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For The Love Of Learning | Alt Summit 2014


Last week Katie and I flew to Salt Lake City to attend the Altitude Summit - a blogging business/inspiration conference.

This was my first time attending Alt. I've been following along each year from the sidelines, reading about other people's experiences after the event online and wondering if it would be a good fit for me.


As usual it was quite an adventure and today I'm going to share some of my personal observations and things I loved most about the event.


Our first order of business was to attend a dinner on Tuesday night. We selected the Bing dinner hosted by Alison Faulkner Robertson of The Alison Show.


I recently started following Alison (first via Instagram I think) and loved her crazy dance moves and her blog series: How To Be Awesome. As you might have heard me mention before, I'm working on not taking things so darn seriously on a regular basis and I think she's an awesome example of someone who's really great at being silly and fun.

I like people who are bringing that vibe to the world.


It was awesome to meet her in person and the dinner itself was spot on with music and decor and desserts. Yes, those are glitter macarons.


Another reason we were excited to attend this event was to connect with some of the people we work with already - many of which have become friends over the years. We shared a room with Elise which meant late night conversations about life and business. We connected with April and Sam from Studio Calico and loved seeing Celine Navarro from France. I also loved running into Candace Stringham and her sister Stephanie Ford. And I know I will forget to mention someone here.

Elise has a great review post here - she captured many of the same feelings I had about the event. She's wonderfully articulate about her brand and her business. We both have blogs that support our brands vs. blogs that are our sole income generators which led to lots of healthy discussions about why we do the things we do and where we want to be moving forward.


This event came along at the right time for me both personally and professionally. For the last year I've been working through some major business changes behind the scenes and sometimes I feel lost in the middle of it all even though I'm super excited about what's to come. It's been a crisis of confidence on many levels - the cans, the shoulds, the maybes, the fears, the comparisons, the uncertainties. I think this confidence crisis inevitably also has to do with the major life change of divorce and how there's simply no way around that but to move through it one day at a time.

What I loved about the opportunity to go to Alt is that it made me continue to hone in on who I am and what I do and what I'm really good at and what I want to be doing with my life.

I loved being a student. Doing what I do can be pretty isolating at times and I really value the chance to go to something like this and connect with other creative business people. Alt gave me the opportunity to learn from creative people like designer and illustrator Emily McDowell and videographers Jesse & Kimberly Moore from Modern Atelier.

It was also a reminder to me that I like the lane I'm in. I love memory keeping and photos and words and living authentically - it is the heart of what I do whether I'm writing or designing products or taking photos or developing classes.


I loved getting to meet Gabrielle Blair of Design Mom who I've admired for many years.

I also loved the chance to have a sit-down conversation about business and empowerment and confidence with Rachel Faucett of Handmade Charlotte. To say she is motivating is an understatement.


I loved listening to Gabrielle interview Martha Stewart. She's a cultural icon and a woman that has persevered through all kinds of things in her life and her work. I know not everyone loves Martha and of course that's okay but for me this was a meaningful part of the event and I'm so glad I had an opportunity to hear her speak.

Alt Summit - Justin Hackworth Photography

The other inspiring main-stage presenter was Joy Cho from Oh Joy. She's another person I've followed for many years and it was so cool to hear her tell her own story of how she's gotten to where she is today.


I loved the invitation to dress up a bit more than usual. I also loved that the only new thing I bought to wear were a couple Classic Cardigan sweaters from Forever 21 that are around $8 each. I now want them in every color.


The bottom line for me, and my biggest take-away, is that I still love memory keeping and I want to keep delving deeper into the heart of it and I want to bring you content that is in alignment with what is most meaningful.

I'm all about figuring out ways to tell my own story and helping you figure out ways to tell yours.

We're in this thing together. Onward!

PHOTO CREDIT | Any photos I didn't take with my phone were taken by either Justin Hackworth or Brooke Dennis.

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42 thoughts

  1. michelle t says…

    Very inspiring. I'm very lucky to be following along in this journey, I learn so much from you. I'm glad you got so much out of the Alt conference, seems like a great experience. I also look forward to seeing what's new. The dresses and cardigans are real cute too, and you rock the red lipstick. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Pink Ronnie says…

    Awesome, Ali! Loved reading this. It must've been so cool to meet all those people. And I can imagine others feeling the same way about meeting you. :)
    Ronnie xo

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  3. Cathy Zielske says…

    Great shot of you sitting, soaking it in. I think I would like to go next year. Save me a bed.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Lee Currie says…

    What a tremendous experience! Thanks for letting me live it vicariously through you :) I'm looking forward to what is next for you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Laura says…

    Looks like an inspiring event. It is so good to recharge and learn. I have always admired Martha for almost single-handedly making the art of keeping a home and cooking and caring for a family important. All of the little things do matter, and I believe she has empowered so many to take the time to create. It must have been amazing to hear her speak. Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Sharon F. CA says…

