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Katie's Project Life® 2013 | Weeks 19 & 20


Welcome to Katie's Project Life® 2013 | Weeks 19 and 20.


I've taken a unintentional break from Project Life for the last couple of months. Between wedding planning for my sister, as well as my own wedding and helping Ali with Hello Story, time has slipped away from me.

I still really love this project and am anxious to get caught up.


This week is when I went on a cruise to the Bahamas with one of my best friends. We had such a fun and relaxing time.

The "Yep. This Is Love" is from Ali's Because I Love You Labels.


I used Ali's For The Love of Summer Journal Cards to add all of the journaling about the week. I had so many photos, so I thought this was a perfect insert to get my stories told for each day we were gone.


I used Kelly Purkey's stamp set from her June/July Project Kit to to add the days of the week to my photos. I love the way her stamps stamp. They are so smooth.

The diagonal striped die-cut is from a Studio Calico Project Life kit from a couple months ago. I put a 4x6 piece of yellow cardstock behind it and then stitched the thickers to it using the sewing machine.

Week 20:


One of my favorite things about putting my weeks together is seeing color patterns in my photos. Red was definitely prominent this week. I love matching embellishments and cards to the colors in my photos to pull it all together.


The "Heart This Photo" circle is from Ali's This Photos Circles.

I included a couple screenshots from my Google Hangout with a couple of my friends. It's so awesome because you can video chat with multiple people at a time, as well as share screens. We were booking flights for an upcoming girls trip and it was so awesome to share each others screens to see what flight times, and prices each person was looking at.

I had some fun with the Silhouette this week, cutting out some song lyrics from Van Morrison's "Crazy Love" for a project for the wedding. Can't wait to see how it turns out.


The "hello cuties" is from the A Beautiful Mess app.

Is anyone else super behind? I'd love to hear your suggestions on how you tackle multiple weeks at a time. Do you combine them together or stick with individual weeks or what?

SUPPLIES | 2013 | WEEK 19 and 20

Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life is a product and a system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The core pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life here.

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24 thoughts

  1. Michelle Kelly says…

    So happy you posted again! Gorgeous layours. Love the photo of peeking over the top of the book to see the sea. Beautiful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Ashley M says…

    I love Google Hangout too! Greatest invention ever :) Beautiful layouts s usual...thank you for aharing!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ashley M says…


  3. Carolin says…

    When I get behind, I have a really hard time remembering what I did and what happened during those weeks. For me, being behind also includes not having taken any notes, because I was too busy. So I have often had to skip weeks because I didn't have (enough) photos and couldn't remember anything from that time.
    How do you do it? Do you still take notes even if you're occupied with other stuff?
    Thanks :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Shirsha says…

      I am in the middle of catching up on PL myself. I hardly have any notes from the weeks where my PL layout is not complete. The way I am tackling this is by starting with the present weeks. That makes me feel like I am in control. I am also planning to club a week or two into just a one-page layout to take the pressure off.

  4. Linda says…

    Adorable weeks, I love your style! When I get behind I still keep my weeks separate, but I work on multiple weeks at a time...print all the photos & slip them in, do all the journaling & slip it in, then go back and add embellishments + filler cards. I do the title cards last because there's no need to remember what happened to do those, but I want to get the memories down when they are still fresh! Good luck catching up!! I can't wait to see the rest of your pages :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Cindy says…

    Katie, you look quite a bit like your grandma! So cute!

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  6. Robin Gibson says…

    Well, I've been playing catch up too, for a few nights now. And I was behind from, uhm...March, lol. I did a batch print of photos (separated by week when I edited). Then when they came, I made piles from each week. Still working on this part actually, but have slipped photos in pockets, did a little journaling for that week/weeks, then added a title card. Done! I do feel it's not as fab as if I'd stayed on top of it. But know what? I'm getting it done. And our year is getting documented. And I still love looking through it! I caught up on 3 months in about 6 hours spread over three nights, after dinner. Easy peasy! Now, on to the next week:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Kendra says…

    As you mentioned....I am also "unintentionally" behind:) I have been finding I update now abuot once a month. My PL is more of highlights for the month rather than daily ins and outs. There are a few candid moments thrown in....I use the app "collect" on my phone to document a photo a day. This helps me remember the little things.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Stephanie says…

    I am about 6-weeks behind right now. Baseball season and summer have definitely eaten into the time that I spend on my PL. I have done a few things this year to help make it easier to catch up when I fall behind. I continue to journal regularly (writing down stories and moments I don't want to forget, keeping a 'this week' list, and regularly doing 'currently...' lists) and I try really hard to print pictures on a weekly basis. These two efforts make a difference. I also have combined 2-weeks into a weekly spread when I am lacking on photos and stories. I've taken on the attitude that 'something is better than nothing' :) Still working on taking the pressure off myself to pretty everything up and embracing the keep it super simple principle - easier said than done!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Karina K says…

    I love your weekly layouts Katie! How did you print your pictures from the beautiful mess app? When I tried the picture was cut off at the bottom. I print mine via shutterfly, maybe that's the problem. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Christen says…

      I have printed on my photos w/that app and then rue roped them before printing if I wanted them to be 4x6!

