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December Daily® 2014 | Day Fifteen

Welcome to December Daily® 2014 | Day Fifteen. 

Yesterday I surprised Simon with a day off school and tickets to go to  The Hobbit movie marathon (the first two movies + the new one). We share a love of going to the movies and of the Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings stories. It was an early Christmas/love-you-let's-do-something-fun present for the two of us to do together. I've got something planned for Anna this weekend as well. 

Here's a look at how I worked with the story in the album: 

I did end up taking one photo at the theater so I might end up enlarging that and using it here or I might do another layout with the full story. 

In the pockets on the second page I included our ticket, the date card from when I put together the foundation pages, and a flip-up story card. 

"The Story Of The First" stamp is from this month's  Story Stamp™ set

Here's more about the flip-up card: 

Washi tape is a really easy way to create something like this. I usually do a piece on the outside and the inside. This pattern is from Freckled Fawn. 

I stamped "the story of the first" on the outside and used the "December stories" stamp from the December Daily® kit on the inside. 

The journaling was in the form of a note to his teachers letting them why he wasn't at school. 



I'd love to have you share a link to your Day Fifteen pages below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link.

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25 thoughts

  1. Michelle06 says…

    aww signed off as Simons Mom, yay for surprises and yay for early Christmas presents... it's Simons' FIRST year in his new Christmas role too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. StaceyLee_Collis says…

    the way you journalled by way of letter to teacher is very cute :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. heatherw says…

    so sweet! did you stamp "story of first" in the gray flannel ink? could just be the computer, but it looks a bit metallic, really like how it looks. hold on to today, we're getting close!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. llaurenb says…

    i don't know which is cooler... movie marathon on a school day (!) or the way you've documented it? might be a tie! love that flipcard, too! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Carolly says…

    Love this...can't wait to get my stamps!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. m_sweetman says…

    Love everything about your day 15!! Mostly, I think I love your documenting in the form of a letter to his teacher!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. mtercha says…

    Wow what a great surprise! Bet it was the best day ever. And I just love everything about the spread. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Queen_Mary says…

    As a believer in being real and journaling the good and the bad... and wife of a teacher and mother of a brand new PhD in Neuroscience for Education (Yea Charlie!), I gotta say Ali, I really disapprove of taking Simon out of school for a movie marathon. It teaches him school is not as important as a movie marathon, as something "fun," and as long as he has issues at school that's not a great lesson. As far as your journaling, it is really cute, but as far as an absence from school, that would be an unexcused absence in our school district -- if you were to actually submit it to the school, which I'm guessing you aren't. This movie and the Lord of the Rings are really violent, and this Hobbit trilogy doesn't follow the book at all, Peter Jackson used some notes Mr. Tolkien wrote AFTER he wrote The Lord of the Rings trilogy indicating he wanted to go back and change The Hobbit, but he never did.

    I don't mean any harm here and I hope people don't take it that way. For people who have read this far, I've shared a good bit of current/modern work on autism with Ali, my DH mainstreams LD kids, including kids on the spectrum and my son's research in neuroscience has been with "twice exceptional" kids -- kids on the spectrum with one or more severe autistic symptoms and one or more extreme "gifted" symptoms -- to study how they learn in order to develop better teaching methodologies. These conversations have not been part of public discourse on her blog. Maybe this one should not have been either, and if not, I apologize to everyone I have offended. Mary

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Morning Mary - no offense taken. We all get to choose what is best for our children in certain situations and we all have different things we value and that's part of living in this world together. I appreciate you including your thoughts here and all that you have shared with me other times.

    2. jchurch2 says…

      Ail, I feel your reply was very gracious. It surprises me that Queen Mary felt the need to reprimand. As a former teacher, I know the week before Christmas is crazy busy with assemblies and concerts....not much work gets done. And, to be honest,sometimes a day with Mom trumps everything else!

  9. Untiedt says…

    Wow what a great surprise for Simon. My parents never made us go to school on our birthdays. It made me feel special and a memory I never forgot. I still realized the importance of school. I think your an awesome mom and Simon looks as though he is thriving. I love the flip card. Have a great day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. fkpotts says…

    Hi Ali.....creating special moments with your kids is always important. Life is too short. For your flipcard, do you leave the top card sticking out of the pocket? I always wondered how readers of your pages knew to pull it out .

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      This time I did - mainly because this album is a combination of things in and out of the pockets.

  11. mrscourtney555 says…

    Um excuse me...coolest mom EVER!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. melanie71 says…

    What am I missing here ... from my PC, I can't see the links to everyone's projects - but from my iPad, it's fine.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hmm - not sure. Maybe try a different browser? I'm on Safari and can see it.

    2. melanie71 says…

      I'll be darned. Moved to IE - and there they are. I generally use Chrome. I usually have both going because many of my work apps need IE.

      Crisis averted ;-) Thanks!

    3. AliEdwards says…

      Happy to help! Not sure what it is about that link widget but it doesn't always work the way it should :)

  13. Frenchie says…

    Love this layout! I especially love how you put the movie ticket in. May have to scraplift :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Raylene says…

    Love the idea of the flip card! I have learned how to add a flip photo, but this is very cool! Definatly using this one!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. torysmama14 says…

    Hi Ali. I need to buy some more page protectors for your DD album but I know that there are a bunch out there and I don't want to get the wrong size. Where can I find the ones to fit your DD album?

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. ktber says…

    Nothing like special one-on-one time with a parent--for both! My mom always used to promise me a day in late spring when I could take off from school and have a beach day with her, partly as a reward for a year of hard work but mostly because it would be fun, but we never managed to schedule it. We had plenty of beach days in the summer but there is something special about making it so deliberate and a priority. Two years ago on the Saturday before Christmas (hello to-do list) I left the baby with my husband and took my train-loving 3-year old on the commuter rail into the city just to soak it (and him) up. Best day ever for the two of us. Love hearing stuff like that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. jchurch2 says…

    Ail, I think it's wonderful that you took time to do this with Simon. I am a former teacher, so I know this week is harried and full of exciting things, both at school and home. What a great early gift!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. younggirl says…

    What a fun outing! Can't wait until my own son is able to do things like this (currently 5).

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. shackney says…


    Kudos to you for doing something special for each child separately. I'm sure he will remember your day together for many years to come!

    My hubby and I spent the day at the Hobbit Marathon too! We have really enjoyed watching all the movies (The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings) and the extras from the extended editions. I must admit I am a bit sad to see it all come to an end.

    I hope you're all having a great holiday season,


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