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Week In The Life 2013 Starts Monday

witl2012On Monday I'll be starting my annual Week In The Life project and even though I'm feeling pretty tired from all the back-to-school transitions happening around here I'm really excited.

Check out my 2013 planning post here.

Here's some additional details and thoughts:


  1. Each day I'll post my photos, a photo count, and a few observations from my day (I will post my Monday photos on Tuesday morning). See an example from Tuesday last year. From the 9th to the 15th my focus will be on documenting daily life with photos and words. I'll put my album together in a tangible format the week after (hybrid using the 8.5x11 layered templates).

  2. There will be a sponsored giveaway each day next week that will be open for 24 hours - leave a comment at the end of the post to enter the giveaway. We will post the winners of the giveaways all at once the following week.

  3. Each day next week I will also include a place within my words and photos post to share a link to your blog or Flickr or Instagram stream. Love the sharing that happens during the week.



  1. Download and print out the free Daily Sheets.

  2. Take a look back through my Week In The Life Archives to see how I've approached this project in the past. There are a bunch of different helpful posts for getting in the right frame of mind as you begin.

  3. Purchase the layered templates (8.5x11 or 12x12) or 4x6 journal cards from Designer Digitals to simplify the process. You can also check out my other everyday life product suggestions or my collection of photos from last year all in one place on Flickr.

  4. Charge your camera battery. I tend to like to try to use my DSLR (also known as my "big" camera) more during this week.

  5. Practice using your self-timer so you can get yourself in the pictures.



  1. Getting yourself in the photos. Turn the camera on yourself using the self-timer or get someone else in your house-hold or work to help you out. Get creative with including yourself - how can you document the everyday things you do and include yourself in the photo? I almost always get a photo of myself doing laundry. Glamorous? No. Real? Yes.

  2. Take photos of the most basic things. Those things that we often take for granted are often some of the things we miss the most if there's a big change in your life. Think about favorite things in your house, your unmade bed, your desktop (clean or dirty), a favorite wall in your house, the inside of your fridge, etc.

  3. This is not a race or a competition or a comparison game. This is an opportunity to see your life as it is right now reflected back to you via your own images and words.



  1. Join the Week In The Life 2013 Flickr Group to share your daily photos.

  2. Join the free Big Picture Week In The Life Community here to share your work and communicate with others documenting their week.

  3. Use the hashtag #weekinthelife on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.



Have fun. Take a deep breath (I'll be doing this I'm sure). Get connected to your life (the who, what, where, when, and why of your everyday life).

Have a great weekend and I'll post a little something to get us all going on Monday as well.

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97 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    I'm excited to join in next week!! I warned the kids what week it is, haha they had a little groan then said "OK". My camera is on a little rest this week so to give all of us a break from being in it.
    Thanks so much for doing this and sharing it with us! Happy to have these places to link up too.

    Have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Vera says…

    Joining WITL is in my list of things to do, but now that it's here, not so sure I'm ready for it. But something tells me I should just go ahead and do it anyway. hehe.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Jeanmarie says…

      A few years ago, I felt the same way, so my solution was "A Month of Sundays." I know that documenting 4 consecutive Sundays is not the same thing as everyday/weekday life, but it still gives me that little glimpse of life right now while still being very managable (especially because it is the weekend!). I still use Ali's daily sheets to take my notes, but only on Sunday. Recently, I was looking back at last year and realized that I didn't remember and wouldn't have remembered the places my kids were developmentally without my "Month of Sundays" scrapbook.

    2. Ali says…

      I kinda always feel like that - ha!

  3. Paula says…

    I am going to be brave and without any preparation jump in and do what I can, because I want to be part of this. Definitely a rocky week ahead. Medical issues for my daughter and I, dental issues, car issues, money issues, lol hormonal issues from all of it. And this strange kind of "where am I feeling" has settled in - the good feels extra sweet and the rough waves are harder to ride - contemplating being 50 with an upcoming 25th wedding anniversary too. Feeling blessed, worried and surreal at same time - so was thinking this is just "not a good time" for me to "take on more." Then I read your post from last year this morning and thought - TRY. Do what you can, no more and no less, and you'll be glad. So I'm in!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Awesome attitude Paula.

    2. dawn says…

      I love the way you wrote this, finding blessings thru the hard time is tough. This will be a good week to look back on for both those reasons, so much will be different a year from now. Jump in and keep it simple and whatever way works for you. Maybe more pictures then words or vice versa.
      Will keep you and your family in my prayers and hope the week ends on a good note for you. Good luck!

  4. Friday features | and a thank you | sarah rosemary says…

    […] Edwards is hosting A Week in the Life 2013 starting Monday.  I’m planning to join in.  I’ve done week in the life several times, […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Brooke says…

    I'm almost at saying yes for this project for the first time. You are convincing me. I have too many unfinished projects on the go but my kids are growing and in a couple of years our life will look so very different!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Brooke says…

    P.s My 5 year old son came home from school today and said "On the first of December I am going to do a December Album". I haven't said anything about DD since last Christmas. Your reach is far and wide! My whole family loves you! : )

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. dawn says…

      Hi Brooke, how awesome is that son of yours!! Love that he wants to make one too, hope he does and you share it with us!

  7. Patti L says…

    I'm not participating, but I look forward to seeing others' inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Neisa says…

    I'm super excited to start this again. I loved participating last year and look forward to completing this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Debbie says…

    Looking forward to joining this year! I hope to keep up with it. I am always scared to take pictures of the household choirs like laundry etc. I have decided this year will be the year I shoot a picture of the dishes and laundry! Crazy I know!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. abbeyviolet says…

    Last year, I finally found a very simple method that worked for me. Here's hoping it works this year too. Thanks for doing this. This will be my fifth year and it is so interesting to look back at the earlier years.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Joelle says…

      I would love to know what great system you figured out - I'm a little nervous!

