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The Weekend Lens

Summer is for adventuring.

As soon as I wrote that I thought, life is for adventuring.

While Simon and Anna spent time with Chris this weekend, Aaron and I took his three kids over to the coast for a couple of days (outside Newport, Oregon). It's been really hot (90's) in Eugene but it was significantly cooler over on the coast.

It was one of those weekends filled with walks on the beach, multiple trips to the swimming pool, special candy, and a couple movies.

Just right.

Here's a look at the weekend in photos. Most of these were taken with my iPhone + a few with my Canon 5D.

A few specific things I want to remember:

  • The awesomeness and ease of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
  • One of Aaron's kids asking me to make a "craft" of our adventures this weekend.
  • The gift of being open - to little hearts and all of it.
  • Swimming in an outdoor heated pool in the evening mist.
  • The flowers around the Inn At Otter Crest were awesome.
  • Starting a puzzle with my morning coffee and Aaron helping me finish it up after the kids went to sleep.

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26 thoughts

  1. Brooke says…

    Sounds like their little hearts are open too.

    Thanks so much for sharing food photos. I had my first pho tonight (I only knew what it was from your instagram). OMG sooo good! Winter here helps.

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  2. Kelsey, Esp. says…

    I was raised just outside of Portland, so trips to Seaside and Coos Bay and Newport were so regular that they were routine. Even still, I will never get over how wearing long sleeves and pants at the Oregon Coast, even in summer, is necessary. I live just outside of DC now and all the beaches out here are So. Much. Warmer. and people are always so surprised when I tell them about the Oregon Coast. But that's just it -- in Oregon and Washington you have The Coast. Everywhere else you have The Beach. Haha.

    The Coast may be cold, even in the summer, but the views and scenery can't be beat. Gorgeous photos, as always :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Paula says…

    Wow, what beautiful photos! And the Inn At Otter Crest just went on my Bucket List :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Sarah S. says…

    We went out to Newport, OR back in May. Your post brought back memories. Oregon's coastline is so beautiful and different from the one we have here in NJ. Lovely pictures!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. iHanna says…

    It's really cool that you can't tell which is phone photos and which is BIG camera photos, don't you think? We're so lucky that we can have both of these tools.

    Thanks for sharing your photos!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I totally think that too! I shot with my iPhone one day only and then the DSLR on the second day only. Fun to mess around with both and compare the results.

  6. Kathleen M Smith says…

    Isn't it wonderful to have the leisure time to do a puzzle? I find them so relaxing. The flower photos are beautiful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Becky Bigelow says…

    We live in the Salishan Hills above the Lodge on the Oregon Coast. I have followed your life adventures since early Creating Keepsakes days.Our three young adults are all now in college. If you and Aaron and/or the young troopers ever want to play golf, or swim in a warm indoor pool, or hit a few tennis balls, the invitation is always open! Thank you for helping me appreciate this morning of dense fog with my hot cup of coffee, a weekend I spent complaining in my hoodie sweatshirt: "This is summer??!!" You'd think I would know this after living here 18 years. Off to walk dog and and take some photos of the misty morning with a new outlook on summer on The Oregon Coast. As we long-time Oregonians here at Salishan say, "Heat in the Valley; fog on the Coast."

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I think it's really one of the things I so love about the Oregon coast. That misty fog feels like home to me and man I love taking photos in it - such an interesting moody light. Hope you were able to get out with your dog and enjoy it.

  8. Michelle t. says…

    Beautiful photos. You are so expressive with your cameras. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Christine says…

    So sweet that one of the kids wants you to "craft" the adventure. Love that.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Me too. It kinda took my breath away.

  10. lisa w says…

    It looks heavenly
    Just beautiful. A great happy for you!!!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Melinda says…

    I loved to see you coffee with puzzle photo. I just did a 750 piece puzzle over the past week. Now that it's done, I kind of miss it. It was fun to just walk past the table and see if I could find a piece or two. It took all my spare time though, so this week, no more puzzles, it's back to Project Life. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Christen says…

    Wonderful photos! It looks like a great weekend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. CJ says…

    It sounds like a blissful weekend, and your photos are wonderful. You've captured the coastal colours beautifully. So glad you had such a good time. CJ xx

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Anna says…

    Beautiful!! Looking at those photos I'm wondering, how do you choose just a few pics for your PL spread for this actual weekend at the coast? I think that is my dilemma when I'm doing a spread and it often ends up with choosing too many anyway... Looking back in my PL album for 2013 I think that I (often) have way to many pics on my spreads, but I remember that when I choosed them I didnt think that I could tell "the whole story" without them all. Or, I didn't want to leave them out. What's your thoughts about the "choosing part" of the process & your feelings about the rest that dont get picked?

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. glee says…

    wow, you guys have a tribe w/all your kids!
    so fun to hot tub in the chill air.
    looks like a wonderful weekend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Joanna says…

    :rushing in: in full Scrapbooking-idol-worshipping-disclosure.... I was scrolling through my Pinterest feed a moment ago and a rather lovely wedding dress caught my eye, I looked to see who pinned it and my jaw nearly dislocated- it was YOU, I *ran* over here thinking I'd missed a big announcement.
    In other news, there are private Pinterest board options (in case I've thoroughly creeped you out, lol!)you nearly gave me a happy heart-attack.
    Best of luck to you, Adam Levine, and his crew ;)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Ha. No - just like the dress!

  17. Katie says…

    Your photos = amazing. Inspiration received :)

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  18. Jen says…

    Beautiful photos! Makes me want to head to the coast but our summer will be completely landlocked. Not complaining. We have an amazing trip planned!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Tanya Watson says…

    Love visiting your blog - I so can't wait for our summer to be back - even though its a mild winter we are having (so far) I still love summer and really want summer time all your photos too :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Michele H. says…

    Beautiful photos Ali! Love the one of Aaron and kids looking out the window.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Amberca says…

    I love the way you write, Ali. Always so much goodness to be found on your blog. You make me smile this morning as I sit here and read holding my cup of coffee, just back from my own adventure to the California coast. There is just something magical about the Pacific Coast!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Chrisy@GoodNorthCoastLife says…

    What an awesome weekend Ali. Beautifully captured and shared with us.
    PS - I don't think anything says summer more than painted toenails by the pool :)

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