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Katie's Project Life 2013 | Week 6

Welcome to Katie's Project Life 2013 | Week 6.

This month is just humming right along.

Looking back at my previous spreads I can definitely see I lean towards pinks and yellows when choosing embellishments and journal cards. It's already been so fun to look back on the previous weeks. It's so easy to forget the little things we do every week, so I am super thankful for this project.

I added some gold embossing powder the the "This Week" Card from the Studio Calico February Project Life Kit. I used an embossing pen to color in the letters, so the powder would stick, and it worked well.

If you haven't heard of Moorea Seal's 52 Lists project, you should check it out. Ali introduced me to it and it's seriously awesome.

This week was Miss Anna's 4th birthday. I can't believe it. Time moves too fast!

I adhered a 3x4 journal card from Studio Calico's Project Life Kit to a 4x6 Journal card. I used my cursive typewriter to add some journaling to the card about Anna's birthday.

The "Dude" stamp is from Meredith Tilton's and Kinsey Wilson's Popup shop. And let me tell you. These stamps rock! So many fun ones to choose from.

On the bottom right: Ali made these really cute new 4x6 cards with room for embellishments and journaling. They are called Outline 4x6 Journal Cards and will be available at Desinger Digitals this weekend. They also come in a 3x4 sizeLove them.

IDEA | Cut out a 3x4 card from 12x12 paper. Lightly adhere the card to a piece of paper and run it through your printer. I printed Ali's "This day was rad" from her This Day Brushes and Stamps Collection.

I attached the 3x4 card to a 4x6 journal card with washi tape. Then, I added more washi tape to the opposite side of the card to create a tab to open up the flap.

I cut the tape to look more like a tab by cutting the corners off.

Then, I gave it quick run it through the sewing machine to make sure it would stay put.

I printed a 3x4 size photo and adhered it to the back of the pink card. I then added my journaling onto the 4x6 card. I have been loving creating little flaps to open with the journal cards for hidden journaling. Thank you washi tape for being so amazing.



Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life is a product and a system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The core pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life here.

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26 thoughts

  1. Jo-Anne from ZA says…

    loving your work!

    5am? - You go girl and don't give up:-) I admire your discipline!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Debora Prass says…

    Katie, I'm loving seeing your PL comming to life! I love little flaps too, so much fun.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Cathy says…

    Katie, I love that you quoted Mackelmore. You're so dang cute.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. sherry says…

      that caught my attention too, adorable

  4. Nicky from Okotoks says…

    Love it Katie - thanks for sharing

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Marilyn says…

    Like you color combination choice. Works really well. I love the flip card idea. Very cute!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Megan @ The Nerd Nest says…

    The thrifting photo with the Mackelmore quote is the best.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Joan says…

    Love it Katie! Thanks for the inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Kelli says…

    Katie can you share what kind of sewing machine you use, or how you set up your space? Would love to know :) Thanks, love the pink, I don't use a lot of it because my son would get offended I'm sure...but it looks so soft and subtle! I adore it all friend!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Katie says…

      Hi Kelli,
      Right now I have a small designated space for crafting at my house, but i'm not using it right now. I put together all of my Project Life spreads in Ali's studio. :)


    2. Ali says…

      Hi Kelli - Katie uses the sewing machine we have here in the office which is a Brother XL2600.

      I'll let her answer the question of how she sets up her space in her own house.

  9. Lisa says…

    Cute idea there at the end. I love how that all came together. I'm jealous! I need to get started...

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Pidgen says…

    Way to go for doing Couch to 5k!! I started last year and hit a wall at week 5 - but who cares, I still had a great time for my races! {I found that I ran longer at the race just from pure peer presure! lol!} And this year I started at week 4 an made it to week 8 before my first race last week. I love having a "plan" even if I don't follow it perfectly - and I LOVE feeling myself improve each week! :) Love your layouts this week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Cynthia H says…

    So awesome, I love the idea of using the embossing pen to highlight the printed text and emboss over it.

    Also there is something about that scowling picture of Simon that made me think "he looks so much like Ali there!" not that I have ever seen a picture of Ali scowling, but normally I think he looks so much like Chris. In this picture it's pure Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Sam F says…

    It has been really fun to see your project life album. I have been struggling to get started on my first PL album, but seeing your first weeks of PL-ing has been inspiring-thank you for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Elaine Allen says…

    I just love this! The colors so put me in the mind of Spring! Beautiful and thank you for sharing.

    Elaine Allen

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. tracey says…

    Hi Katie!
    Your sweet, sunny nature really comes through on the page! What a special time for you with so much to look forward to... How awesome that you're documenting the details with PL. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. tracey says…

    and thank you Ali for sharing Katie's work with us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. libbywilko says…

    Love seeing your pages Katie, they are so pretty and I love the fun folded & washi taped journaling card.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. carolyn k says…

    Ali, wanted to share- I just saw your tweet about the phasing out your self-paced workshops- but when I saw it earlier today- I thought you had made a new self-paced workshop about retirement... and I was all, oh, that's such a good idea for those boomers! :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Queen Mary says…

    I think Katie is very generous to share with all of us; my favorite are her picture of the coffee and Simon frowning with his impish sister in the background! I can so relate as the oldest! Yea Katie!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. sherry says…

    katie, loving your PL, thanx for sharing. I think what I find so enjoyable about it is that your life is intertwined with Ali's. You have your own life and stories to share and you have the part that is parallel to Ali's yet your entries are all your perspective. I guess what I'm trying to say is " the characters of your stories are the characters in Ali's stories" yet the narration and perspective are different. And you also have your own personal stories to share as well. I have enjoyed them and am glad you decided to share it here on Ali's blog. Have a great day!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Glynis says…

    Hi Katie, I have a question about the Epson picturemate. How do like the quality of the pictures? Is it easy to setup & print 3x4? I am looking for a home printer to print my project life pics, my current printer is not that great :(. Thanks

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Glynis,
      I love the Epson Picturemate! I'm really happy with the quality of the photos. To print 3x4 pictures, I crop two pictures with the crop tool set at 3x4. Then I drag the photos on a 4x6 canvas, and print. :)


  21. mer says…

    thanks for the stamp love!!! glad you ladies got the happy mail... so fun to come across the post :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      We love them!! Keep up the good work! :)


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