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Around Here

Last week in my 52 Lifts Newsletter I invited readers to play along with a journaling prompt about "Currently," "Around Here," or "Right Now" and post on a blog or create a layout to share today. You are invited to link to your own post/project below. Here are my words:

Watching Anna. She's a little sparkler.

Packing for Ireland. Figuring out what to take and what to leave behind. Currently creating some custom journal cards for the people coming along on the adventure.

Paying attention to Simon and how he's adapting to the new school schedule. Looking for that balance between jumping in to "fix things" immediately and letting him adapt to things on his own. Finding that his recovery time after major frustrations seems to be a little less than when he was younger - celebrating those steps.

Listening to talk radio again and the new Mumford & Sons.

Cooking comfort food. This week it's crock pot lasagna (decent but still not really as great as baked) and pork verde (super simple 2 ingredient: (1) pork tenderloin and (2) jar of Trader Joes Salsa Verde) for tacos.

Celebrating Katie & Peter returning home from their European adventure and beyond excited that they got engaged along the way. The kids are ready for them to have their wedding right now. Also celebrating her first week of work here as my assistant. #changingmylife

Waiting for December when I can get the new iphone (waiting for my contract to be up). I'm pretty happy with the iphone4 camera so I'm pretty much beyond excited to see what the iphone5 camera can do. I find it takes so many of my photos these days because of the size and simplicity.

Savoring some time on my own, including my drives up the freeway to visit Greg (where I can often be found listening to music in my car really, really loud). In the beginning that time away from my kids was tremendously hard and heart-wrenching. I felt like I couldn't breathe and it was all I could do to just make it through those weekends in one piece. Eventually I grew to appreciate that time (even before dating), especially knowing it was important for them to spend time with Chris.

Planning for and even dreaming about December Daily. So much to do when I get home from my October travels. Planning to post foundation pages in late October.

Working on relaxing, chilling out, not getting too far ahead of myself and not always taking things so seriously.

Loving updates from my parents as they transition to a dream-come-true, new-to-them house on the coast. I told my Mom she should start a blog about their adventures of fixing up and moving in.

Reading The Reinvention of Edison Thomas which was recommended by Simon's developmental pediatrician.

Bundling up as the weather begins to change around here. Hello fall. Looking in my closet and knowing I need some updates, including some new jeans, but having zero desire to actually go shopping.


You're invited to include a link to your writing or layout here. Please link directly to your post vs. your general blog link.

I also wanted to share a cool craft project that Therm O Web is supporting that is currently underway: American Patchwork & Quiltings 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge. "American Patchwork & Quilting is challenging you to help us reach our goal of donating one million pillowcases to local charities. Many charities can benefit from the donation of a pillowcase and the challenge gives you the opportunity to donate and make a difference in your community." Check out Them O Web's blog today for examples and more information on participating.

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89 thoughts

  1. Currently… | The random musings of Neen says…

    [...] over whether to get a Galaxy 3 or an iphone 5. I’m joining Ali Edwards and many other people and documenting what is happening in my life right now today. What are you up [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Heather Hare says…

    I guess I didn't realize this was a writing "assignment" because I did a photo story:
    It was fun though and I'm finding that the more I do these "Week in the Life"-type projects where I carry my camera around all day and take photos of random things, the more comfortable I am doing it... and the greater immunity I have to the odd looks I get from strangers. My friends and family... well they are used to my idiosyncrasies by now. ;)

    Thanks for the invitation Ali! And as always, for the inspiration you are.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      No right or wrong - photos are an awesome way to tell the story!

  3. The Adventures « Tara Swiger says…

    [...] Let’s try something new this week, inspired by Ali. [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Marie says…

    Love your post, love the way you make us "stop" and take some time to think, simply think about our life! Just put the link to the post on my blog. Thanks Ali (oh! and I'm looking forward to being on December to start DD with you! :-) ).

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kim B says…

    Ali I just love you and all the wonderful, inspiring, informative and uplifting bits and pieces you share with your "Fans" . I almost always walk away from your posts with food for thought, ideas or just plain old good day feelings. Today's post gave me a misty moment. One of my daughters found herself dealing with a divorce just about the same time you started posting on yours. She has 3 children. The youngest was 3 weeks away from entering the world when my daughters marriage came tumbling down. Long story shortened, I will definitely be shareing your "Savoring" moment words, hoping to give her a little more strength in dealing with her first weekend of feeling like she can't breathe... Thank you so much for being so real Ali...

