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Project Life® 2014 | Week Three (Studio Calico Project Life® Kit)


Welcome to Project Life® 2014 | Week Three (January 13th - January 19th).

Each month during 2014 one of my Project Life® weeks will be using the Studio Calico Project Life® kit.

You can check out all the new kits for December (called Sugar Rush) over at Studio Calico here: Scrapbook Kit | Project Life® Kit | Card Kit

Here's a look at Week 3:


Jumping around with weeks between 2013 and 2014.

I've almost got all the photos printed out for 2013 which is how I'm starting that process to get those weeks completed.


Most of the time I use all the 4x6 spaces for photos. I like that about my albums but it's also nice to mix it up now and then (like I mentioned last week it seems that my earlier Project Life albums - 2011 & 2o12 included more words and I want to get back to that).

And I am using the Messy Weekly Lines for all my top left cards in 2014.


The extra thick pens I used this week included a couple of Copic markers and a .08 Precision Pen.


I love Disneyland.


I think that play is likely an integral part in thriving so I'm starting the year off with some really good effort in that department.


I think she likes it.



Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life® is a product and a system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The core pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life® here.

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11 thoughts

  1. Mel says…

    Love your start to the year with this kit. Those big glasses are the best!


    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Jo-Anne from ZA says…

    LOVEEEEE that you get to play and THRIVE so early in the New Year:-)

    Keep going!! It's a great start.

    I signed up for (am SUPER EXCITED) your 'One Little Word' class. Can you believe i still have not chosen my word yet. I am going through a seperation at the moment so have a million emotions and words going through my head but can't seem to find the exact word that FITS where i am at in my life at the moment!

    I KNOW it will come to me:-)

    P.S. On those not so good days all i need to do is take a peek at your website and get some inspiration to put a smile on my face. THANK YOU!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Lisa W. says…

      BOY I hear ya Jo-Anne from ZA...same hear. The days are difficult!!! But when I read all you have to do his read Ali's Blog. SAME FOR ME!!! She does put a smile on your face. Best of wishes to you.

      Lisa P.S. All though I am not taking the one little word class
      my word is... CHANGE! not but choice but will make
      the best of it. And hope you can too:)

    2. Jo-Anne from ZA says…

      Hey Lisa!

      LOVE your word CHANGE! That is exactly what it is.

      I think my word is going to be PEACE - inner peace and acceptance of the change:-)

      All the best in your changes and know these difficult days are not going to last forever and that you are never alone:-)

      Have a great one!

  3. Michelle t. says…

    Those glasses are cute! Neat, cool pages. Thanks for sharing them. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Jacenda G. says…

    Your PL pages ROCK! I love all you do with the photos and journaling and I so want to go get caught up on my pages! Thanks for putting a little sunshine in my week that has involved me breaking my sideview mirror off the van and today having frozen pipes in the laundry room! And it's only Tuesday! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Cynthia H says…

    I especially love the pool picture! But anna in the glasses is super cute too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jennifer says…

    Love these! I too am going to try to use more of my 4x6's for journaling so that I can include a lot more writing. Do you recommend the Precision pens for writing directly on the photos? Or are the Slick writers better for that? I am also looking for a good white pen for writing directly on the photos. Any recommendations would be so appreciated! Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I use the precision pens to write directly on my photos - or the Slick Writers. Either one works for me.

  7. C.Robin says…

    We had a great time at the Play event!! Thanks for the Fun Class and taking time for all of us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Project Life® 2014 | Week One | Ali Edwards says…

    […] to the 2013 album I’m working on at the same time). I’ve got Weeks 2, 3 (already posted here), and 4 done with the other weeks up until today about 75% done. 2013 is completed through […]

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