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What Do You Want To See | Reader Survey


I've been blogging since 2004.

In internet years that's a pretty darn long time.

I've written over 3000 posts that include some of the simplest and also the most challenging times in my life like learning of Simon's autism diagnosis or sharing that Chris and I were divorcing.

Throughout those years I've held a variety of different thoughts and opinions about the process of blogging: write what you love, write what you think people want to read, focus on content, promote products, generate income, etc. I've experienced the evolution of personal to professional and questioned how much is too much and how much is not enough over and over again.

Most of the time I've kept it pretty consistent. When you click on my site most of the time you'll find a mix of the following:

  • Personal life stories and experiences.

  • Memory keeping projects. This often includes my processes,  my successes and challenges with those projects, organization, etc.

  • Product promotion. I promote my own products and workshops and those of others I think you guys would find interesting and inspiring. Sometimes that includes giveaways.

The thread of memory keeping/scrapbooking links most of it together.

I don't talk a lot about the business of blogging here but this site is a major part of my business and how I support my family.

Up until 2012 when Katie was hired as my assistant it's just been me driving this ship. Sometimes that's really awesome and sometimes it's brutal. There are times when I have no idea what to say next, what direction to take, and there are times when I feel like I know exactly where I'm going. Most of the time it's a crazy mixture of the two.

The internet and the way we all interact with it continues to evolve and change. I want to be open to evolving personally and professionally. I want to provide content that's interesting to you and to me. I want to keep on keeping it real and authentic in all that I do.

All that to say, I'm interested in what you'd like to see here.

I'm interested in what you'd like to see more and less of in terms of posts. I'm also interested in what kinds of products you'd like to see me work on in the future and what types of workshops you'd like to see moving forward.

I've come up with a quick 10-question survey and today I'm asking you to take a few minutes to respond. I'd greatly appreciate it.

Click here to participate in the 2014 reader survey.


I'll leave it open for a few days and then share the results with you in an upcoming post.

As always, thank you for being here. Thank you for continuing to be a part of this crazy little corner of the online world.

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52 thoughts

  1. Charline says…

    I so much love when you show me how to document: around here, summer manifesto, etc

    You make me remind myself to stop And write it down.

    And would surely take a second hello story class. I Did love it And thought it was the best class i Did.

    I am still refering to it often.

    Reply 5 Replies
    1. Tracy says…

      And another yes to this!

    2. rachel del grosso says…

      such a good way to put it: you remind me to stop and write things down.

      i couldn't have said it better myself.

    3. Felicia Young says…

      So true!

    4. Teal says…

      Yes to this!

    5. pam says…

      yes, you teach how to SEE differently, stories that are there- like "story point of view" - in photos & words. You pursue the truth of the moment, through easy and tough. I learn to see my ordinary as special, and ways to document that. For me, the documenting is secondary to first learning to see it. I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as you're blogging, your reader I'll be ;) Go Ali! Wherever your heart leads you!xo

  2. young says…

    Ali, I love scrapbooking, but also love that you infuse your blog with personal things as's been an encouragement simply as a woman to see your journey and your desire to live in an honorable and joyful way. I hope the survey brings you clarity, but know that your readers simply love reading whatever you want to share! :)

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. Tammie says…


    2. Amy J says…

      I completely agree!

    3. Pam S. says…

      Happy 10th, Ali! I agree with all the above comments. What a tribute to your life and passion to share and teach all of us. If we don't know you personally, we feel like we do. You are an everyday part of our lives, and I just want to say "thank you"!

    4. Monique Helfrich says…

      I agree!

  3. Rae says…

    Thanks for being such an inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Paula says…

    It was my pleasure to take the survey!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Mel says…

      I agree, I have been reading for a very long time and it was my pleasure to fill in the survey. I love anything that you do :)

  5. Melanie says…

    I remember starting my Typepad site not long after yours. Crazy everything that's happened since then! If you ever want an everyday food type of recipe contributor... ;) lol

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Felicia Young says…

    You are a very big inspiration Ali! Thank you so much for all you do and your blog is the best and my first blog I go to in the mornings. Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. rachel del grosso says…

      i have to agree. sometimes i check your site more than once a day just in case i have missed anything.

