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For The Love Of Books | Reading Updates


Are you guys one-book-at-a-time readers? Right now I've got multiple books going and sometimes I think that's a good thing (nice to have choices based on mood, time available, etc) and other times it feels like I just lack commitment.

Either way, one of the things I wanted to make happen for myself this year was to read more books and I'm definitely making it happen.

I'm a big non-fiction reader - it's just what I'm most interested in reading right now. I like reading about the way people think and work and I like reading memoirs and stories of real people. That said, it's hard to beat a great fiction story.

Here's a look at what I've got going on right now:


  • The Paris Wife by Paula McLain | The first fiction book I've read in quite a long time and man was I consumed. I studied American Literature in college (my degree is in American Studies - literature, history, and political science) so I'm definitely familiar with Ernest. I read this one when Aaron and I went to Hawaii and I had to tell him more than once that he was going to need to let me know if he wanted some conversation because otherwise I was going to be immersed in this story. I enjoyed it and would recommend it.
  • Notes From A Blue Bike: The Art Of Living Intentionally In A Chaotic World by Tsh Oxenreider | I've been a longtime fan and daily reader of Tsh's blog (formerly and now There's always a dose of something good on there. As I wrote above, I like reading true stories and learning about the how's and why's of their lives (choices, values, lifestyles, how they overcomes challenges, etc). I'm interested in simplicity and living with less and family time and all these topics were covered in Tsh's book.




These are ones I've started or pick up here and there and haven't made it all the way through just yet or are the one's I want to start soon. 

I'm also back on Goodreads if you want to follow along and see what I'm reading, what I've read, and what's on my to-read list.

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69 thoughts

  1. Michelle t. says…

    I generally like to read off the grid English mysteries for fiction. But right now I'm muddling thru The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron. Big huge lightbulb moment for me. Realizing the kind of person I am and little hints to get by has started to make a difference. Couple other books on my nightstand about mothering with chronic illness rounds out the list. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. A. Sanborn says…

    Our family joined where you can track, rate and join up with friends for encouragement.

    Check it out...

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Yep - I'm on there. I mentioned it at the end of my post :).

    2. Tracy says…

      Yes!! I love Good Reads too. I love the different shelves you can have. I have read, to read/own, to buy.

  3. Elizabeth says…

    My sister just got hired on as a contributing writer for The Art of Simple : ) I just finished Malcolm Gladwell's newest book. All of his books are so fascinating to me--he is such a good storyteller.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Nicole says…

    Ali, you and I enjoy/have read many of the same books. I recommend the book to add to your list to read, "The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old with Autism". This is a book originally written by a Japanese child with autism (Naoki Higashida), but translated by KA Yoshida and David Mitchell in English.

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  5. Meredith says…

    How did you capture yourself reading? I'm the photographer in the house and so there isn't a lot of pictures.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      I used a self-timer on an app for my phone called Gorilla Cam. The timer feature works great! I just set it up on a little table near the window and hit the button.

    2. Kristen says…

      I'm wondering the same thing.

    3. Caroline says…

      My guess is Ali is using a remote trigger for her camera. :)

  6. Bonnie Lamothe says…

    I love this post... I love books and reading. I'm taking a few ideas of books to read from your lists. Thanks for sharing. Also, I'm assuming you used a timer to capture that photo?? I think I will use that idea for a scrapbook LO sometime soon. Enjoy the day!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Bonnie - I used an app for my phone called GorillaCam that has a self-timer feature. Works great!

  7. Paula says…

    I am on the reading bandwagon too, it is part of my goal for OLW, to feel whole = to do what you love, and since I was given a Kindle Fire for my 50th last year, I have read almost 12 books. It has been one of the best moves I made, seriously.

    I have made it a point to read some "fun" stuff so that when everything feels overwhelming (too often), reading is my escape. I take advantage of some of Prime memberships free library - finished The War Brides recently - enjoyed it. Learned by coincidence while reading it that the moms of 2 of my friends at work actually WERE war brides!

    I'm gonna check out your list on Good Reads!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. kelly X says…

    I loved Bittersweet! Did you read Cold Tangerines? I read both last year and it really helped me get through some difficult stuff. I'm going to read her newest book Bread & Wine this month.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Janet Kemper says…

      Bread and Wine was one of my favorite books I read last year.

    2. Alison D. says…

      I just put Bread and Wine on hold at my local library! Can't wait to look into the other books you listed :)

    3. Leigh says…

      Bread and Wine was my favorite book of 2013 too. Ali,I imagine after you read Bittersweet you will want to read Cold Tangerines, too.Shauna is an amazing writer. And the recipes in Bread and Wine? Fabulous!

  9. Lisa says…

    Im close to half way through "Packing light". Took me a bit to get into, but enjoying now. Hoping to finish this next week while I'm on vacation:) And thank you Ali, I ordered this book and another per your recommendation a month or so ago. Happy reading!!!

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  10. Janet Kemper says…

    I always love reading posts about books! Last year I set a goal to read 52 books. I ended up with quite the mix of fiction, and non- fiction. Die Empty is on my list to read. I love using Goodreads to keep track of what I have read.

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  11. Marge G. says…

    I'm a big time reader, also, and like you am involved in several books at one time. I thought of you today when I read a review of a book called Thrive (your OLW!!!) by Arianna Huffington. It sounds really interesting, and I've added it to my wish list on Amazon. You may want to check it out, Ali.

