class. Sounds like fun.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Lynnette says…

    I don't usually enter, but these classes seem too fantastic to pass up!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jo E says…

    This looks like a fantastic giveaway. Count me in please. Have a great weekend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. SusanB says…

    Fabulous prizes ~ thanks for the chance to win!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Shannon Stout says…

    Oh my! Thanks Ali! I would LOVE any one of these spots! So exciting!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. jett says…

    Wow... any of these classes would we an awesome score! Thanks for the chance.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Susan says…

    These classes sound fun. I'd love to win a spot!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Miriam Prantner says…

    These classes all sound great, althoguh I think I'm most excited about Kit Tastic. Thanks for the chances to win!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Isabelle A. says…

    I would love to win a spot in Becky's class!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. KathleenB says…

    WOW! All of these classes look awesome! Love Project Life, but the other classes look cool as well! Thanks for the opportunity. Have a great weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Cathy S says…

    I love online classes!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Sue says…

    Wow. Awesome giveaways. Awesome sponsors!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Leah Cameron says…

    I would love to win a spot in any one of these classes. Thanks for the chance to win!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Tracey says…

    PLEASE let me win! I would LOVE to do Becky's class.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Kristy P says…

    Thanks for the opportunity!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Lori says…

    These classes are the perfect way to start the fall season!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Kristie McK says…

    Fantastic prizes!!!!! Everything crossed! thanks for the chance!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Petra says…

    Wow what an awesome giveaway. Thank you so much for giving us a cance to win.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Diamond says…

    What a great opportunity!! This would be fantastic.....Thanks

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Kate A says…

    Would love to do Becky's class. Would be perfect to work on some of our family life right now - our son has just been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome (challenging!), and we have a new niece (wonderful). Love to be a winner!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. JAY says…

    Excellent giveaways again! Am crossing my fingers and toes....x

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Rebekah says…

    Yes! Count me in!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Sharon Russell says…

    would love to TAKE vs. TEACH a class for a change!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Beth P says…

    Awesome giveaways. Thanks form the chance to win Ali :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Karin S says…

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Reply 0 Replies

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