    What a wonderful experience. I know so many women going through a similar phase in their life. Do one silly thing a day Ali!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. P.J. says…

    How wonderful for the two of you. I'm sure your blog will reflect your attendence in the weeks and months to come. Thank you

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jenell says…

    What a wonderful opportunity for you and Katie to attend Alt. This sounds like it was exactly what you needed and I'm sure we will be seeing the results from you attending! Thanks for sharing yet another part of your life with us and continuing the inspiration you feed us! Great photos, too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Janna says…

    Good thoughts, Ali! So happy to see your bright self! I wish you all the best- I meant what I said - you are a powerhouse and you give the best of yourself so freely. It's been a joy to see your successes over the years...I wish you all the best and I'm always cheering from the sidelines!!! Rah rah!!! Take care lady!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. jenn shurkus says…

    similar to my comment to elise- i loved reading a recap from someone i consider a friend and someone whom i have followed in the blogging world forever :) alt seems like a really fun conference - just haven't been able to justify it yet. thank you for sharing your insight ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jill @ Being Spiffy says…

    Girl, you are all kinds of awesome. Meeting you in person just solidified it. (F-Dub for the win.;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Patti L says…

    Cool story, thanks for sharing. I love Martha! I know she's a bit controversial, but I still have to respect how she built a mega corporation at 50 years old. I attended her show once and she does have a lot of insight into many things.
    I always have to remind myself why I do what I do too, and what makes it important to me. Even tho its not my job, being creative is just a huge part of my life.
    Can't wait to see what's new from you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Kirsten J says…

    Thanks for an excellent recap - I've liked Martha from the get-go. I remember I got her first book for Christmas when it came out in 1982. And. I just read in her column that she purchased her first computer that year, before her book was published. Pretty cutting edge smart, that Martha. I kinda think you could give her a run for her money :P

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  14. Gabrielle says…

    Thank you for the great insight. I loved alt and will definitely attend in the future!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Debbie says…

    Wonderful post! So glad you had an inspiring time. On the side, you look so lovely in your dresses. :) Going to check out those cardigans.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Jessica | The Budget Savvy Bride says…

    Hi Ali!

    It was such a treat to meet you at Alt Summit. I really appreciate what you said in this post about staying in your own lane -- it is easy to get inspired to the point of overwhelm by what other people are doing. Sometimes going to conferences gives me so many ideas, but I have to remind myself to reign it in and focus on those things that bring me joy and are within my wheelhouse where my talents are concerned. It's a balance between not chasing the next shiny thing and not holding myself back, either. Great post! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Helen says…

    Ali, where do I start? Am a long-time reader....recently separated following harrowing events in the're a shining light, not only regarding memory keeping but a great example of how single mums can overcome and flourish....(I'd like to ask you for an interview for my new blog, if I may, some day...I read domewhere you should just ask, even if you're afraid ;).). Anyway, I really wanted to look fresh and youthful and light.....whatever changes yoi're working on and the new approaches to life you've assumed....dang, girl, they SUIT YOU. Can't wait to see where AE is going next. Behind you all the way!!!!!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Liz Ness says…

    Great post! You know, I'd never heard of ALT, but it sounds interesting and sort of TED-ish. Cool! Also, I'm a Martha fan, too--totally respect her survival skills and brain. Finally, as I was reading your post, a book I just finished kept surfacing. This, I think, means I'm supposed to tell you about it. So, I don't know if you've already read it or not, but The Big Leap is a great book, with questions that really help refocus that inner purpose when life has pulled the carpet from under us. Here's the author's site:

    Hope you're having an awesome summer--love to you, Katie, and your family! =)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Liz Ness says…

      PS: The book seems a little "sales-y" at first, but trust me it gets good.

    2. Ali says…

      Oh that definitely looks interesting.

  19. Addie says…

    Yay for inspiration! Sounds like a great experience!
    I love Katie's green top! So cute!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Cynthia says…

    Thanks Ali for all the inspiration over the years! I love how you share the behind the scenes of your creativity. What amazing experience! I am trying to get back to blogging after a hiatus. This post just brings home to me how much I adore blogging and how it pushes me to live a more creative life:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Shelleymay says…

    Thank you for always sharing the real. The good, the bad, the in between, and the through. You always encourage me to learn and do more.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Debra says…

    Who the heck doesn't love Martha Stewart?! She's a crafting icon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Taylor says…

    Glad you ladies had fun! I can't wait to have the chance to go!


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  24. Cynthia H says…

    Love your outfits!

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  25. Jo-Anne from ZA says…

    Gosh Ali you are such an inspiration to so many women out there!

    You give me hope that there is life after divorce:-) and that a person can become whole again after being through that experience. That being a single mommy is doable and okay.

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