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Paperclipping Roundtable Discussion | Scrapbooking Kids With Special Needs

I've been a guest on the Paperclipping Roundtable podcast a number of times over the years and have always enjoyed the conversations. Actually, a number of times is really 21 times and I've linked them all below for your listening pleasure.

Izzy and Noell do an awesome job of keeping it fun and relevant and I'm lucky to have become friends with them over the last few years.

A couple weeks ago I joined them again for a discussion about scrapbooking special needs children and I wanted to make sure I included a link here as well.

Here are links to all the Paperclipping Roundtable episodes I've participated in:

YOU SHOULD ALSO CHECK OUT THE DIGI SHOW | I've also been a past guest on The Digi Show which focuses more on digital scrapbooking but also includes topics that are great for all memory keepers.

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7 thoughts

  1. Relle says…

    Hi Ali, just wanted to say thank you for this very thoughtful and inspiring episode of PRT - I had followed your journey with Simon for many years - my wonderful nephew (now 15) has Aspergers. A few months ago my 2 year old was diagnosed with autism. He is a wonderful, loving, intelligent little boy. I am in awe of him and his approach to life every single day. Unfortunately I haven't scrapbooked much about him pre diagnosis, and I wondered how to scrapbook those early days without "knowing" about the ASD eg - what were endearing quirky traits - are now behaviours that are part of the ASD. During the PRT I remembered that I had blog posts and a journal from his first 2 years - so I can use those to tell his early story. And I am inspired to scrapbook this next chapter from a positive and very real/honest perspective. Thank you for sharing Simon's story through your eyes - it is a great source of information and comfort for those of us starting out on this particular journey. PS - Love PRT!

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  2. Teal says…

    So happy to have these all in one place! I listen to most of them, but also go back for refreshers when the topic seems like a place that I'm at.

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  3. StacyK says…

    WOw Ali! I agree with Teal, thank you for putting them all in one place for us to access.

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  4. Ann says…

    Heard you on the Paperclipping show about special needs kids and thought you did an awesome job of describing how you record Simon's life. I have two daughters with Asperger's -- who is now a behavior/special ed teacher in a middle school where she has some incredibly interesting insights into what's happening with her kids and my younger daughter is graduating from high school this year. Thanks again.

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  5. lindsey says…

    Love listening to your outlook on PRT. The special needs episode had me laughing, thinking and crying. My son has special needs but my favorite idea of yours from that show was- every kid has needs. You have such a gift to put things into perspective in a sweet lil package. So glad you continue to guest on that show!

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  6. Megan Anderson says…

    Funny coincidence; for the last two weeks I went through and listened to all of "your" episodes! It would have been way faster to find them with this post :)

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  7. J3SS1C4 says…

    I love the PRT! I've listened to a lot of the eps, but not for awhile now. I can't wait to listen to some of the newer ones your in... They're great listeneing material while walking to work!

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