    2. Christen says…

      Re cropped!

  10. Lida says…

    I loved how you highlighted your grandma's b-day! I am going to use that for my mom's birthday year. Love how you did that!

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  11. Patti L says…

    I did that cruise in Feb, isn't CoCoCay like the best thing ever?! I def fell of the PL wagon a bit, but more intentional. I knew my summer is always jam packed with activities, so I let go of the weekly scrapping and am just doing more event/happenings scrapping for the summer. Then I think for fall I may pick back up with the weekly stuff. I like to just let the process be and evolve in its own way. Just my nature to not force things. I love ur color schemes! nice job. Can't wait to see ur wedding pics!

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  12. J3SS1C4 says…

    Your layouts look amazing! And I bet your cruise was super fun! I love what you've done for your grandma's birthday... So simple and looks great!

    When I'm behind on PL (which is right from the start of the year!) I go through and plan my pages first... I write a quick list of what was done each day of the week, then compare it to the weeks photos to work out what stories I'm going to tell. I usually do about 1-2 months of these planning pages, which takes anywhere from about 1/2 hour to 1 hour to do all of them. I get the photos into folders for each week at this point too. Then it's easy to go through and make the pages from there... I'm doing them digitally, so once the planning sheet is done, I'll go through and clip in all my photos for a week, then add journalling cards and my quote and title cards, and last step is journalling for me... I was taking about 3 hours to do a layout before starting this way, but now I get them done in about an hour for each one. I caught up 4 layouts in 2 days last week! :)

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  13. Jeannine says…

    Katie, What brand of running shoes do you have on in the picture? I have enjoyed seeing your project life layouts. Thanks

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Katie says…

      Nike Free's :)

  14. libbywilko says…

    Love your weeks Katie, the tropical week away looked awesome- loved the book pic(I'll have to do that) and the different views esp looking up at the umbrella and the cocktail with the to die for view behind it! Also loved the colours of week two, how you included your Grandmas bday and online video chats = fantastic. Great inspiration. Thank you for sharing them.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Megan Anderson says…

    This is gorgeous, Katie! I love you style. It's clean and dreamy.

    I wrote a blog post on the Big Picture Classes blog earlier in the year on how I got caught up that also has a bunch of ideas on other ways to approach it. The post might be helpful!

    Also, right now I'm running purposely behind because I like the quality of photos ordered at Persnickety, so I save up about a month of photos before ordering. Unless you love the feeling of staying "current" it doesn't matter if you're behind! I just make sure I jot little notes in a planner so I'll still get in-real-time, in-depth journaling.

    Good luck finding what works for you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. lee says…

    Even when I'm not behind, one of the challenges I face is having so little happen in a week that it doesn't fill a two-page spread.

    When that happens, I usually intentionally let that week wait until the end of the following week to see how that one turns out.

    Typically, this approach makes me so happy there are those smaller inserts (like the one you used in your Bahamas week) - because then I can do week A on the left, week B on the right, and put an insert in the middle if week B has a bunch to include.

    Regardless, I try to remember that, even when I am behind, that's a good thing - because it means I'm living life. =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. sierra says…

    i am just about "caught up" now -- and by that i mean i still have the month of august to complete - last month i did feb-jun... because it causes me a lot of stress to feel behind :) i decided to do a monthly approach to catch up to the present - i pick my favorite pictures for the month and print 4x6 or 3x4's and then (because i like to include so many pictures) - in iphoto - i choose all the other pictures i want to include and then customize by resizing them to 2x2 (or whatever size you choose) - this makes a nice grid of pics on one page and then i print the 8.5x11 paper to add into my album as an insert - i love that it allows me to include a lot of pictures ( i just had a baby!) but save ink/paper/time - to finish i add some embellishments, captions, and journaling -- it doens't have to be perfect, it just has to get done :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Tracy says…

    Oh my goodness Katie you look like your Grandma! That's a great picture!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Dani Fay says…

    Where did you get the red, pink, yellow chevron 4 x 6 card? Too cute!!!

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