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AE Heart & Soul | Hands Free Mama & Kind Over Matter

Last week I started a new Friday series called Heart & Soul.

Today I want to share two posts about mothering I came across this week that touched, inspired and challenged me.

From A Kid Who Isn't Known via Hands Free Mama | I'm a big fan of this site and of Rachel's writing and it's definitely worth your time to subscribe to her feed or go back through her archives. From her About Hands Free Page, "This blog is for anyone who wants to re-think how he or she is living (or not living) life. It’s for anyone who wants to let go of daily distraction and perfection to embrace what really matters."

Letter To My Children's Step Mother via Kind Over Matter | I'm not currently a step-Mom and my kids don't have one yet, but I thought this perspective was honest and inspiring. I particularly loved these words:

"When the kids worry about which one of them might be the "favorite" or argue over who is going to get the first snuggle at bed time, I tell them what we all know to be true about love. It is as boundless as the sky. Metta. Lovingkindness. Gentle rainfall that touches everything, and does not fall here because this patch of grass is more deserving, or there because that patch which has suffered more from drought. It simply falls, replenishing us without qualification. Love’s infinite capacity expands and grows to fill the space we create for it."

Both posts remind me to model the behavior I want to see in my kids.

And last night, as I was falling asleep, I came across the Carl Jung quote in Daring Greatly in a portion of the book where she's talking about owning our own story. It definitely resonated with me in conjunction with the two posts I'm sharing this week. We get to choose how we respond, what our attitude is, and how we take the next steps in our lives.

Have a great weekend!

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33 thoughts

  1. Sue M says…

    That is a great quote. I love it and believe it. Thanks, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Julie Finch says…

    Thanks for this. This is the perfect thing for me today and just what I needed to hear. <3

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Christine says…

    So true, Ali. It is sometimes easy for me to forget that everything in life is a choice and in particular my attitude and reactions to others attitudes are as well. With young kids at home I want to make sure I choose my words wisely in how I guide them. Many thanks for the great thought. Blessings to you today and always.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Karen Beldon says…

    I needed that quote at the end more than you know...thank you Ali! Hope your weekend is splendid :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Deirdre says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Lisa says…

    Lovely quote and so true.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Alli says…

    You could not have posted that quote on a day that I needed it more. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Nancy B says…

    I read the piece about step mothers earlier in the week whe I saw you mention it on FB. I am a step mom and while he has grown and is on his own, there is so much in that piece that spoke to me. And the one that spoke the loudest was the same you chose to highlight. I love that perspective. It resonates with my soul. have a blessed weekend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Monique says…

    I loved this post Ali and it was exactly what I needed to read at this exact moment. Thank you for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Hands Free Mama says…

    Thank you, Ali! I am so honored to be mentioned on your beautiful and inspiring blog. Thank you for the powerful quote. I will be keeping that one close at heart. Such a good one. Much love to you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Candice Harrington says…

    FYI, both this post and the first one in the series begin by stating you are calling it HEAT and soul.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Candace - thank you so much! I totally appreciate you letting me know - my eyes moved right over that one.

    2. Candice Harrington says…

      I spoke up despite running the risk of sounding snooty - I know a writer like you would want that correct, though! Love this series, by the way!

  12. Holly says…

    I have not read the step mother item, but I lived it. What I attempted to remember (sometimes more successfully than others), was that the kids could not have too many supportive adults in their lives. The girlfriends and the now fiance were (hopefully) more friends, other adults they could turn to if things went badly. I made every attempt to be cordial and remember I didn't have to live with her, that if one of them tried to undermine my relationship, if the relationship was strong enough she would not be able to. In the end, it worked fairly well. The kids all managed to make it adulthood, most of the women moved on and it all became part of our history.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Lisa W. says…

    this does sound like something we could all use a little of...Ali I have to say your attitude is so inpsiring. It just seems so hard to be positive sometimes. Exspecially when "stuff" just does not always seem fair! I admire you greatly, as a Mother, and as a person. Thanks for always bringing us such good good stuff!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Kim says…

    I need to remember that quote also.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Meghan Cobble says…


    Just love reading your words.

    Thought I would take the time to say so.

    .mac :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. SusanMcL says…

    Love the quote.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Kathy L says…

    The Hands Free Mama really spoke to me. As a full time working mom who tries to be involved in her child's life. sometimes you have to look at what you are achieving. Are you volunteering for things that provide you time with your child or really time away from your child. This is something I have been mulling over since the start of the year and I know that I need to pare it down. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. karen c says…

    The quote is how I have lived my life and how I have tried to teach my child-now teenager to live. It's easy to say but sometimes very hard to do.

    I love this new series you are doing. Your posts are always positive and encouraging, even if you are struggling. I think writing down positive things helps us direct our thoughts and gain a better perspective while dealing with whatever issues trouble our lives. You have a clear, positive voice Ali and you use it for good. Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Linda says…

      I heartily agree with what you wrote!

  19. alida says…

    That's really thought provoking, Ali. I just realized this week-end that my identity is not based on the amount of love I've received (or not) in my life, but in who I am in God and in how much he loves me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Maria G. says…

    «I am not what has happened to me...» Exactly! There are lots of people nowadays who really need this type of encouragement because they tend to justfy their behaviour because of what happened to them or what they went through. But I realized, they just want to have a reason for doing something unreasonable. I think I'm going to stop by the sites you talked about in this post to get some inspiration too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Project Life 2013: Week 8 | windy willow says…

    [...] The next pocket is a photo from Thursday afternoon in the city and the last pocket is a quote from Ali Edwards’ blog that I saw last week and it resonated quite strongly with [...]

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  25. says…

    Interesting point of view.Thanks for the post. Once youve put one of his books down, you simply cant pick it up again. (talking about Henry James) Mark Twain 1835 1910

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