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On My Nightstand

Some of you might have noticed to note-to-self I included in Project Life 2013 | Week Five about reading more. I go through phases where I'm completely immersed in reading and others where the last thing in the world I want to do at the end of the day is pick up a book. I definitely feel ready to carve out some time again. The words are calling to me and the pile on my nightstand has been growing tall.

As you read my book list below you might notice that they are all non-fiction. That's where I'm at right now. The common themes are openness, bravery, courage, mindfulness, taking action and memoir. These are the things that I want to fill my head with, what I want to invite into my life as I take the next steps on my own crazy, glorious adventure.

Here's what's currently there to read (or in-progress):

What are you guys reading now?

I'm super excited that Cathy's 12-week workshop Clean & Simple is open for registration.

Here's a bit about the class:

Say goodbye to your rulers and hello to a solution that allows you to use Photoshop Elements (or Photoshop) to build scrapbook pages in the digital method, which you'll print and piece together—using additional supplies from your stash—to create beautiful hybrid layouts. Digital sketching has been the core of Cathy's approach since her very first layout, and it's a key part of the Clean & Simple process. You'll learn how to use Photoshop Elements to plan and design pages, just like Cathy does.

Read more and sign up here.

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51 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    Thanks for the lists of books, I will have to check our library for them. I go thru stages of reading too, winter is the best time for reading.
    Happy Reading!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Janet Kemper says…

    I have read Wild and Daring Greatly and loved both. I have a Field Guide to Now and just have not read it yeat. Currently I am reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that can't Stop talking by Susan Cain, and also a novel Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I have a goal to read 52 books this year! So far on track.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Karen says…

      I absolutely loved Quiet! It is a must for every parent, teacher, or supervisor. I would recommend it to everyone, actually, because if you're not an introvert you know someone that is! It will give you great understanding about introverts and how WHAT you are (introvert/extrovert) effects your life. Also, I just started Gone Girl yesterday! I heard it was a must read!

  3. rossana says…

    I'm reading "Middlesex" of Jeffrey Eugenides. really a story that absorbe me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. stephanie says…

    Have you read Traveling Mercies, by Anne Lammott? SO good. Very encouraging for life in general, and she is hilarious.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I have - long time favorite.

  5. Katrina says…

    I've read Daring Greatly, A Field Guide to Now, and Broken Open - loved them all. I recently read Help, Thanks, Wow by Anne Lammott - highly recommend. Carry On Warrior, by Glennon Melton is fantastic (but it doesn't release until April). I'm currently re-reading Soul Centered by Sarah McLean. It's an excellent resource if you're interest in meditation.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Suzie Perrie says…

    I'm in the middle of Daring Greatly, and it's wonderful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. {vicki} says…

    Broken Open is on my to read list.

    I'm off to a slow start this year---I've only read 7 books so far---last year I read 77 books---My very fave was

    BLACK HEELS TO TRACTOR WHEELS by Ree Drummund (the Pioneer Woman)---if you have not read it---Its a must---HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Mel says…

    My One Little Word for this year is writing, and I made a commitment to read one writing book per month. For this month, I'm re-reading Wild Mind by Natalie Goldberg and re-learning a connection to how the mind works that I'd forgotten. I'm also reading the third in a Nora Roberts trilogy for fun. Thanks for sharing your reading list. Some of those books sound like ones I need to get my hands on.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. molly says…

    Hi Ali!

    Non-fiction is my usual. I'm reading Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work by Matthew Crawford. Good insights. It's meeting my mind well.

    Also: To Kill a Mockingbird

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Oh that sounds interesting. I also grabbed To Kill A Mockingbird and put it on my table last month - wanting to re-read that one this year.

  10. j. says…
    02/13/2013 will adore of my favorites from last year. My book choices look very much like yours...and several are the same. I just finished Bend not Break...a very good memoir. Just finished Twelve Tribes of Hattie and also The Last Runaway......excellent...both books! Thanks for the Broken Open title. Remember, when you are reading to the kids, "that counts" for reading more! :) And it is double "good" as you get to snuggle and spend time with the kids. Enjoy your reading time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. J Allen says…

    I read several books at once...maybe not the best thing to do but none the less that's how I do it!

    I'm reading Wild, Long Walk to Freedom, and The Girl That Played With Fire. I have started and stopped the last so many times, I will complete it this time!

    At the beginning of the year I made a list of things I wanted to do this year. One was read more, at least a book a month.

    By the way my night stand looks like the local branch library!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Cathy L. says…

    I listened to "Wild" on audiobook. Very interesting. I also go through phases where I devour books, then sometimes when I pick one up I can't keep my eyes open!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Jen says…

    I love these posts... Such a wealth of recommendations plus the comments are so helpful, too! Thanks for sharing, I've added quite a few to my wish list!

