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10 Things Right Now | Simon


1. You are two months into 6th grade and you seem to be enjoying the adventure.

2. For school day breakfast you like to have either a bagel & cream cheese or a slice of toast & butter and a glass of OJ.

3. You are taking swimming lessons two nights a week in a class for middle school kids. Your class is held in the diving pool and your class consists of working on different strokes and drills from one end to the other. There have been a few issues with too much joking around (and in your case we totally know that means you think the teacher is cool) but overall you are getting a ton of exercise and your swimming strokes are looking stronger each week. Backstroke seems to be your favorite and I love, love, love watching you go from one end to the other.

4. You eat pizza from the cafeteria pretty much every day at lunch.

5. We got your first progress report for your grades in science and you have an A and we are super proud of you!

6. You are really into Garfield (the cat comic). Last week you checked out the comic book from the school library. Each morning at breakfast I find the comic section from the newspaper and pass it over to you so you can read Garfield and Classic Peanuts.

7. You already have your Halloween costume for this year. A Jedi of course (it was time for a larger size).

8. You are getting so tall.

9. You are a pretty big fan of the holiday season and you're getting excited for stuffing and mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving most specifically.

10. You have a wonderfully kind tender heart and I'm so glad you are my son.

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35 thoughts

  1. kdanielson says…

    Being a mother is so rewarding! Enjoy life, breathe, be still, look and listen, beauty is all around us. The everyday. And embracing imperfection will really get you through many of life's bumps and turns.

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  2. dawn says…

    I love the photo and the words Ali, so glad he's doing great!! My daughter went thru her Garfield phase too. My son is doing great in middle school this year too. I still can't believe it some days, goes by way to fast.

    GO SIMON GO!!!

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  3. Tracy Smith says…

    I'm having much the same experience with my ASD son making the transition to middle school - he seems to be enjoying it and doing well academically. I'm a proud mama, and it is clear that you are, too!

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  4. Sue P, says…

    He has the best, most sincere smile. Love it!

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  5. Theresa V says…

    You two are so adorable! Love his cute face and sweet smile! Thanks for sharing.

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  6. Michelle says…

    love the photo of you and Simon; every time I read your "right now" journaling I vow to start doing it myself. Maybe today is the day!

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  7. heidig says…

    He looks so grown up! Where does the time go?

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  8. Erin M. says…

    Ali, if you ever find yourself wondering how Simon compares to other kids his age, rest assured that I could have said 9 out of the 10 things about my (almost) 12 year old son who just started middle school too! Enjoy the ride!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Dori says…

    That picture tells the most wonderful story! Thanks for the inspiration, Ali. You rock, Simon!

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  10. Lisa W. says…

    This is awesome...THANK you for sharing!!!!! Time really does FLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

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  11. Leanne in CA says…

    Love this! Great writing and a great photo!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Rosa says…

    it was really cool that you said you love to see Simon swimm. I read this article a few weeks ago and it really made an impression on me about the importance of saying "i love to watch you play"

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  13. slmnontec says…

    After reading your blog, I sat down and wrote 10 things about my 26 year old daughter. That was fun. Thank you for the idea!

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  14. Debbie says…


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  15. Chrisy@GoodNorthCoastLife says…

    Yay for an A in science !! :-) I have a science degree and work in a scientific research centre, a kid enjoying sciene is music to my ears.... :-) is there a field of science that Simon likes best?

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Amy says…

    Those brown eyes are absolutely spellbinding. I can't look away! :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. carine says…

    So sweet to hear you. Makes me feel weepy

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  18. Dear Baby, | Making This Home says…

    […] for us. It’s going in my journal with this list pasted on the back. My entry was inspired by Ali’s list about her […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Kathy Y says…

    Ali, I have followed you for a very long time. Even got to meet you and hang out when you came to VA. Knowing some of what you have gone through, I am so glad to see how happy you are. The kids have grown so much. You have done a great job. Nothing but the best to you ........


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  20. Kristina says…

    I SO love lists like this, Ali! :)
    Need to do this on my blog soon!


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  21. glenys says…

    Just beautiful Ali!

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  22. CJ says…

    What a beautiful photo, and beautiful words too.

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  23. Chris says…

    Love the post. All of it so true. I like these posts the best since I'm not a scrap booker. And of course the last item made me teary ;-)

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  24. Cheryl :) says…

    What a precious post Ali. Wish I had documented more while my daughter was young...

    So glad to see Garfield is a timeless classic. I used to cut him out of the Sunday comics and wallpapered my room with him. Mom never said a word(bet she was glad I had paneling that would not peel off with the tape). Hey... feel some memories that I need to journal about.:) Now, wonder what I did with that stuffed Odie...?

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Paula says…

    Simon you are such a handsome and super fantastic boy! Way to go with your Science grade and swimming - can't wait to see a photo of you as a Jedi!! I am wondering if you are a morning person since you are swimming at night -- one of Garfield's favorite sayings is "I don't do mornings!"

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