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If This Table Could Talk

Today I want to celebrate this spot: our dining table.

This round black table hasn't been around forever. In fact it was purchased in January 2012, a few months after Chris had moved out. The previous long rectangle table we owned together fit better in his house and I was open to getting a new one.

A fresh start for new stories.

Along the way I purchased some chairs from Ikea and the grey couch from (originally purchased for another room until I wondered if it would fit in this spot) which is definitely the favorite feature of the kids and the cat.

I love this space.

It gets used every day for meals, for conversation, for homework, for coloring, for reading. I love the windows that wrap around and the different light that comes in over the course of the day. I love opening the windows when it's pouring rain just to hear the sound as it comes down through the trees and onto the patio or on those early days of spring and summer to bring in fresh air.

This table has seen and heard many things. Harsh words and kind words. Tears and laughter. Giggles and jokes between siblings. It's been piled on and spilled on more times than I can count in it's life with us. It's been a resting place for adults and kids alike.

I take at least a couple photos there every month because it's such an anchor in our lives.

Sometimes a kid or two is sitting there doing whatever it is they are into at the moment. Sometimes there's simply evidence of our existence: books, computers, the newspaper, or a set table waiting for companionship. Sometimes I'll place my camera on the kitchen counter and use the timer to make sure I'm captured in the mix.

The things we own are pieces of our stories.

If this table could talk it would tell stories of breakfasts, lunches, snacks, dinners, drinks consumed, old and new friends, lives shared, computers, newspapers, coffee, hot cocoa with marshmallows, coloring books, homework, Santa letters, cut flowers, plans made, books read aloud, laughter, tears, laughter that turns to tears, birthdays, wishes, legos built, taxes, best part of the day/worst part of the day sharing, strategies for getting Simon to try more foods, secrets whispered, frustrations expressed, forgiveness granted, Anna jumping up and down on the couch and me telling her to sit on her bottom (over and over again), holidays celebrated, songs sung, manners taught and re-taught, one too many bean & cheese tostadas to ever count and so much more.

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From aliedwards.comIf This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

If This Table Could Talk | Storytelling Ideas From

Is there a story you can tell about a piece of furniture or an area in your house? What stories would that piece/space tell if it could talk?

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95 thoughts

  1. Cindy Gay says…

    Great post; awesome journaling.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Darlene says…

    Ali, rarely has a post spoken to me as this one did! I immediately took a photo of a usually messy spot on my countertop in the kitchen. If one knew the stories behind each of the non related items there, they would learn a lot about me and the things happening in my life right now. I can hardly wait to scrapbook this very ordinary photo! I cannot thank you enough, it has totally changed the way I look at everyday things!
    Sending blessings your way for how freely you share your talents & gifts with kindred hearts.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Laura says…

    I love is idea. I am fortunate to have several pieces of furniture that belonged to great grandparents, including my dining room table, which I recently refinished. I have a photo of my great grandparents with a cake celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary at this table. I have silver and china from 2 other great grandmothers, which makes me smile every time they are used on the table. How lucky am I? I will be taking many photos of future family gatherings for my children to enjoy and remember.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Bonnie Lamothe says…

    beautiful Ali... thank you for sharing your life with us... you are so real and so brave and so inspirational

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Desiree says…

    An incredible space and I absolutely love all the pictures you have taken to document your lives there. Stunning, incredible, wonderful, awesome, inspiring, and important to your story. I have no more words! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Project Life® 2014 | Week Seventeen & The Long Haul Memory Keeping Attitude | Ali Edwards says…

    […] the long haul. This became super apparent to me the other day when I was looking for photos for the If This Table Could Talk post. Even when I had a whole lot less photos in one month or another, there was still something there. […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. irene says…

    Super!!!! Not only the story but all the pictures you've taken. Just love it. Thanks for sharing. Bye Irene

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Viki says…

    I so love this post...thank you for this wonderful reminder

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. J3SS1C4 says…

    What a fun post! This is such a fun way to tell a story about something so everyday but so important in day-to-day life! I might have to think about this one as a journalling prompt for my PL :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. amanda sweatman says…

    You do realise that the table belongs to the cat and allows the humans to use that photo!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Rachel W says…

    Really love this post, Ali! Really makes me stop and think about our home and our family and what goes on in the walls of our house.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Kristen says…

    I have been hoping you might share where you purchased the table and chairs as I am looking for something just like that! Such a beautiful space and story. I love the storage pieces you have on that one wall beside the table. I think it is such a great use of space as we are always having papers pile up on our table and always looking to grab a pen etc.. Can you share where you purchased them? Thanks! kristen

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - the table is from Crate and Barrel and the chairs are from Ikea.

  13. jenn shurkus says…

    wow. love this post ali. love the reminder that stories really do come from everyWHERE and everyTHING. even your photos are really powerful and tell many storeis

    thank you :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Inspiration | July 11 » Life In Limbo says…

    […] especially since my family is getting ready to move out of my childhood home. I resonated with this post about a family’s dining room table and all the roles its played over the years. It made me think of our big wooden table and all the […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Alicia says…

    Love this idea of journaling centered around and item or space!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. A Dusty Frame » Blog Archive » From Outside The Frame says…

    […] If this table could talk~ good thoughts about family. […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Happy Spaces v.13 | Happy Pantry says…

    […] ‘If this table could talk‘ – I loved this series of photographs based around a typical dining table. It took me […]

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Annette says…

    What a gorgeous post!
    I love your choices - the couch, the table and the chairs work so well together. What a beautiful spot in your home.
    New fan, right here!

    Reply 0 Replies

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