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December Daily™ 2013 | Day Eleven


Welcome to December Daily™ 2013 | Day Eleven.

Super busy day here today that included multiple calls regarding health insurance enrollment (with super long hold times), chicken noodle soup for lunch, no school for the kids again due to the weather, Chris coming over to pick up the kids for the rest of the week, and a movie date.

Here's what I put together for Day Eleven:


Today I created a spread that includes an enlarged photo of the envelope holding the kid's letters to Santa paired with my own note to Santa handwritten on vellum.


I added a 6x8 overlay on top of the photo, printed it here at home and added a few handwritten words along the top and bottom of the envelope. I slipped it down inside the page protector and then stitched along the top of the page protector to keep all the loose embellishments from yesterday inside the pocket.


I considered just having the enlarged photo be it for today but decided to include my own little note to Santa. Rather than asking for something I wrote thanking him for giving me a gift already - my immediate family will all be together for Christmas this year including my Mom, Dad and my two siblings and their families. It hasn't happened for such a long time and I'm so, so looking forward to it and so thankful that it's all working out.

Like jumping up and down, heart-so-full happy.

I used one of the gold metallic markers from American Crafts and wrote directly onto a piece of vellum that is the same size as the page protectors. A little gold star tops it off.


Click on the images to link to the products.

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Lain Ehmann is a scrapbooking superhero who saves women from scrapbook overwhelm and stress. Through challenges like Layout A Day (LOAD) and the True Scrap virtual events, she shares her passion and humor with thousands of scrapbookers just like you. Her next ground-breaking event is True Scrap Pocket Pages in January 2014. To save $100 on this amazing online event, click HERE!


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23 thoughts

  1. Michelle says…

    Dear Santa ... please make my December Daily kit (ordered on 15 November) arrive soon ... hopefully before Christmas.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      From Studio Calico? Let me know.

  2. judith says…

    happy jumping up and down for you from me :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Petra says…

    You are so cute Ali. Reading your stories makes my heart fill with joy.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Michelle says…

    It's going to be a wonderful Christmas Day for you and yours Ali, there is no other feeling like a full heart. Very merry Christmas wishes in advance x

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Anita says…

    I'm so happy for you. xo

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Peggy says…

    Hi Ali! I have just a quick question about printing photos at home. I know you have this awesome printer (asking for one for Christmas!) but is it that easy?? Do you have to do ANYTHING to adjust coloring or whatever? I am not that computer savey, so just wonder before heading in that direction of a new printer. I just print here at home on a HP and my photos come out kind of cloudy looking and the face colors are all redish...PLEASE HELP! THANKS!! Know how busy you are....SORRY!!!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      The one I use the most is the Epson Picturemate Show which is the 4x6 printer (mainly for Project Life but for other projects too). I do adjust the color most of the time using Photoshop - either the RadLab tool (an add-on) or by simply adjusting the levels or curves to make my photo lighter before printing. I do that to most photos before printing - I call this adjusting to the printer. That means that I make my photo look just a bit lighter than I want it on my screen and it comes out just right on the printer.

      The larger printer (Epson R2000) is also great for larger photos - I've been super happy with both. I do the same adjustments in Photoshop (you could also be using an App on your phone to lighten like PicTapGo too) before printing.

    2. Karen C says…

      I would really like to know this too! I keep eyeing the Epson printers but wondering if they would work for me. Thanks!

    3. Marcie L says…

      I am no expert, but I did get the printer that Ali uses (the Epson wide format) a couple years ago. I did not use it much until I started doing Project Life. I still use on line processing for my regular scrapbooking, but have done every one of my PL layouts this year printing at home. It has been so easy! I couldn't be happier! And I think the pictures look terrific. I used to have an HP wide format printer and did not like the coloring at all, which is why I really didn't print much from home. But this Epson printer is really great, a no brainer!

  7. Toni From says…

    What a blessing Ali to have all of your family there for Christmas. I can't wait to see photos of it. Have a very Merry Christmas!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. michelle says…

    I had Dear Santa letters today in my Dec Daily too! Love this project and how intentional it makes me during this crazy holiday season. :) Thank you!

    Are you taking your cards to a Macy's? They are donating $1 to Make A Wish for every card that is dropped in their box. Here's the info:

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. J Allen says…

    Ali, I'm over joyed for you to have your family together for Christmas! There are times in this life that you must hold every moment and be totally present! Merry, Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Michelle M says…

    I am loving your DD this year! I really liked how you added the confetti and other loose embellishments yesterday & am considering doing that one day too. BUT I don't own a sewing machine. Any suggestions on how to seal the page off? Thanks Ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      On thing I was thinking yesterday was a strip of washi tape folded over the top edge.

  11. stacyk says…

    Love it Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Theresa says…

    So with 2014 just around I was wondering if you would create a new 4x6 overlay for days of the week? You know... In your spare time! ;o) I love the December ones you created and would love it if you could create a set for 2014. I'm pretty new to photoshop so I'm not sure if I would know how to adjust the December dates myself. Is that easy?
    I'm loving your DD album. Just beautiful. I didn't do one this year. The studio calico kit would have been nice; just not in the budget this year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Artfulscrapbooking says…

    Love that you wrote your own note to Santa!!!!! :) Evie

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Debbie says…

    SO GLAD you are jumping up and down, heart so full HAPPY!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Michelle says…

    Hi Ali, I was also wondering about the printing of the larger 6x8 photo. Do you adjust your photo exactly 6x8, and do you print on a full sheet of photo paper, or just card stock? Thanks Ali :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes - that's exactly what I do. I crop it to 6x8 and then print it on an 8.5x11 sheet of photo paper.

  16. Karen says…

    Dear Ali, so happy to hear your heart is so full and that you will be spending Christmas with your whole family!! Enjoy!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. cinback says…

    I just love your passion...

    Reply 0 Replies

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