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December Daily® 2014 | Day Eight

Welcome to  December Daily® 2014 | Day Eight. 

Many of your know I'm a fan of keeping it real in my memory keeping projects. That doesn't mean I include every negative thought and feeling and experience I encounter in my life but it does mean that I often include documentation about the challenges I'm facing or the things I'm wrestling with in my mind and heart.  

The holidays stir up lots of emotions in people and I'm no different. 

How can we treat each other with even more tender loving kindness during these days of dark and light? Smile at people as we walk by. Open our hearts a little more than we are comfortable with. Forgive. Put ourself in someone else's shoes. Take a broader view of an issue or a closer look at someone else's thoughts/feelings. Take the next step. Write it out. 

For Day Eight I decided to write a bit about the emotions and thoughts I was experiencing last night. I paired that journaling with a fun little pocket of goodies and my list of things I want for Christmas. It's simply how life goes - a crazy combination of silly and serious, light and dark, hard times and good times. 

My journaling for today: 

"Ah, seasons. I was thinking a lot about seasons last night as I sat in Aaron’s living room and watched his kids decorate their tree. I thought about our families and the ways in which we have come together. I thought about Simon and Anna and how they were probably decorating the tree over at Chris’ house and how I hoped they were enjoying it and being in the moment vs. longing for something else (I want this for me too). I thought about the ways in which we move forward and the ways in which we are held back. I thought about giving and receiving and letting go. I thought about traditions new and old and the ways in which my family celebrated the holidays when I was a kid. I thought about imperfections and magic and finding/making my own joy. I thought about expanding hearts. I thought about the seasons of change - how we resist and how we become more flexible through all the days of our lives. I thought about how much I love the season of twinkle lights and how I hope I can bring that joy to the most special people in my life."

Here's to more light than darkness for each and every one of us. 

Here's a look at Day Eight: 

Day Eight pairs a full page 6x8 pattern paper + a pocket holding the large gold 8 and tissue paper circles and the word twinkle + my Christmas list + some thoughts on seasons. 

In Photoshop I opened up this photo, made it horizontal vs. vertical (see video tutorial below), added the word "season" from this set, and then added my story. 

I also added the gold glitter star along the top using a glue dot (and I embossed the back using the white embossing powder). 

Here's a short video that shows you how to make a 4x6 horizontal photo from a vertical photo using the clone tool in Photoshop. 

December Daily® 2014 | Using The Clone Stamp Tool To Transform A Vertical Image To Horizontal from Ali Edwards on Vimeo.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about that in the comments. 

The pockets are a fun place for adding those extra little embellishments. I just ran the pocket through  my sewing machine to keep it closed. 

In addition to my thought-filled journaling I love the idea of adding in what I want for Christmas. My kids will be doing their letter to Santa soon (probably this week) and that usually finds its way into my album as well. On the card I used the number stamps from the kit with gray ink. 

Here's a look at the whole thing again:



How much are your photos and time worth? If you said more than $89, keep reading. ScrapRoom Software is the only all-in-one photo software created specifically for scrapbookers, by a scrapbooker. Organize and search the way you want, then find your photos when you need them so that you can get creative when you’re ready. And for Ali’s readers, ScrapRoom is just $89 through 12/31/14, using code: DD2014 at our website. Click HERE to learn more and to watch videos using ScrapRoom with December Daily. Mac and PC.


I'd love to have you share a link to your Day Eight pages below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link.

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36 thoughts

  1. pirate63 says…

    Lovely Ali. Here's to more light than darkness in all our lives. Love how you keep things real. Thanks for the video.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Ballfieldmom says…

    I could have written that journaling! More light than dark will become my mantra for the month!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Michelle06 says…

    Amen. More light less darkness. I have walked your path Ali and holidays are especially bittersweet, the old the new and today collide and challenge you, the very best this season has to offer I wish for you and yours, old and new.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. aggietha says…

    Ah Ali, you bring so much inspiration by writing (more felt I think) about the real things beautifully.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. shoppershaz says…

    I like the list idea Ali, have my 5 year old's but hadn't thought about including my own.

    Your journaling is so 'from the heart', I don't open up like that on my own so you have given me something to think about.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. mtercha says…

    Your photo is absolutely beautiful. I know I say the same darn thing but every day I see a new picture and am just taken by how pretty they are. I can be emotional on and off during the holidays too, and you've given me something to think about as well. I like the idea of adding my list along with the kids, though I don't really ask for much other then comfortable shoes. Thank you. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Lize says…

    Dear Ali, let me just say that you truly are a master. I love how the photo and words about light and dark came together. May you especially find peace in this season.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Ekaterine says…

    Master indeed! A true artist at her very best. Love you Ali

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. abragg79 says…

    Definitely something in the air th last few days. Had my traditional December meltdown yesterday. Trying to figure out how to incorporate it into my album.