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  12. Sharon F. CA says…

    I totally enjoyed The Paris Wife. You might also like Z, The story about Zelda Fitzgerald.
    I highly recommend, I know it may sound crazy, but both books by Rob zlowe. They are so interesting and very well written. I listen to books on Audible. In his case, he also narrates- his stories in his words and voice. Thanks for sharing your list.

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  13. Kathy says…

    Aaaahhhhh. Brigid Schulte is my boss' sister! She was in Portland last week for several speaking engagements ... none of which I was able to attend. :( Her book is on my summer reading list.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      So far I'm totally engaged - it's awesome. Let me know if she comes back!

  14. Tracy says…

    I don't read a lot of non-fiction but when I do I definitely need a fiction book going at the same time. Sometimes non-fiction books are to wordy, complicated, dry even if they are something you are interested in so have an quick simple fiction on the go is a way to break the monotony.

    Usually I have one fiction on my e-reader and one paper book on the go. More than 2 fiction books and I might start blending them together and get confused.

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  15. J Allen says…

    I've most generally read more than one book at a time, one fiction, one nonfiction, and one faith biased, but so far this year I've read one book at a time. One of my goals this year is to read more too. Reading just for myself, to increase me in some way, and for no other reason!

    The book I'm reading now is A House In The Sky by Amanda Linhout. It's a memoir, and WOW! Loving it! Happy reading ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Patti L says…

    I've only ever done like 3 at the most at one time, but usually just one. I go through phases also. Some years I read 100 books, other years it's 20. But I figured out that I am much more balanced and feel better when I'm in the middle of a book. I think the idea that I can get out of my own head for a while is a relief.

    Your choices are interesting, I will have to check some out.

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  17. Caroline says…

    I have a large and growing stack of unread books and not quite so much momentum for reading them! Some books are on my nightstand and some are on my Kindle. I tend to go through "reading phases" and then I'll work my way through a large number of books in a small amount of time.

    I attended a conference last year where Charles Duhigg spoke, and I ended up winning a copy of his Habit book and meeting him afterwards so he could sign my copy. I've dipped into the book (I agree, fascinating topic) but have yet to finish it. I guess procrastination is a habit that's hard for me to kick! ;-)

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  18. Karen G says…

    The only book I have read on your list is Mr. Duhigg's The Power of Habit. I found that book fascinating and I think you will too.

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  19. Kathy L says…

    As a busy working mom of 2, how and where do you find time to read? I LOVE to read and am seriously struggling to find the time.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Kathy - it's what I do when I go to bed. Last year I ended up in the habit of playing games on my phone before bed and I read significantly less as a result. This year I put the phone away and have been reading most nights. I've also been carrying my book with me in my bag and pulling it out if I have "waiting" time. Ha. Also when the kids are with Chris I have a little more time as well. And I don't watch tv. And we also have quiet time where Simon will read, I will read and Anna will look at books on the weekend. Making time ;).

    2. Kathy L says…

      Ali, Thanks for your tips. They are all things I am capable of...put the phone down, turn off the TV. My son also reads every night, I should just join him. You inspired me to head to our library today, my son is on Spring Break for a few days. Funny enough it is National Library Week! We each renewed our cards, and I took out two of the books that you mentioned; The Paris Wife, and the Power of Habit. Thank you for your continued inspiration. Kathy

  20. Jenni Hufford says…

    i'm a huge fan of shauna niequist!!! she's just great!

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  21. Robyn G. says…

    Keep the book posts coming! Love them! For a great fiction book I highly recommend The Light Between Oceans. The best book I've read so far this year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Tiffany says…

    Just finished Me Before You by JoJo Moyes...loved it! Prior to that I read Cold Tangerines (loved also), Mindy Kahling's memoir (a fun, fast read), Wild (took me a long time to get through, but enjoyed it) and am just starting The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte. Have on my Nook - The Husband's Secret and Tina Fey's memoir. Like you, I got back into reading this year and am finding so much gratification. Will head over to Goodreads now. Fun topic with great suggestions as always!

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  23. jeni says…

    I've got a few nonfiction books started but usually stick to one book at a time. Currently on my 20th book this year.

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  24. Jennifer says…

    My friends always laugh at how many books I am in the middle of at one time! My friend came over last week and commented on my house being a book haven. I proceeded to count seven books that I am in the middle of right now. I love reading fiction and nonfiction alike and at the same time. Different books for different moods and purposes. I agree with Ali, I carry my iPad around with me at all times in case I have to wait, sometimes it happens and guess what? I have something to do! I would rather read a book than just about any other time filler including TV, cell games, email, web surfing, etc. So current list: The 100 Thing Challenge, Sports Nutrition Guidebook, The Body Book, a marriage book, a devotional, the Bible, What in the World is Going On, and Running & Being. Oh wait, that's eight!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Raylene says…

    Love to read books! I have a few on my iphone and love to dig in while waiting. I have at least half a dozen non fiction, many by Marianne Williamson, but I usually only have one fiction going at a time. I love big series . . . eagerly awaiting Diana Gabaldon's latest in the Outlander series!! I love fiction that sit around 1000 pages . . . otherwise I speed through and am ready for another!! Game of Thrones for example!

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