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The Weekend Lens


This was one of those weekends (and part of last week) where absolutely nothing went as planned.

Actually that's not entirely true, we did go see The Lego Movie. And you better believe that Simon loved every single minute of it and has asked to go see it again multiple times each day since we went to the theater.


In the middle of last week my furnace died.

Not the kind of death that could be brought back to life with a repair, but the kind that requires a whole new unit for the cost of a new small car.

On Thursday my computer monitor died. And then the toaster.

And the temperature in the house was just too darn cold (see Katie above all bundled up at her desk on Thursday when we were laughing so hard at the absurdity of the situation I found myself in).


I packed up the kids on Thursday night and headed to a local hotel when it felt like it just couldn't warm up with the space heaters. It was a good choice for that night.

We had hoped for a replacement to be installed on Friday but got a snowstorm instead and a call that they wouldn't be able to install the furnace for another week. I cried.


Snowstorms aren't the norm here. We had one last December (which resulted in the kids missing a week of school) and pretty much everything stops. This one ended with freezing rain and ice over everything which made it that much more dangerous and challenging.

We returned to the house on Friday mid-day and after leaving the bathroom heaters on the upstairs actually felt cozy. I called the furnace installer again to see if there was any way they could come out here before late next week. I got a call back later in the day that they were able to move some things around and if the weather cooperated they would be able to come out Monday morning vs. Thursday or later.

I was thankful.

On Friday evening we ventured out into the freezing rain and sleet to see The Lego Movie that we'd purchased advanced tickets for last week as part of Simon's birthday present from last month.


Saturday was spent in my bedroom, watching movies and having meals delivered upstairs on trays (by me). Between movies the kids played on and off in their own rooms while the world outside continued to freeze and branches and trees began to fall with the weight of the ice.

I don't remember ever spending that much time in my bedroom over the course of a few days in this house. It was actually really, really nice.

Anna's big school auction was cancelled for Saturday evening.

Sunday morning we finished reading Charlotte's Web out loud all cozied up in my bed. I cried.


On Sunday we had planned a 5th birthday party for Anna at my house.

She asked for a rainbow party with all kinds of fun decorations and colorful goodness and rainbow cookies to decorate with her friends. By Friday it was obvious that a very cold downstairs was not going to work for a gathering of 5-year-olds so we called a local pizza parlor and reserved some tables for Sunday afternoon.

The weather ended up being more of the issue than the lack of heat in my house as many families were stuck in their homes due to downed trees or power outages.


We took the awesome rainbow poms I'd ordered from PomLove along with us and the cake from local favorite Sweet Life Patisserie was a hit.


The kids were able to run around on the play area at the pizza parlor and get some of that extra energy out after a couple of days inside.

It all worked out just fine.

And as I type this out on Monday morning I can hear the installers downstairs putting in the new furnace.

Here's to another week of adventure ahead!

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61 thoughts

  1. Leslie S. says…

    As my mom always used to say -- when it rains, it pours! (or in your case snows). Sorry you had such a hard week. Glad your furnace is getting fixed. Just think, this week has to be better. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Jessica @The Mom Creative says…

    SO sorry about your furnace. Love that you stayed flexible - and LOVE that rainbow cake.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Suzette says…

    Here's to a week of warmth!

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  4. Mary Beth says…

    Whew! What a long weekend of challenges, with some triumphs thrown in. Glad to hear things are getting better(and warmer). :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Nora says…

    Im so happy for you getting your new furnces in today! Ive been praying for you all weekend long. Hanging in there and here's to a better week! Sending Love

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Abby says…

    Holy COW! So glad you're getting your new furnace today! We've gone through similar challenges here in Southern California, but our AC went out during the hottest summer on record! I can totally feel for you and how glad you are now!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Teal says…

    As I was reading this, I kept thinking of how my mom would always call events like yours an "adventure" to help us all keep our spirits up and just find the good and fun in trying something new. How fun to see you use the same word at the end of your story. Thanks for the memory!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jenny says…

    Glad you went to a hotel for a night and had some fun, too bad you had to spend the entire weekend cold though! The rainbow party looks fun! Can't remember your word for this year, but it does it fit in here somewhere?

