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Katie's Project Life 2013 | Week 13

Welcome to Katie's Project Life 2013 | Week 13 .

This week was the first week that Peter was gone on his adventure to India. I did a lot of fun things with friends and got to spend some quality time with my parents.

I had so much fun playing around with some of the new stamps from Kelly Purkey's Project Kit from Simon Says Stamp. That kit rocks! The "you are here" is from the stamp set that is included in the kit. And I'm in love with those white letter stickers from the kit. I added them to a photo of some wooden flower boxes Peter's mom is making for us for the wedding.

We drove up to Seattle and back in one day. We were determined to get the Varde kitchen islands from Ikea. Portland is the closest Ikea to us, and they were out of them. They weren't going to be back in stock until May, and we didn't want to wait that long, so we hopped in the car and went to Seattle. Ali drove up and I drove back. It was a super fun adventure. We put the islands together the next day, and they are fabulous!

I'm so excited to have a dedicated workspace. It's also fun to be able to be working at the same time as Ali, right across from one another.

When I was having dinner with my parents during the week, they got out some old baby photos of me and we had fun chatting about them. My parents have been together since they were 12, and they are such a great example of love and friendship. I love love love this photo of the three of us. My sister, who was 6 at the time took it.

The "Happy Thoughts" journal card is from Pebble's Seen & Noted Journal Card Set.

The "Today" stamp is also from Kelly Purkey's Project Kit stamp set. The ink is Brilliance Pigment Archival Ink, in Galaxy Gold. I love the metallic sheen it has!

The "This was the best" journal card is from Elle's studio new Serendipity collection.

IDEA | Cut Ali's Heart Messages out on the Silhouette and cut the paper down to 3x4 size. Place it over a photo to have the image peek through (Like this one I took of a sunset out window.)


SUPPLIES | 2013 | WEEK 13

Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life is a product and a system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The core pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life here.

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8 thoughts

  1. Brooke says…

    Love how you mixed in an older photo and love that your sister took it - super special. And that salad looks divine!

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  2. libbywilko says…

    Love the design idea with the sunset card and how sweet is that photo of your family your sister took. Love mixing the old memories with the new. Thanks for sharing your PL pages with us Katie.

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  3. Krystyn says…

    Just so you know- your use of the LOVE card/Ali cut file just sold me...I LOVE THAT LOOK!!! Just bought the files. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. orange gearle says…

    I can't imagine being able to work alongside/across from Ali Edwards! I love that I can see her influence in your PL, but I love it even more that your own style shines through! Awesome! I also love the idea of adding an older photo....I just recently ran across one of my dad....I'm stealing your idea. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. J3SS1C4 says…

    Looks good! I love the technique with the heart shape on the sunset photo... I wish I had a sillouhette! The photo of you as a baby with your parents is super cute! You look like such a happy baby!

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  6. amy says…

    that "love" card is the most brilliant idea i have seen in a while! LOVE!!!!! must buy.

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  7. Katie’s Project Life 2013 | Week 18 | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] I love adding Ali’s Heart Messages to photos. I used the “love” a weeks weeks ago, and cut it out on cardstock with the Silhouette. It made a great little window for the photo I placed behind it. You can find that post here. [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Happy National Scrapbooking Day! + A Special ONE DAY Sale! | Simon Says Stamp Blog says…

    [...] Kits.  Below are just a few examples from great designers like Debby Hughes, Kristin Tweedale, Katie Vanderford, Nichol Magouirk, Jennie McGarvey, & Ruth from [...]

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