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Ten Things I'm Thankful For Right Now

My Dad and Anna at the new beach house. November 2012. The first of what I assume to be many photos taken in this very spot.

ONE | My parents. Most of you guys know that I really appreciate and love my parents. They are a huge part of my life and I'm thankful for them all the time. Right now I feel especially thankful for them and am excited to get to spend Thanksgiving with them this weekend and help them move into their new house at the beach. They have helped me so many times in my life - it feels good to be able to actively help them as they begin the next phase of their own life stories in a new house.

TWO | Chris. Yep, that Chris. It's been over a year since the end of our marriage and we continue to work to make this new relationship work. It's not easy but we are both choosing to make it work in a new way. It's an everyday choice and a different sort of commitment. I'm thankful for the effort he continues to show.

THREE | Music. It's still playing loud and I'm feeling it so intensely. Mumford & Sons. Dave Matthews. Ray LaMontagne. Just a little bit of Christmas music so far. Live music is on my list to make happen in 2013.

FOUR | Learning stuff all the time. Bring it on.

FIVE | Simon & Anna. Could I do a thankful post and not include them? Right now I'm feeling thankful that they are just such fun kids. I love watching them communicate with one another - they are amazingly good for each other. He teaches her and she teaches him. There hasn't been a lot of arguing between them lately so I'm thankful for a smooth patch.

SIX | Witnessing bravery. In the last week alone I've been privileged to witness two friends demonstrate big time courage in their lives. Taking chances, moving forward, stepping outside their comfort zone, making things happen. Blowing me away in awesome ways. I wish that for all of us - to see it and to live it.

SEVEN | Friends. They know who they are. Old and new. Lifting up, laughing, crying, watching all day Twilight marathons, commiserating, celebrating, calling up, planning, inviting, conversing, showing up. The greatest gift I've received this past year is the recognition of how very important friends are in enriching my daily life. I have no idea why it took me 37 years to get that straight in my head.

EIGHT | The small size I chose for December Daily this year. I decided (because I'm living the length and the width and it's something on my life list) that I'm going to take a crazy little trip in early December and do a bit of my December Daily on the road. I'll be sharing daily just like I always do.

NINE | Making it through. The last two weeks I've been super conscious of the cycles of life and of people's ability to make it through stuff. It happens everyday, all around us - people are making it through. Marveling at the human experience of loss and growth and vulnerability and authenticity and faith and love.

TEN | Poetry. Came across this one twice this past week. Must have needed to read it again:

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

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69 thoughts

  1. Amber Campbell says…

    You are such an inspiration Ali! Among other things, I am thankful for you!

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  2. Dori says…

    So beautifully said. Happy, happy Thanksgiving to you, Ali.

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  3. laura g. says…

    thank you ali for your inspiration...both in life and scrapbooking...we appreciate you so much THANK YOU! and have a wonderful holiday!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. cristina says…

    beautiful ali. love this post. xo

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Zeneva K says…

    Love how you are able to express and articulate yourself so well. Always inspiring. And LOVE that poem. Thanks for sharing.

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  6. Jenny says…

    You are indeed living the length and width of your life. I'm so thankful for you and proud of you. Love you friend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Heidi W says…

    Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Janet White says…

    Yes. Thank you, Ali, your continuing inspiration through simply sharing all you do helps me work at bringing myself to the now of life - a mindful way of living that feels so very right.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Suz says…

    Thank you Ali for the gift of you! A true blessing indeed! Have a lovely safe and happy Thanksgiving with your awesome parents and family!
    Take care you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Viv Halliwell says…

    Hi Ali I just discovered that poem only yesterday it is so amazing, thank you, Simon and Anna for sharing your life with me. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving....

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Tammie says…

    Great list Ali! I'm so happy for YOU!

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  12. Leslie says…

    I'm sitting at my beach house with tears in my eyes after reading that beautiful poem and your list,connecting with so many things on it. I am thankful to you for your expression and willingness to share. I hope to do the same. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Erica Thomas says…

    So glad you included Chris on this list. My sister is not as fortunate as you seem to be in working through things amicably with an old partner. Although your marriage has ended I applaud you for handling it with poise and grace. I wish the best for you and your family. I'm so thankful to have found your blog so many years ago. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Alida Post says…

    Thanks for the reminder to list and remember the things I'm thankful for (we don't officially celebrate Thanksgiving in South Africa). And thanks for the empowering words. Making it through.. we're just making it through my Mother in law's sudden passing away.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Lisa W. says…

    Poise and greace ALL the way...not a easy task and you seem to do it with style. Love that about you!!! Thank you for you...Happy Thankgiving!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Chris says…

    Most excellent post.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Patti L says…

    Love the poem! The journey of knowing yourself, being yourself & loving youself thru all of life's trials. Happy Thanksgiving

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Cathy says…

    Love this. You know what I'm very, very, very thankful for? You. Totally. Thank you for being my friend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Beatriz Bepe. says…

    Ali, beautiful post, preciosa entrada!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving

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  20. Paula says…

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Simon, Anna and everyone you love. May your blessings multiply each day!

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  21. Lida says…

    I'm thankful to be able to check in with you everyday and you have inspired. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. pearl says…

    thank you for the reminder to list and physically write down the things we are thankful for. and i am thankful for your inspiration. every day. happy thanksgiving.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Juliette says…

    Your approach to Project Life is so inspiring! Thanks for the chance to win!

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  24. Debbie S. says…


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  25. Doris says…

    I'm thankful for you! Happy Thanksgiving!love to your Mom and Dad as well!

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