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AE Projects In Progress | The Office, Part III

The office is coming along and we are loving the updated space.

Right now I've got some projects I have to focus on that are keeping me from getting it all put together - most specifically about 36 new layouts for my 12-week online workshop at Big Picture this summer called Hello Story (more details and registation coming soon).

I'm also the kind of person that likes to be in a space for a bit to "feel it out" and in this case I'm really trying to avoid bringing in anything that I don't really love or that doesn't add specific functionality. There are already a few things that have crept in here out of necessity (and just to keep other stuff off the floor).

Two weekends ago we got the desks delivered from Ikea. We picked the Galant corner desk in both a left and a right (with the straight legs) so they could be back to back - we like sitting across from each other. These desks were super easy and and fast to put together - especially compared to the kitchen islands.

Right now we are working with simple chairs that I already owned (also from Ikea). Dreaming about and considering this office chair from Crate and Barrel but I want to sit in it first.

Under the desks you'll see my big printer. It has the ability to be wireless but we haven't been able to get it to work just yet that way (hoping the tech guy can help with that). Once we get it to work wirelessly it will move from under the desks to another location to be determined in the room.

On Katie's side of the desk she's got a rolling cart and a metal rolling cart with the cursive typewriter sitting on top. Not sure that's a permanent location just yet but it's working for the moment.

I've only brought a couple things back in to the office from my bedroom so far.

The first was that large white file cabinet (Bedford file cabinet from Pottery Barn) that's to the right of me in the photo above. I'm a fan of files and not having a place to put all my personal and business papers from the last few weeks has made me a little crazy. I'm slowly catching up on that as I want to re-do how I've been doing in in the past (and go through all the files that were in there before and transfer anything that can be in "deeper" storage into file boxes that can go in a closet).

Along the wall is a white 1/2 shelf that I've had for a few years that looks like an Expedit from Ikea but it actually came from West Elm (totally unsure at this moment why I bought this one since it looks exactly the same and is significantly more expensive). I'm thinking about getting a couple of the 1/2 Expedits that are on wheels that could be moved around but mainly just stay along the wall. I like that the top can be a working space.

Looking from our desks back towards the door. Over on the right we've got a long table that I'm not planning to keep in here but we needed to bring it in as we sort through the products and figure out how we want to store things on the kitchen islands.

That big tall black thing in the corner is my camera tri-pod. It's out and being used to film the process of making layouts for my workshop.

The biggest thing that hasn't come back in yet are the lockers. I'm considering spray-painting them (maybe yellow or white) and need to make that decision before they come back in but they will definitely be coming back in the room.

Completely loving the islands - they ended up being larger than I planned in a good way. The drawers are deep and wide which is allowing for all kinds of things to go inside (not in a "now-I'll-stuff-you-full" way but in a way that is allowing for storage of often-used items in an accessible but hidden fashion. I'll share more details on the inside of the drawers in another post in the future.

Along the middle between the two islands we've got some of the most used things that Katie and I both reach for: inks, rolling stamps, pens, washi tape, etc.

The sewing machine is currently on a rolling metal cart. Probably not a permanent home but I'm not sure just yet.

Looking in from the doorway. Shelves to the right hold all my 12x12 albums.

I definitely hope to get some things up on the walls and I'm excited for when that actually happens. We've got a plan for some white clipboards, some pinboards near our desks, and potentially some oversized photos.

Super happy to walk in here each day. Super thankful and honestly, more than a little inspired to get back to making pages again.

You can read more posts about my office overhaul here.

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58 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    WOW!! It looks pretty good so far, loving the color and the islands!! Enjoy your new space!

    SOOOOO excited about your class, can't wait to hear more about it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Kathy says…

    It's looking great.....why not sray the lockers like a sunflower yellow to add some pop to the room. It's lovely to feel the nice fresh space and when everything is in order and needed you will definitely feel more inspired to work. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jo-Anne from ZA says…

    Wow Ali i can see why you are so super excited and inspired!