  11. LindaHAZ says…

    I did 2010 and 2012 WITL via a Shutterfly book. I thought I might try 2011 via a traditional photo album like yours but it never got done so I just completed it via Shutterfly and I am not going to fool myself this year -- 2013 will be a Shutterfly book too. Wish your Everyday Life book was still available via Shutterfly.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Steph says…

      I'm planning on doing a Shutterfly album, too. but then I loved the Designer Digitals templates Ali made so I went and got those, and I don't think they will work because the Shutterfly albums are 11" wide by 8" tall. Any advice?

  12. Vivianna says…

    I am really excited for this years A Week in The Life because I got married this summer and I am pregnant. Life had some big changes this year and it will be fun to look back on last years to see what life was like and then looking at this years and see everything that is different.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Ashley Marie says…

    Week in the Life comes at a weird crossroads for me this year. I have been planning to participate with idea that it'll be the week leading up to my birthday (the 14th) and then my mother in law unexpectedly passed away on the 26th so I'll spending the week with my father in law as he transitions from his old life to a new normal. I initially thought I would sit it out since so much is in the air (no good camera, no supplies, etc.) but then I remembered my mother in law's comments while she looked through my Project Life albums that she loved that I always documented the good stuff and the tough stuff. So I figured it is worth a shot.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Totally worth a shot and I'm sorry to read about your loss.

  14. Erin K says…

    Planning to participate for the first time! Next week, I am moving from Tennessee to Minnesota to begin my new job. Three of the days will be driving & staying with family along the way. It will be fun to document my life during this transition. I've got my album, page protectors, & other supplies, which will go with me in the car.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. monica coffman says…

    I was a little on the fence this year about participating as life seems a little chaotic right now and it seems easier when you can document the easy stuff versus the messy stuff. But then I read Paula's words above and she's so right. As are your words too, Ali, that there's something powerful about reflecting the life we are living back to ourselves. So I'm all in as well. Looking forward to it!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Paula says…

      I think part of my "surrealness" is that there comes a point in your life when you realize all of these things at once - that time is not going to last as long as your bucket list, that there is no fairytale ending - health, special needs situations, financial pressures, so many stressors don't decrease just because you are getting older or because you "pictured" it a certain way. So I am trying to stop asking myself "when will things get better" and remind myself that things are fine as is, there is always good with the bad. Ideal is just a fantasy that is nice to dream about but reality is where the living is.

  16. suew says…

    As we will be on holiday for almost the entire week it won't be a normal week at all....only Monday will be at home. I am thinking of having a little spot in each day's journaling about what I would be doing if I was home. Love your templates Ali and I will be using them to simplify the process.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Rosalie Vos Tulp says…


    DO you have any recommendations for png / psd files for a daily schedule. I would like to type our schedule out each day before I go to bed. I am envisioning a 2x12 to run beside a large photo or maybe a landscape version.


    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Kathy says…

    So excited to be doing it again this year and at the very least if people are on the fence just go ahead and take heaps of photos. There is no pressure to be collating or sharing next week but it is a lot of fun to do it. Just as much or as little as you feel you can manage because I can assure you it is so worth it after it's done and doing it along with everyone is so much fun and it's easy.

    If you are unsure of things to photograph that you see every day that seems boring like your set of books on your shelves or your jewellery or your pantry just have a think about if you were able to see a WITL album from when you yourself were 8 or 10 what would be some things you would like to see. The cereals you ate, the tv shows or dvd's you watched. Your bedroom, your favourite toys, food etc. we take a lot of things for granted around us because we live in a house that may be our forever house so there is no need to rush to photograph things. Also a photo of the front page of the newspaper each day or the price of petrol, bread, who is the president, prime minister etc. here in Australia we are a day ahead of the USA so I start one day earlier still beginning with the 09/09. Have a great week everyone. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Sarah says…

    I am deciding to make this year's Week in the Life about Me! There are so few photos of me in my PL album, so I'm gonna have an insert about all what I do and the many "hats" I wear as wife, mother, friends, volunteer, employee, etc. So excited.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Patchouly says…

    I have loved doing A Day In The Life this year and would really like to do A Week In The Life but will be traveling for work next week - Ali, do you just pick a week and go for it, or do you purposefully schedule it for a somewhat "normal" week?

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. CY365 Episode 3 : Week In The Life | CaptureYour365 says…

    […] Week In The Life Starts Monday (How To Prepare) […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Bridget C says…

    SOOO EXCITED TO START!! I've wanted to do this project forever, and am ready to tackle it this year! Bring it on :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Alicia says…

    Can't wait!

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  24. Amy says…

    Hi Ali, I just discovered Katrina Kennedy's podcast and how awesome that the first one I listened to was the one you were on!!! Our family is coming off of a VERY stressful summer where all the plans I had for memory making and documenting were completely derailed. Things are slowing getting back to normal and I am hoping the week in the life project might be just what I need to reconnect with our everyday, finding the gratitude and seeing how can we smooth some things out. I don't know for sure how far I'll get but even if I just get one day or a few portions of days I'll be actively thinking about it. You are such an inspiration to me to document our memories and reflect on our lives in a way that works for me - without ever feeling like it isn't enough. Thank you!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Sarah @ TM2TS says…

    I think I’ll be attempting this. I’m a digital scrapbooker, and I already do Project 365, but I love the idea of doing more. I started Project Life this year (digital version) but I failed miserably. I did do a Week in the Life last year (in October with another blog) and I loved it! This sort of stuff is more fun and interesting to me :D
    I'm going to blog it, and scrap it!

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