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. J3SS1C4 says…

    Thanks again for the awesome prompt, Ali! These prompts are my favourite, and I'm loving what everyone else has been writing :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jennifer McNeely says…

    Hey Ali - do you know what size your December Daily digital layouts are going to be? I would love to get started on it, but I use your digital products and like to make everything the same size. Hopefully you are still doing them this year. I would be lost without them:)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Jennifer - I will be making them again. Planning to do a 4x6, an 8.5x11 and a 12x12 (that can be made smaller). I probably won't have them available until mid-late October since I will be traveling soon.

  8. Suz says…

    Here's to a fun weekend and lovely trip to Ireland! '

    BTW: Genius title to that book! ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. CURRENTLY I AM… | tiny paper cloud says…

    [...] You, Arang and the Magistrate and Faith. …writing blog posts in advance. …joining Ali Edwards today. Share this: Pin ItLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. September 28, 2012 by may [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. right now | [existential detective] says…

    [...] linkage: [Ali Edwards] Share this:EmailPrintFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. This entry was posted in [...]

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  11. Jane says…


    The comment you made about missing your kids so much when they are gone. My husband and I divorced 6 years ago (his idea) and I am still trying to get over being angry about the time I miss away from my son (shared custody). Feeling like I am missing out on half of the time I should have had. I'm still working on it but its been hard.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. ARC says…

    Thanks for this post and the prompt to write something! I too am really excited about your December Daily, since this is my first year. We went on my dream vacation to Ireland earlier this year and it was amazing. We'll definitely go back. Have an awesome trip.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Jen says…

    I found your post (and blog) via Karen Walrond last Friday and LOVE it! I have had the worst case of writer's block coupled with some anxiety. This is a perfect way for me to baby-step back into writing again. Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Something Good « A Thousand Shades of Gray says…

    [...] Around Here from Ali Edwards. A really great post and writing prompt [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Around here, Right now « From Married to Merry says…

    [...] by Ms Ali Edwards‘ “Around Here” post last [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Around Here « Heather's Adventures in Lesotho says…

    [...] some big changes ahead. P.S. The format for this post (using all -ing words) was inspired by this challenge from Ali Edwards. Share this:FacebookEmailTwitterLike this:LikeBe the first to like [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. “Around Here” Prompt: The –ING of my life right now « {Daylilygrl} says…

    [...] to an “Around Here” Prompt from a blog I follow by Cathy Zielske, I am posting this inspired blog. The goal is to tell about what you are doing, thinking, [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Currently, Right Now « Hughtube says…

    [...] it’s my turn to say, “Hey, wanna play a blogger game?” It’s called Around Here, and you write about what’s happening right now in your life. [Side note: remember when [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Right Here Right Now « Purple RaRa says…

    [...] inspired by a post from one of my favourite scrapbookers/memory keepers Ali Edwards (read the post here). Another version of the post that I enjoyed was by One Crafty Mama (read that post here). [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Beth says…

    I found your post on twitter and I read it and thought this was a wonderful idea. I never thought about writing a post that is really about me and not about scrapbooking. I hope you have a great trip to Ireland and you should definitely convince your parents to start a blog about their new journey!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Cool Beth - hope you do it!

  21. Right Here Right Now | Scrapping Wonders says…

    [...] read this wonderful post by Ali Edwards and I decided to give this a try. This post is about what is going on in my life right now. I [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. This Week | Simple. I Just Do. says…

    [...] post is modeled after this one from Ali Edwards… Share this:FacebookTwitterPinterestStumbleUponEmailPrintLike this:LikeBe [...]

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  23. Currently | Inspired Life with Jess says…

    [...] I’m following along with Ali Edwards’ Around Here post. These are some of my favourite posts to do, and I plan on recording a version of this every month [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Currently: November - Houston Sugar Land Richmond Rosenberg Family Photographer, Donya Luana says…

    [...] in this great journaling prompt by Ali Edwards.Turning on the fireplace most [...]

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