    Your room looks absolutely AAAAAAAMAZING!
    So much SPACE and im in love with the island:-) Wish i had that size room in our home to use for a scrap space.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Jenny says…

    LOVE the new space!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. alida says…

    Such a cool space, and good to spot some familiar things amidst the new - hello Lily and "bliss" coffee tin.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Brooke says…

    Super amazing how different it looks. I'm quickly learning that creating a room is an ever-changing thing. I think I'm thankful that it's to change things = )

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Joanne says…

    This is just gorgeous Ali!! Love the light! I'm going to be redoing my attic soon ... it's nice to see some ideas!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Lisa W. says…

    OHHHHHHHHH thanks for making my day. I lOVE these updates, and boy it's looking SO awesome! Very smart to "think" things through, I know for me I just tend to cram and not use!!! Love your desks, and the yellow locker's LOVE!!!!!! Great idea! We all need a little sunshine everyday:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Linda says…

    Hi Ali,
    Your office is looking fabulous! What color white did you paint your walls? I think I remember that you asked for recommendations but I can't find that post.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Rosa Nissenbaum says…

    LOVE the office space especially your two islands! I've been waiting to see what you have done with the space and am anxiously waiting to see more... especially how you've organized your drawers.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Kristine V says…

    So interesting to see your office re-vamp evolve... I'm enjoying your process of figuring out what to bring back into the room and how to use your fresh space! I'm a big fan of IKEA too and have part of an IKEA kitchen (counter+lower drawer cabs+upper cabs) along one wall in a spare room that is my studio/office...I love it. So functional and beautiful at the same time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Paula says…

    Lookin' awesome ladies! If you can't decide between white and yellow for the lockers, you may be able to find a "creamy yellow" or have the paint dept mix in some white into your yellow paint to have a little of both represented :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Paula says…

      Me again..I also love how the typewriter color - looks like a dull turquiose pops in the room.

  13. Tracy Smith says…

    I vote for painting the lockers yellow. I always find yellow to be a relaxing, fresh, and inspiring color. The walls of my craft room are yellow. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Cathy L. says…

    Your space looks great! I purchased that same little sewing machine per your recommendation, and I love it so much!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Krystyn says…

    It looks great Ali!! If that were my space, I don't think I'd ever come out of it!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Mary Smith says…

    Will you be bringing back the tall baking rack? I've been thinking about getting one. I thought it would function well having different projects on different baking trays. I usually have several projects going on at once. Also good to keep kid's projects on. I hate having several projects left on my island. Did you use yours that way?

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Patti L says…

    Ahh, so inspiring. Love that Lily dog, makes me miss my lab!

    Can you tell me what brand your typewriter is? I'm going flea marketing tomorrow and I want a cursive typewriter, but figured I should have an idea of a few brands/styles. Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      That one is a Smith-Corona Electric. Katie found it at Goodwill for $2.

  18. Cynthia H says…

    Okay, this looks so AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing, and congrats on all the hard work!! When you do the post on the drawers, could you also explain what the wire basket is on the bottom shelf of the island?

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Alicia says…

    Totally awesome! Love the way the islands worked out and the back to back desks too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. antiquechase says…

    I just spray painted my garden furniture "warm yellow"... it's really soft but bright ...but not too eyeshocking. I think it was rustoleum... but for sure called "warm yellow".

    I am looking for lockers myself and yellow lockers would be GREAT. Your walls are already white, white lockers would blend not pop :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. nicole says…


    this looks so good! it makes me want to change up my office space!! definitely saving your office redesign posts for when im able too. i craft alot, but dont have permanent spaces and so things just end up messy and unorganized. would love to have a permanent work space like this!

    thanks for sharing!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Debbie says…

    Love seeing Lily in your newly redesigned space. The islands make great sense! Love the storage. I need a red box like the one you are housing your clear stamps in, Tell Katie, she has a customer if she can find a old piece like yours. Loce the color of the typewriter! Does Katie have any for sale?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…
  23. Bp says…

    Would you mind sharing the dimensions of the room (it looks huge!) and sharing more info about the wire tray that is on the bottom shelf of the island? That tray looks cool and that it might be holding unfinished projects? Looks neat, would love to hear about it.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Not sure on the actual dimensions but it's close to 500 sq ft. It's a "bonus" or "media" room. Katie's finance found those metal baskets at a steel yard - we have two of them. Right now it's holding product collections by manufacturer - not sure how I'm going to use it going forward (breaking up sets or what). I'll share more when I get that in working order.

  24. Michelle says…

    Lockers in either a bright yellow or how about a "Tiffany Blue?"

    Looks awesome!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Christine says…

    Looking amaZing! I love how bright and airy your space is!

    Reply 0 Replies

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