    Very nice pages!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. littlelamm says…

    I had to laugh a bit after reading your post. I got up early this morning and plugged in the tree right away to take some bokeh shots to do a photo just like this for yesterday. Thanks for all the inspiration Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Tootles1108 says…

    Oh, you always speak directly to me and straight from your heart. I also could have written (not so eloquently) your thoughts on this page. I have been really struggling, and I, too, want to find the JOY (my OLW 2014) and sparkle of this season. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and keeping it real.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. carriecolbert says…

    You know I love this, friend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Untiedt says…

    I love your honesty in your writing. There is some sadness to the holiday season & I loved how you acknowledges that. Holidays are bittersweet for me. Though it's mostly sweet with a bit of bitterness/sadness sprinkled into this magical season. May all your Christmas wishes come true.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. papergoddess says…

    Love this. I also struggle with the +/- of the season. I try to carry the light with me daily in general, but it isn't always easy. I used to let the reflective nature of holidays bother me, but now I just embrace it and keep moving forward. I love how scrapbooking/storytelling has sort of become a therapy of sorts!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Jobo74 says…

    Ali, that is a great idea about changing a portrait photo to landscape by cloning!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Queen_Mary says…

    Thank you for allowing all of us to face the difficult parts of the holiday season. My difficult parts are not your difficult parts, but we all have them. My kids are grown (Charlie of the Neuroscience for Education PhD actually prepares to defend his dissertation as I type this and Sarah has announced plans to move out of town after the new year), I can't even eat crab anymore because I allergic to shell fish now(!)! It's important to not let the darkness inside take over and I think that is the pagan reason for the season; the ancient knowledge that we need a festival of lights at this time; our souls need to celebrate light. We need to release the darkness.
    In the short term, I need to learn how to write on my pictures!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. abragg79 says…

      This comment makes me immensely happy.

  17. Babz510 says…

    love your list Ali and I love your journaling. its so true how this season is filled with so much contrast but also so much joy.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. coutch says…

    Thank you Ali, for always being honest and open.

    You are fabulous!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. ktber says…

    Amen, amen, amen.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Tanderson says…

    Love that you included what YOU wanted for Christmas! Loving your album and how everyone else can share their December Daily pages on your blog. So much fun to look through and comment on all the gorgeous pages and albums.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. TracieClaiborne says…

    This is wonderful. I think it gives me permission to do something like this for Sunday when I was sick all day and took not one photo! Thank you!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. desilei says…

    Lovely page once again. I am inspired to write more about my feelings today on Day 9. I read something on FB about a woman who learned to accept the new step-mom for her daughter and that brought up so much emotion that I started crying at work. Definitely something I think I need to write down as those are feelings I need to resolve {my OLW is forgive, so it works}. Thanks again for your inspiration! --Desiree

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I read that too - really wonderful sentiments.

  23. CasieGutierrez says…

    Your real life journaling is beautiful! I did similar reflecting last night over the Christmas tree (
    I am feeling blessed to be doing DD along with you & this community. It has allowed me some very honest thinking & reflective moments!
    Thank you!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. sarahsworld2000 says…

    In your image of the DD 4x6 overlays, do you know which star pattern paper of yours that is next to Simon? I tried to locate it on the old designer digitals and I couldn't find it. This is my first year doing a DD album and I am so inspired by all your images and stories! Thank you for opening up and sharing with us.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! Here you go: (there are other colors available too - search "Happy Christmas")

  25. binesophie1608 says…

    Hi Ali, looks great! gonna try this, too! Can you tell me what Photoprinter you are using on a daily basis? I´m using a Canon Selphy but that´s only printing up to 4x6 pictures. I need a printer to get 6x8 pictures, too, to fill the DD also using you're great 6x8 layers! and do you have a specific hole punch for you´re specific ring binding or do you also hole punch with a 1-hole punch - which to me is a little anoying ´cause I don´t get it perfect very often :-(
    Thanks and already looking forward to day 9!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I use the Epson R2000 for anything bigger than a 4x6. For punching holes I use a Crop A Dile which can punch through things like chipboard - it is a one-hole-at-a-time tool.

    2. binesophie1608 says…

      Hi Ali, thanks a lot! So I stay with my one-hole punch ;-)

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