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Hello September

Hope you had a lovely weekend! I'm transitioning back to our fall schedule - early to bed and early to rise, helping kids get settled in new routines with new teachers and classrooms and possibilities, establishing new work hours, planning out the next few months, etc.

Here's a few updates for September:


Big welcome to my newest blog sponsors:

ARCHIVER'S | Your source for creative ways to enjoy and preserve the special moments in life. Did you know you can shop Archiver's online? Check out their coupon for 20% off online orders. Shop online here.

CREATING KEEPSAKES UNIVERSITY & CREATING KEEPSAKES CONVENTIONS | Happy to have CKC and CKU back as blog sponsors this month. Check out information on the three upcoming CKU events this fall here. Check out information on upcoming CK Conventions here.

WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT SPONSORSHIP? If you're interested in learning about sponsorship opportunities on my site or in my weekly newsletter (19,000 subscribers) send me an email. Special sponsorships for December Daily will also be available soon.


There's a new prompt available in the One Little Word classroom.


I had originally planned to run 31 More Things (the second phase of my 31 Things workshop) this month but decided to wait until 2013 (most likely first quarter next year). If you missed the original 31 Things workshop it will be available as a self-paced workshop (daily emails with writing and photo prompts for 31 days) soon. I'll let you know when that's available.


I'm definitely planning to do December Daily again this year. There will be a kit available from Studio Calico again for 2012 - more details to come on that soon! If you are new to the concept of December Daily and what it's all about, check out my compilation page here.

Excited to let you know about my friend Mati Rose's new collaboration RE: CONNECT - Get Unstuck & Find Your Magic.

We all find ourselves lost at sea from time to time. As artists, and creative entrepreneurs, we have navigated the murky waters, and developed tools, tricks and inspiring resources that have helped us reconnect, get unstuck and find our way back to the flow in our creativity, and the magic in our lives.

In this 5-week online e-course, we’ll take you on a journey to get unstuck, and cultivate:

  • more clarity around what you want

  • more peace in your body

  • more spaciousness in how you hold time

  • more connection to your creativity

  • more passion in all areas of your life

More details and register here.

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18 thoughts

  1. Anita says…

    Wow, so excited to hear you are doing a December Daily kit through SC again. I loved doing DD last year and look forward to doing it again this year. Thanks.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Jennifer Kolakowski says…

    Sooooo excited about 31 More things!! And December Daily! Excited with all things Ali!


    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Cheri says…

    I'm glad 31 more things is moving to 2013. I still need to finish the first round!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Missus Wookie says…

    Sounds like a busy but cool September.

    I'm glad that 31 is moving to the first quarter, while I was looking forward to it before December (figuring you wouldn't combine it with the December Daily) I didn't think I had time. Looking forward to the SC kit too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kim S (nerdgrl) says…

    Did WITL for the first time this year so maybe it's time to do December Daily for the first time as well.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. patty says…

    you + DD + SC kit = happy!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Cori J says…

    Hi Ali,
    Excited about the December Daily again! Will you be doing the digital overlays again?? I am so in love with them-- they kept me on track through the month and gave me a love love them!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Erin K. says…

    I set up my DD this weekend at a daylong crop. Used up lots of old Christmas product. Can't wait to finally FINISH the whole album this year!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Cele Schaffer says…

    So excited about December Daily as I see others are!! PLEASE,PLEASE inform Studio Calico to produce more kits this year! They sell out so fast.Thanks.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. MaryJ says…

    I am also glad that 31 Things is moving to 2013. I had a hard drive crash and lost a lot of what I had finished in the first session and need to start over. My fault for not backing it up!! Can't wait for DD!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Tashia D says…

    I did December Daily for the first time last year and absolutely adore the finished project! I can't wait to look through it again when we pull out our Christmas stuff and will definitely be following along again this year! Thanks for a great project!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Brooke U says…

    So excited about the SC, you, and Dec Daily. I loved the kit you used last year. It made it so easy for me to follow along and use the album. No having to buy a bunch of stuff from other vendors.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Kary in Colorado says…

    Glad round 2 of 31 Things has moved back a bit--I would have signed up whenever it was offered, but I will keep up much better when life is a bit quieter! Something to look forward to after the craziness of Fall and Christmas!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Robyn :) says…

    I love Archivers :) And I want to try that 31 Things next year :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. J3SS1C4 says…

    Can't wait for the updates on December Daily! Such a fun project! I've attempted 2 years in a row, taken the photos and journalled and never ended up putting it all together, so this year I plan on starting early!

    I'm also looking forward to 31 Things, but am still finishing off the last one since it's been such a crazy few months, so I'm glad it's pushed back a little!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. kdan says…

    OMG! I need to get unstuck. I LOVE your new blog sponsors, especially ARCHIVERS, WOW! what an awesome store, I love what they are all about, creativity, new ideas, new products and good old scrapbooking goodness!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Debbie Gibson says…

    So glad you are moving the 31 days to the first quarter. Very excited about the December Daily this year. I have really enjoyed the Scrapbook on the Road and the Halloween Mini-Book Class! Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Tamera says…

    So excited about December Daily! WOW, December will be here before we know it! Ouch! I've done it two years in a row and it was so wonderful. Need to plan early and make the decision fast whether to go paper or digital.

    Loved the SC kit last year and I agree with whomever said, ask them to make more kits available. I missed out last year and regretted it. We're in the last quarter of the year. Better get started!

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