    I'm reading The Thirteenth Tale for my book club, and Daring Greatly.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Michelle M. says…

    I LOVE sharing what we are reading. My favorite author (Kristin Hannah) does that over on Facebook and I love hearing what other people are reading. I just finished my 11th book this year and am debating about what to read.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Suz says…

    @Ali: Thank you for sharing this list and your thoughts on reading. I, too, have a very tall collection of reads atop my nightstand. Right now I am reading Resolve, (by Jenni Hufford's grandpa). I like to mix in some non-fiction with my fiction reading here and there and I am enjoying his memoir. My oldest son, Ian, is reading To Kill a Mockingbird for his Honors English class in 9th grade. I am so enjoying that he wants to tell me all about it after school and in the evenings and that he outwardly says he really likes the book. So cool to be able to stay connected through reading at the age he's at. Such a blessing! Going to savor those little moments as much as possible.
    Also, I find I read much more in the early months of the year then spring/summer when it's all about family and friends and outdoor activities.I will go weeks reading a book or two a week, and then it will be like one a month during the summer. Ah, well...the ebb and flow of life!
    Thanks again for sharing!
    Take care you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Angie says…

    I'm an avid reader (I typically read 80-100 books a year), but decided to devote myself to two projects this year. One is my Jane Austen project- I'm rereading all of her novels (Pride & Prejudice is my absolute favorite book) as well as reading several biographies of her and her surviving letters. I really want to immerse myself into her life to better understand her books.

    My other project is to read all of the Pulitizer Prize winners for Fiction. I've already read To Kill a Mockingbird and Gone With the Wind (two big faves of mine as well) and I'm reading The Good Earth next.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Kathy L says…

      The Good Earth was a great book. I loved it.

  17. Patti L says…

    I go thru phases with reading too, but I tend to go from book to book, even tho the genres change. I have the easy read type series which are crime mysteries and can be finished in a day at the beach, then there are those much longer ones. Best book I read recently was Stephen King's 11/22/63, a time travel tale about the JFK assassination. I'm not the biggest King fan overall, but that was good. I find I have been drawn to time travel in books, movies, stories lately.
    Right now I'm reading Les Miserables. I try to read one classic a year, it takes me a long time but I'm ok with that.
    Thanks for the non-fiction suggestions!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Oh Les Mis - I have it and I still want to read it - totally on my list.

    2. Kathy L says…

      I share your goal of reading one classic a year. Well worth the effort. This year for me it is Pride and Prejudice.

  18. emily ruth says…

    icarus is in my pile, too (i love seth, his daily emails are so wonderful!)
    'the painted girls' which i can't wait to dive into...
    'the house at teynsford' which is my book club book this month & very downtony...
    i have great hopes of reading 'the great gatsby' before the movie comes out...
    & i found 'naked' by david sedaris at goodwill & threw it on the pile too :)
    hooray for reading!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Great Gatsby is my all-time favorite.

  19. emily ruth says…

    oh & 'wild' is so wonderful! especially as an oregonian. you can picture places (or at least know generally where they are :)
    her book of her advice column 'tiny beautiful things' is absolutely heart squeezing. highly highly recommend (& it's non-fiction, too, so it wouldn't break your trend :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Oh I didn't know about the advice column - thanks Em!

  20. Leslie says…

    I just finished Wild, you will love it. It's an amazing journey.

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  21. Cori says…

    I loved Rowing It Alone by Debra Veal and I think you would like it too!

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  22. dona B says…

    That's an awesome list of books. Wild was my favorite read from last year. I'm just finishing Joseph Anton, Salman Rushdie's biography of his years under the fatwa. Fascinating on many levels. I'm planning to start Daring Greatly next!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Carmel Keane says…

    Would love to suggest to you "The Art of Deliberate Success"
    All about being mindful and very Deliberate in our daily actions to achieve what ever it is we wish for. Available on Amazon and here is the website:

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Terianne says…

    I recently read The Journal Keeper by Phyllis Theroux -- it's excerpts from her journal, and maybe because I'm an avid journaler, I found it very engaging. I also really enjoyed The Writing Life by Ellen Gilchrist.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Melissa says…

    Ali I wanted to say thank you for posting these books. I sometimes skim your blogs as I don't typically scrapbook but find your work inspiring for the paper crafting I create. The most impactful was when my curiousity about Brene Brown. I typically, well never read non fiction. I watched her TED videos. I can't tell you how it resinated in me where I am in my life. How hard it is to be vulnerable because then I am weak. She is smart,articulate, humerous and real. I cried I laughed. I think I was mean't to see this today and get through the stuff I currently dealing with. I know being vulnerable is one of the hardest things for me to do. I know I will be thinking about this for some time. Maybe even journal about.

    Again thank you

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      So glad to read this Melissa. I love when things come right at the time we need to see/read/experience them.

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