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Katie's Project Life 2013 | Intro + Week 1 + Week 2

Hey guys, this is Katie. I'm so excited to embark on Project Life in 2013.

It is a project that I've wanted to do for a while, and now I'm kicking myself for not starting sooner.

This is the perfect year for me to start this project because I will be getting married in September. It will be so much fun in 10 years to be able to look back at the everyday stuff that happened along the way leading up to the wedding.

I'm playing catch up already, so when I started I knew I wanted to make my intro page super simple. Just a few photos + words. I used Mod Podge to cover the plastic piece (that came with the 12x12 album) with some fun floral paper from Dear Lizzy's new Lucky Charm Collection and some pink striped paper from Studio Calico from a few years ago. The 2013 and exclamation point are Gold Rainboots Foil On Trend Chipboard Thickers from American Crafts.

I'm working out of the Seafoam Core Kit and Studio Calico's Project Life Kit.

Week 1:

The first week of January the kids were still on winter vacation, so we went on some fun adventures before they had to go back to school and I went back to regular work with Ali. I included a photo from New Years Eve, since technically it was past midnight when the photo was taken.

Peter surprised me by painting our whole living room + fireplace white. It's something I've been wanting for a long time so he scored major points on that one.

I really love yellow, so when I saw the yellow from the sun in the weather screen shot, I wanted to domino off of it and use it in any way that I could.

I added a few of Ali's new Hello Magic Brushes and Stamps to the photos of Anna and Simon.

The "Love You" on the picture of Peter is from Ali's new stamp set "Good Day"

I found the "Make Today Your Day" file on the Sillouhette online store, cut it out, and put some fun gold dotted paper behind it that Ali found at JoAnn's.

Week 2:

This week we were finishing things up before we headed to CHA. We flew down to Anaheim and went straight to Disneyland that day after arriving around 9AM. We ended up closing down the park. So awesome!

I added one of Ali's Arrow Sentiments to the photo of Anna, as well as using her Life Circles Stamps with Color Box's ink in Frost White on the photo from the Disneyland entrance.

We went to dinner with Elise and her husband Paul and Stephanie at Downtown Disney. It was delicious and so so fun.

I love Studio Calico's new Wood Veneer Speech Bubbles from the Snippets Collection. I stamped on it using Dear Lizzy's new rolling phrase stamp (available soon).

I'm super excited to keep this project moving along. I'm going to try and keep it low pressure by just reminding myself that even if I only get a few photos printed and a few words jotted down each week, It's more than not doing it at all.

So bring it on 2013...I'm ready for you!



Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life is a product and a system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The core pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life here.

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55 thoughts

  1. Deborah says…

    This is fantastic - I love your scrapbooking style.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Sonja says…

    Love it! I enjoy your PL - looking forward tothe next pages...

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. dawn says…

    Way to go Katie on joining the PL fans!! It is something that will change your life for the better. I've been doing since Project 365 and love it more each year.

    The first page is so pretty, love that you got yourself in here, love love the yellow card with polka dots behind it (WOW) and all the other little stories.

    It will be amazing to look back on, especially leading up to your wedding. A lot of us wish we could have done this too and now they have the new wedding kit.

    Enjoy the process, make it simple and fun. Of course having Ali there to inspire and nudge you along will really help.

    Thanks so much for sharing this with us and can't wait to see more.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Dawn Ritchie says…

    Thanks for sharing, Katie. :) I love your style & attitude towards PL. And your living room!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Maureen says…

    Ali & Katie - Thank you for posting both of your PL layouts here! So much fun to see twice the inspiration!! Katie - Your living room looks great!! Love your use of Yellow throughout your pages too!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Shanon Gibson says…

    Fun PL spreads! Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Christen says…

    Love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jo-Anne from ZA says…

    Ah WOW Katie! You go girl:-)

    Looks like you had a lot of fun while doing it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Allison M. says…

    Thanks for sharing Katie - love your style!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Lynne Gillis says…

    GREAT JOB KATIE! I love that you are sharing your PL album here! I feel like I won the lottery of inspiration! Keep posting!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Liz S. says…

    Awesome. Love the journaling on the washi tape!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Pidgen says…

    Katie, this is awesome! I love doing PL and yours is really inspiring! I love how uncluttered it is - but it is also well thought out and not too simplistic! You've hit a lovely balance right out of the box!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Allie says…

    Way to go Katie!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Marie says…

    Oh yeah! Beautiful layouts Katie. I'm so happy to see them here, and I'm looking forward to discovering the next weeks. Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Sarah MacKenzie says…

    Katie - I love how you stated that you are just trying to keep it low pressure. I tried to do PL a couple of years ago and put too much pressure on myself to make it fancy/add tons of stuff in it etc and made it about 6 weeks in. This year I decided to try again and am keeping it very low pressure. I figure some weeks I will have two pages, some may take two weeks to get one page, but I am getting my photos in an album and getting all the memories recorded. And that is the most important thing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. moncoff says…

    Looks great, Katie! Just the perfect amount of photos + words + embellies. I love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Jocelyn Thompson says…

    Love it! Looking forward to seeing more!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Lezlie H. says…

    This is so awesome. I've been trying to decide if I should take the plunge and do PL and I think you just convinced me! Thank you for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. EmmaJohns says…

    Looks great!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Sabrina L says…

    I love it! What font did you use for the journaling on the pic of your living room? I painted my whole house white a couple years ago too and am still totally in love with it!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      It's Bebas Neue :)

    2. Sabrina L says…

      Thank you!

  21. Lisa says…

    Love the inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Patti L says…

    Love your style Katie! Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Teal says…

    Yay Katie! Fun to see what someone else is doing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. pam says…

    so fun! i'm just starting this year (and also kicking myself) so it's fun to see another first PL come together. what fun you & ali must have working on them together and sharing ideas/products etc.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Brooke says…

    Thanks for sharing - love it! I would love to know what font you used for "Hello Beautiful White Living Room". Also what fonts does Ali use most often on her pictures? I am doing PL for the first time this year and love adding text to my pictures, but I'm having a hard time choosing fonts. Thanks so much!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Bebas Neue on the photo of the living room. Sentinel is what I use on most of my photos when I add text.

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