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One Little Word 2013 | Workshop Open For Registration

One Little Word, a 12-month prompt-based creative workshop, is now available for registration at Big Picture Classes.

Each month you'll receive an email and an invitation to visit the One Little Word classroom. Inside the classroom, you'll find a gentle reminder message, encouragement to refocus, and a simple creative or writing project to complete related to your word. At the end of the year you'll have an album that celebrates and honors your word—making it that much more concrete and visible in your life.

For 2013 I will be introducing new prompts, along with a few favorites from previous years. The emphasis will continue to be, as it has been in past years, on finding ways to make our words visible in our lives.

Here's a look at some of the prompts from the workshop in 2011 and 2012 - as you'll see it's been a combination of writing, photography and craft:

I'm happy to answer and questions that you might have here in the comments.

I'll be sharing my word for 2013 the week between Christmas and New Year's.

For more information on the One Little Word workshop or to register go here.

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65 thoughts

  1. Adventures of a Good Life | Adventures of a Good Life says…

    [...] was even intimidated to start back up on something I had been doing for years a long time ago.  My One Little Word for this year also came to the forefront of my [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Dianne says…

    Though I have been slow to start with this project and have not kept up with the monthly prompts and layouts, my word jumped out at me today. I was inspired, and I made it happen!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…


  3. My Renvironment | Happy New Year says…

    […] other news, I joined Ali Edwards One Little Word workshop this year. The word I chose is LESS. My theory is that by lessening some of the more […]

    Reply 0 Replies
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