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Cheri says…

    I suppose it is hard to THRIVE when you are freezing (I know, been there done that... tagged out heater was even scrapbooked!). But it seems you did a great job with remaining flexible and making the best of it. And by the end of today, you'll have HEAT again! And you'll appreciate it every time you hear the blowers kick on. :)

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  10. Becky M says…

    Your word for the week..... adaptable!!! You never cease to amaze with your adaptability!

    Ali... you are awesome!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Megan says…

    Oh my what a doosy of a week! We just got working heat this weekend in our house. I couldn't imagine having to go through a snow storm without heat!

    Also, we recently experienced the monitor going out on our iMac, so I thought I'd pass along this information to you. Not sure if it'll be useful or not. (But I had to find it myself when they were going to charge me for the repair.)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. k8 says…

    OMG - I cried at the end of Charlotte's Web, too when the kids and I did a read aloud...that whole friendship was hard to keep it together.

    And don't get me started on crying when reading Corduroy back in the day...


    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Jen Wright says…

    I totally understand. I live in northeast georgia and our dishwasher died first, then our laptop, then the heat pump. Yup we need a whole new unit too and now georgia is getting a storm and you know how georgia handles storms. I didn't know y'all were like us with snow storms. They say things happens in three so I'd say you and I are good to go now. Lol. Thanks for sharing.

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  14. Brooke says…

    Happy birthday to Anna. Yay for your go with the flow approach.

    Living in Brisbane, Australia we never get snow. I can't even imagine the challenges the weather throws you.

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  15. debi says…

    Wow, what a week!! I'm thinking this one can only be better!

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  16. Addie says…

    I cannot believe the weather you've had! We've had just rain and even some warm winds and sun in Roseburg/Glide. Hope this week is better for you!

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  17. Cheri says…

    Yay Ali, so glad they are fixing your heat. What a week you had but your positive attitude and outlook are so apparent. You are an inspiration. :)

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  18. Vanessa Babin says…

    Wow, that's an ordeal! Hopefully things will return to normal this week! Stay warm!

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  19. Teresa Igo says…

    Sorry to hear about your bad week. Sounds like you made the best of it though. And I love the snow pictures!

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  20. christine d says…

    Ugh! Everything at once! You will so appreciate the small, normal days now! We used to have a propane stove for heat, but we never could afford the propane bill to heat the house properly. We paid $300 a month to keep the house at 48 degrees. Having to wear your down coats inside is so miserable. My back hurt all winter from being so cold all the time. Installing a wood stove was the best thing ever. I really appreciate a warm house, and I know you will now too!

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  21. Elizabeth says…

    Yikes! We are serial water-heater-replacers in houses we've lived in. pffffffbth

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  22. Christine says…

    I remember 20+ years ago when I was in nursing school. During clinicals (actual nursing and not classroom/book work) whenever our professor said "come with me. I've got a great learning experience for you." Well, let's just say no one was turning cartwheels and jumping for joy. It usually meant some seriously challenging, can I really do that, is she for real kind of thing. Our 20 something selves always forgetting she wasn't going to leave us alone to harm or yikes kill someone. But when it was over, there was always this awesome sense of accomplishment. Yes, I did it. And no one died. Not even me! The blessing of difficulty is the look back on the other side. I which you and your kids fond memories of "do you remember the winter of 2014??????"

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Debbie says…

    A tough time, but as stated above, what memories you will all have of this great family time that resulted! Those colorful decorations and cake were perfect to "warm" things up a bit at the end. Much WARMTH and COZINESS to you all as this week begins.

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  24. Melanie says…

    Charlotte's Web was our first read aloud chapter book. We watched the movie this past week for movie night and there were many tears involved...

    Hope you're warm by now!

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  25. Jeanne says…

    Love Charlotte's Web. My son read the book in school, then I let him see the movie. He said he liked the book better because it had "deleted scenes" in it. :) Sounds like one of those weeks you'll never forget, and over time, look back on and smile.

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