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Katie's Project Life® 2013 | Weeks 23 & 24


Welcome to Katie's Project Life® 2013 | Weeks 23 and 24 .


While I've been playing catch up, I have come to find that there were definitely weeks where I just didn't take any photos. I played around with the idea of just doing one week per side, but I really like having the two page spread when I look back through my album.


I really love Liz Tamanaha's "You are so very loved" card that was included in a Studio Calico Kit a few months ago.  I used that pink and the green from Anna's skirt to pick out my other embellishments for the week.

The "Summer Joy" card is from Ali's Oh Summer I Love You So 3x4 Cards

I used Glitz' Raven Triangled Giant Roller for my date card + Memento luxe ink in Angel Pink. Love both of those!


To fill the other side of the spread I used Kal Barteski's heart stamp from a Studio Calico Kit + The same pink Memento ink + Kelly Purkey's black number stickers to create some very simple journal cards to document 8 things I loved that week. It was super quick and simple and I will definitely be doing it again for the weeks where I don't have many photos.

Week 24:

IMG_2631 copy


This was such a fun and happy week for me. Simon and Anna had their last day of school for the year, Peter was getting ready to graduate from the University of Oregon and we had a bunch of family in town.

I love love love Jenni Bowlin's gold rub ons. They go on so smoothly and they look so great!IMG_2637

I used Kelly Purkey's Real Deal Label Stickers a few times on this spread. They are awesome when you want to add some short journaling to photos.

I included a photo of me and my dad from when I was a baby to celebrate Father's day that was happening that week.

Peter's mom and sister were in town and we all had a girls night and did some face masks.

We used Boscia's Black Luminizing  face mask,  it looks funny but we all loved it. I continued to use it through the summer to get my skin ready for the wedding and I highly recommend it! One bottle has lasted me forever. Three cheers for finding a good beauty product!

Even though I still have a LOT of catching up to do, I am thankful for this project. I'm still learning about what works and what doesn't for me, and the process is so fun. I'mh oping I can bust out a few months in the coming weeks so I can be all caught up and ready to tackle December Daily™.




SUPPLIES | 2013 | WEEKS 23 & 24

Click on the images to link to the products.


Project Life® is a product and a system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The core pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life here.

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8 thoughts

  1. Nicky from Okotoks says…

    Love It Katie - really like the journaling idea on the first layout

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. kelly says…

    I've been missing your layouts, Katie. Welcome back! Also, I'd love to check out your pinterest (but the link isn't working). When are those wedding pics posting??

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I fixed the link! The wedding pictures will post in a few weeks when I get them all back from the photographer! :)


  3. Elisabeth C says…

    Thanks for sharing!! I too am catching up with my PL but am determined:) I just printed out photos for the second week of October and realized I only had 5 pictures so think I'm going to use your idea as well with the journalling cards to fill the second page...thanks again!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. P.J. says…

    I love the listing of things you love instead of photos. What a neat idea! I have weeks where I forget to take any photos or only have 20 photos of my cat and nothing else. (Oh, yeah, that is this week.) Thanks for sharing. And I'm off to take photos of anything, but my cat. LOL

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Fiona says…

    Great idea, posting things you love when you don't have enough photos! I love all that sweet pink in the first week, too. Nice pages!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Brooke says…

    Yay for catching up and not giving up!! Love your colour themes and they way you filled your no photo page. Pretty sure when I go back through my catch up weeks I'll have no photos too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Katie’s Project Life® 2014 | Title Page + Weeks 1 through 3 | Ali Edwards says…

    […] decided I wanted to do another full spread with single prompts on them like this one I did last year. I love this Allison Kreft Paper. I used a 4×6 card that was included on this […]

    Reply 0 Replies

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