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The Weekend Lens


Ah, a long weekend at home.

The perfect opportunity for some backyard camping on Saturday night and practice for some potential upcoming camping adventures later this summer.

We were joined by Aaron and his three kids which means all kinds of play and fun and food and dolls and legos and messes and laughter.


Two dogs added even more excitement to the mix. Katie's dog Charlotte was here for the day on Saturday and Aaron's dog Woody was here for the whole weekend.


The weather was just right for living outside.


On Friday night we stayed inside - the camping idea manifested itself on Saturday morning. We've done a handful of overnights with everyone all together from time to time - this was the first weekend of all being together two nights in a row at home. Aaron has three kids - a girl and two boys.


First sweet peas.


The peonies that I'm savoring every single day.


A new BBQ that Aaron set up.


Hot dogs (the kind we eat and the kind who run around and around the yard) and cheetos and corn on the cob and watermelon for dinner.


They all did great in the tents - no middle of the night wake-ups. We came inside for breakfast Sunday morning.

NOTE TO SELF | When camping out in the backyard make sure to turn off the sprinkler system. A little early morning wake-up and a run to the garage to turn them off. Only Aaron and I woke up for that excitement.


Eggs and toast all around.


On Monday I took the kids to a birthday party and then ended the weekend with a short swim at the pool before coming home for beans & cheese & chips.

I'm getting excited for summer and the change of routine and pace that brings with it. Planning to work on some sort of summer manifesto this week.

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19 thoughts

  1. Susan says…

    Love those laid back awesome weekends with tons of fun. I've got my summer manifesto written up and ready to post too - it's time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Addie says…

    Looks like great fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. tiffany h. says…

    Looks like a fun weekend!(other than the sprinkler issue-hahaha)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Michelle t. says…

    I'm so excited for summer too. I love your flowers, they are so beautiful! Weekend looked like lots and lots of fun. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Christine says…

    Love the long weekends. Your campout looked like alot of fun.
    Its time for me to get my summer organized. Time for the summer manifesto.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Alida says…

    Entering winter here - and we don't have a Christmas in ours :(, but looking at your summery pictures helps.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Andrea Williams says…

    Oh Ali, how I love the feelings that summer bring! We have had some really unusually hot days here (Stouffville, Ontaro -- North of Toronto) and with these hot days I'm also thinking more and more about what I want to do this summer. With the kids, with my husband and with myself. Thanks to you I have been getting in touch with my inner journaller. It does come and go and my feelings about it change a bit from time to time...but I love that it is a part of our lives. Anyhow, loved your post! (As per usual :) )

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. laura g. says…

    wow, its hard to believe summer is almost here! love my peonies, too..they just never, ever last long enough!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Patti L says…

    Nice, looks like fun. Makes me miss being a kid in the summer!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Kirsten J says…

    Ali - as usual, you have a great perspective. Your thoughts on summer and the change in routine inspire me. Thank you! I need to learn to embrace it and make good memories....

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Taylor says…

    Sounds like such a fun weekend! I miss having a backyard for at-home-camping (apartment living, sigh), but it just means more excuses for away-from-home-camping, right?! I can't wait for warm summer nights!


    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Leslie S. says…

    What a fun time!! Nice to have all the kids together I'm sure.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Jo-Anne says…

    WOW, looks like you all had a really "lekka" (as we say in South Africa) long weekend:-)

    VIVA summer!! Look forward to see your future camping weekends:-) I definately need to buy a tent for my 3 year old for summer. Looks like great fun.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. SarahJane says…

    Simon still LOVES striped jammies? I remember YEARS AGO that you posted WHERE you get them from, but I can't recall... They look SUPER AWESOME!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yep - he doesn't wear them as often as her used to but he definitely wanted them on for the campout - they are from Hannah Anderson.

  15. Susan C says…

    I was thinking about the striped PJ's them and about how wonderful it is to spend a holiday weekend at home with family. You have a lovely yard and a wonderful sense of how to use it; camping, movies, dinners with loved ones.

    Your Summer Manifesto idea helped us to make the most of last summer with our kids, starting to get one together for this year too. Thanks for all your inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Gypsy Chaos says…

    I've been lost amidst the noise for too long, neglecting your blog. Each time I wander back, I vow to do so regularly as I did in the past. This time, I am going to stop by more often!! I've missed the longer stories about your days.

    Summer Manifesto?
    #1 - #10: find a good income source!
    #11: demand my college age offspring find jobs.
    Yes, there's a theme here.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Desiree says…

    Lovely! Can't wait for my daughter to be out of toddler-hood so I can enjoy some laid back outdoor adventures :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Chrisy@GoodNorthCoastLife says…

    Your Weekend Lens posts are some of my most favourite.
    There's just so much awesomeness in them, l find these glimpses into your day and the images you take to record them really inspiring. xx

    Reply 0 Replies

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