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The Weekend Lens


I'm getting back into the swing of things around here after being gone for a couple of weeks and it feels so, so good.


Yes, love it.


Even my garage.

I bought a cord of wood for our fireplace last week so I spent a big part of Saturday morning moving things around in the garage to make room for the delivery. I love having a fire in my fireplace and with family coming this week it was time to get that delivered.


That's what a cord of wood looks like in the back of a big truck.


And this is what it looks like when the truck dumps it in the driveway.

Simon helped me for a bit and then I proceeded to stack that wood piece by piece in the garage. I felt gloriously independent and strong as I stacked that wood and reflected a bit (because that's just how I operate) on this crazy life. I felt thankful for my house and my job and my family and my health and all the good things I have right in front of me.

Here's what it looked like when I was all finished:


My back might be a little sore but man it felt good to get it all put away. Okay, it was more than a little sore but it tells me I was doing something!


Meanwhile Anna was loving playing inside. I heard lots of mother/baby chatter and school chatter as she conducted her own lessons with stuffed animals and dolls.


I took a break from stacking to work on a Kiwi Crate we had leftover from a few months back.


This one was all about birds and included this cool feather mask with three different beaks and awesome blue wings:


These crates make a great gift if you are looking for something for a crafty kid in your life. They have subscriptions and also single crates available.


The second activity was to make a nest and paint eggs. She's getting old enough that she's really into it - wanting to do it all with a little help from me. Definitely a fun project to do together. I like that it usually includes some education along with it (this one included a booklet about a few different kinds of birds and their eggs and nests).

She's totally a maker and a doer.


This was also happening in between wood stacking and crafting and hanging out.


Sunday morning play with Simon included listening to him tell me an Adventure Time story. He's super full of holiday spirit already.

Things I didn't capture on film: Aaron and the kids were here for dinner Saturday night. Anna attended a birthday party on Sunday. Simon and I stocking up on some things for Thanksgiving at Target while Anna was at the birthday party.

I also found myself on Pinterest more than once. Tis the season for inspiration for me on there - big time. House stuff, holiday stuff, memory keeping stuff, gifts, oh my.

Such a wonderfully simple, productive, cozy weekend.

And I have I said that I'm excited to have my family here this week for Thanksgiving? I am. Big time.

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25 thoughts

  1. Honoré says…

    You had a great weekend; thanks for sharing and kudos for stacking all that wood! Enjoy those fires.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Kim S (nerdgrl) says…

    A fireplace is the one thing I miss having in our home--I grew up with three in my parents' home. We went through a LOT of wood each season. One of our chores was to replenish the wood by each fireplace. Thanks for the memory!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Silvia says…

    Gosh, I wish I had a fireplace. Not only because I'm always cold, but I love the sound of the fire cracking. So cozy. Wishing you a lovely time with your family!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Toni From says…

    Love your outlook and your spirit. Have a great week Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Abby P says…

    Sounds like a perfectly lovely weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Lisa W. says…

    Beautiful post...I love LOVE my fireplace also:) Thank you for all...OH How I miss the baby teacher playing kind of stuff, my little girl is 19!!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I too am looking forward to have ALL my kids in one place!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Holly S says…

    Love this look at your right now!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. lilly says…

    Oh, how I wish I can have a real wood fireplace (we have 2 gas ones) so we can roast marshmallows and make smores. Wait, I can use the burner on the gas grill, can't I? Enjoy your week with all the family!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Megan Anderson says…

    That picture of George with his arm locked in yours is the cutest.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Carrie says…

    You rock, friend. Plain and simple. Loved the reflections while stacking wood. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Carrie Sunday says…

    You SHOULD be proud of how independent you are! Your strength rings out in many ways. :) Happy (almost) Holidays!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Sue K. Smith says…

    So happy for you and your happy life! There is something good about physical labor, especially if you can see the results of your efforts! Have a wonderful week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Pam says…

    Your blog reads like we are knocking on your door a visiting a bit. It's just lovely.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. CandyW says…

    You Rock Ali! And I love your can do attitude!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Debbie says…

    Wonderful post and awesome photo's. It's so good to get "chores"done, but also great "kid" time. Great job momma!...welcome home.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Karen S says…

    Love the coziness of your post.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Melissa says…

    We love Kiwi crates in this house, too! I've been hoarding a couple of them for Thanksgiving weekend. Can't wait!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Chrisy@GoodNorthCoastLife says…

    Great to have you back Ali. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. dawn says…

    Welcome home Ali, so glad to see you and even the kids again! Having a warm fire sounds good to me right now. Great job with the wood and having sore muscles for a few days is always a great reminder of hard work.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family, so glad they will all be with you this year. AWESOME!
    I'm thankful for mine this year too, my oldest is home for it for the first time in 6 years, YIPPEE!!! Can't wait for some relax time and good food and family.
    Thanks for sharing these with us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. susan garner says…

    Enjoy your fireplace this season. Nothing like a real fire. I had a fireplace once and it caught fire in the chimney. Scared the living daylights out of me. lol.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. carine f says…

    greta, and thanks for sharing !

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Julie says…

    I don't comment often..but I can hear the excitement in your 'voice'..
    Have a wonderful time celebrating your fam and life baby!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Sue Kment says…

    Oh my this pic that stands out is the last one and that wonderful sparkle in Simon's eyes! He is growing so fast!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Liz says…

    I had totally forgotten about this company! Just ordered a couple single crates for gifts. Great idea & so glad I got reminded here.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Uncustomary Art says…

    Recently, I did a survey on my blog to find out what else my readers love to read, and that's how I found you! The photo of your cat is really cute, and now I want to make myself some wings!

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