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Katie's Project Life 2013 | Week 7

Welcome to Katie's Project Life 2013 | Week 7.

I had a bad head cold this week so I didn't take very many pictures, and i'm okay with that. I still had many stories to tell.

That great numbered journal card is from Elle's Studio.

I spent several days this week on the couch trying to rest and get better, and in the mean time I watched the whole first season + some of the second season of Downton Abbey. So fun! Peter and I are all the way caught up, and we weren't too happy with how that Season 3 finale ended!

Both the banner and the heart on top of the photos are from Ali's new Outline 3x4 Journal Cards. They both had frames around the whole picture, but I didn't size them quite right and I had to cut them off.  I'm still playing catch up, so It didn't matter to me that it wasn't perfect, just that it got done and put in the pocket.

We went and saw Silver Linings Playbook, my second time, Peter's first.  The dance scene in that movie is so fantastic. It always puts a huge smile on my face.

The quote on kraft paper is a little treasure I found at a local gift shop, there was no name on it of who it was made by.

I loved the quote though so I had to include it:

"Our life is frittered away by detail...


Simplicity of life and elevation of purpose."

-Henry David Thoreau

IDEA | Journal right over the top of a photo using an American Crafts Precision Pen. The image is still visible but the journaling is highlighted, not the details of the photo.

I really wanted to include a photo of the lunch we had at Anna's school the day we went and celebrated her birthday. Having lunch there is so fun and adorable. Mac and Cheese + bread and butter + veggies. Love it.



Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life is a product and a system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The core pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life here.

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20 thoughts

  1. libbywilko says…

    Hope you are all healthy now and I love what you wrote about your Dad. Big thanks too, as you have helped me decide I am off to the movies this weekend, to see SLP!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Christen says…

    I love your pages!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. tracey says…

    Hi Katie! Hope you're feeling much better.

    Your PL looks great! What pen did you use to write on the photo?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I am feeling better, thank you!

      I used an American Crafts Precision pen 03.



  4. Lisa W. says…

    So enjoy your PL pages coming to life, and I LOVE how you LOVE the little things like going to Anna's school for lunch, priceless!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Sarah says…

    Wow, just in 7 weeks your pages are already looking different and more pulled together. Awesome Job. Love seeing bits of your cool life!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. JC says…

    Love the lunch photo! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Dawn says…

    Love your layouts! Where is the top "today" journaling card from?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Dawn,
      it's from Studio Calico's January Project Life kit.


  8. Katie says…

    This might be my fave of your PL weeks so far. I LOVE LOVE LOVE (LOVE) the idea of journaling over a whole picture like you did. LOVE!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Monica L. says…

    Love your idea of writing on the pic. Very cute week...I haven't started this year yet and I haven't finished journaling my last year's PL. Everything from stories to pictures still in my computer :(
    I'm loving your PL so far. Good job Katie!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Cynthia H says…

    I love your "this week I loved" card!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Brooke says…

    Thanks so much for sharing Katie. I've just come back from the store with my first batch of Project Life photos. Very behind but planned well enough to catch up easy. I can't tell you how excited I am to have these in my hands!! I ended up printing 3 of the same photo because I wasn't sure which combination of photo and journaling I liked best. One was text over the photo like you did and it worked out better than I expected seeing as it was black text and there was a black table in the shot.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Heather says…

    Just curious about the photo you journalled on; what size did you print it out as? I love that idea so much and am definitely going to try it out.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      3x4 :)


  13. Rachel Z says…

    Downton Abbey is so great! I watched season 1 with my parents and grandparents- everyone loves it. I loved how you incorporated Downton into the spread :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Margie Visnick says…

    What a beautiful PL!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. jen in pa says…

    i love that downton picture! where did you find it?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I took a picture of the screen with my phone, then cropped it :)


  16. roberta says…

    you had me at "downton abbey"! BEST. SHOW. EVER. :) love seeing your pages!

    Reply 0 Replies

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