  7. Jo Eades says…

    Filled in your survey. Can't believe that it's been 7+ years that I've been visiting here. Where has the time gone :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Shelly says…

    Do you use Photoshop? If so, what can you share with your users about it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Lilly says…

    Love your writing and have 2or 3 of your books. Love the simplicity of it, keeping it simple and uncomplicated. You're just doing an awesome job :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Alida says…

    Hi Ali, Will gladly do your survey. You've been my just about daily read for just about 7 years. So glad I discovered you, and for all the "lifts" you've provided since. I don't think one can really capture the Ali factor, but one of the things I love about your blog is that it feels so natural and effortless (reading here it sounds like it's perhaps not always:) But I really feel invited into your world. Thanks for a one of a kind blog.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Ann E. Ford says…

    My pleasure to complete the survey, Ali. You're greatly appreciated and well thought of. ;) @*

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. J Allen says…

    I loved you at first sight! I first came to know about you back in the CK magazine days! I pretty much love everything you do!!! I've cheered with you and cried with you and now I will survey for you!!!! Happy Tuesday ;)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Lisa says…

      ^^ This.

  13. Isabel says…

    Keep doing what you're doing. Your blog is the first blog I look at every morning, I love your writing, style, products, your truth, you inspire me everyday .... I just love you :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Kari says…

    Happy to do the survey! I agree with what everyone else has already said above. I love the mix of personal and "professional/business" - and it isn't really a type of voyeurism (you can get that on many blogs) - it's the fact that you show us the "real life" that is happening around you and then show us how to scrap it and record it (and in fun, inventive, and sometimes just ordinary ways). And that's what I love the most about your blog (and everything you do) - seeing how to translate the every day into a beautiful memory keeping experience. And you do it the best of anyone out there! In my opinion:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. karen c says…

    Since 2004? HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY!!!

    now off to do the survey...

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Mary E says…

    Yay! Happy 10 years Ali!

    I can honestly say that have been an avid reader since around 2004. And this is the only memory keeping blog that I have continually followed since I began scrapbooking. I am so happy that I found you and that you have continued to successfully do what you do for everyone for all of these years. It has been an exciting and inspirational journey and I can’t wait to see what is yet to come.

    Thanks for sharing your story, your life and your craftiness and for being a truly genuine person!

    Hugs! M-

    (btw - just finished the survey)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Renee says…


    I too have been following your blog for a long time. I love that you inspire us to document the everyday and you show us how. The mix of personal, creative, and business is just right.

    Also, some of your struggles have inspired me and my family in a personal way, so I will take the time now to say thank you! I hope you know the positive impact you's to another 10 years.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Jennifer K says…

    Done. :-) Love your blog, keep up the great work!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Jean Bullock says…

    Took the survey.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Ximena says…

    Done! Happy anniversay, Ali. Thank you for filling our lives with inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Suz says…

    Survey completed. Ditto all of the above sentiments and thoughts. Happy 10th! Take care you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Lisa says…

    I filled out the survey before reading the other comments. I'm so happy that the others feel the same way as me. I was happy to fill out your survey (and that's certainly not usually the case with surveys!). You are my #1 favorite scrapbooking mentor, and you're just part of our lives now. Scrapbook stores have come and gone. There are hardly any scrapbooking magazines any more. But we still have you. When your survey asked how long we had been reading your blog, I thought about how old Simon is - 12, and I've been reading either your articles in CK magazine or on your blog since he was a baby/toddler. That's how I knew the answer to that question. Thank you for all you do, and I hope to be following your blog, Instagram, etc. for many years to come.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Birgit says…

      Yes. I believe I discovered you on twopeasinabucket in 2002? And have been reading your blog first thing every morning ever since. Please continue to share your journey, life, creative lessons etc. You are such an inspiration just by sharing your story with photos and words.

  23. Sarah says…

    Natural and one of a kind
    In other words 'You'
    I love what you do Ali, thanks

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. {vicki} says…


    I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!

    IT IS MY VERY FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Maria V. says…

    Hi Ali,
    Just took the survey. As I mentioned in a comment, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see a Project Life kit from YOU!!! I know this isn't totally up to you, but I would love that, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Also, I answered that I've been reading your blog for 2-3 or 4 years, but I actually think it's been longer than that.

    You are such an inspiration, thank you so much for all your hard work!!!

    Reply 0 Replies

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