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One Little Word® 2015 | What Students Have Learned And Last Chance To Join At The Reduced Workshop Rate

A big thanks to those of you who have shared your word on my most recent post - it's always so inspiring to read your words and your reasons why. I'll leave that open for a few more days as I compile your words to share in a new post next week. 

I wanted to give you a heads up that today (December 31) is the last day to join the One Little Word® 2015 workshop at the reduced rate of $26 (price will go up to $31 on January 1). 

At it's heart, One Little Word® is really what you make it. I re-iterate that every year in the January presentation in the classroom. I can share my journey, I can encourage you to take the next step, etc. but I can't come to your house and get you off the couch, change the thoughts in your head, or purge your closet. 

One Little Word® is about pinpointing one guiding principle and then walking with that word throughout the year. 

Last month I asked my One Little Word® 2014 Workshop Community via our closed Facebook Group what they have learned through the process of the workshop and of working towards making their words more visible in their lives this past year. Their responses were so awesome and heartfelt. I wanted to share them with you here as you contemplate joining the community this year: 

Nicole | I've learned to step back in the story and not just watch from the sidelines. And I've reconnected with how to find joy. All through action and reflection in relation to my word.

Heather | You learn to take time for yourself. That you are important and your journey is important. Even if you don't accomplish all the prompts. Even if you don't accomplish ANY of the prompts. You still learn about yourself and your journey and how your word relates to your world. OLW brings the word to mind so that you're thinking about it, you're thinking about you and your journey and we always need to take that time. We always seem to out ourselves last. OLW teaches us to spend some time on ourselves. I have grown through the process the last two years, even though I never seem to get past the March or April prompts. My word is always there, in front of me, and each year it evolves a little more.

Heather | I've learned to work on myself; improve myself. Have personal growth.

Sheri | I think you learn what you need from yourself. Whether it's from inside yourself or the world around you.

Natalie | Reflecction via different techniques, e.g., writing, art journalling, photography.

Bonnie | Living every day with a mantra (your word)... Refocusing you ideas and perspectives every month by working towards the goals you have set forth when you decided on your word. Expressing your mantra through words, reflection, photography, art, creativity. Making your word an active part of your life. This practice of choosing a word every year ( or letting the word choose you ) is empowering to me, fostering personal growth.

Dawn | At it's most basic, setting goals & intentions, monitoring them throughout the year, reflecting on the monthly, evaluating progress, making changes as needed, and year-end summary, all while linking everything to one specific word. But... oh so much more! Life-altering personal growth that is beyond measure.

Carol | This was my 4th year choosing a word and my first year taking this course. The course helped keep me focused on my goals, my intent, the purpose of my word in my life and made my word more successful than I'd ever experienced before. It's helped me reflect, journal, and go deep within to experience personal growth at a time when I really needed it.

Amanda | After taking the One Little Word class for three years, I have come to realize that learning alongside Ali and the rest of the community goes beyond documenting a word for the year. Instead, it links to something much bigger - to better understanding myself, my story, and my journey. It helps me look within and beyond myself, providing a means to continually reflect on where I am and where I want to go as I work toward goals in life and celebrate. Ali's monthly support has helped shape my perspective on life with an emphasis on - capturing what is real, celebrating what is real, thinking about implications, and recognizing that it is a work in progress. This class has complemented other aspects of my life and has been a perfect fit. I am so very grateful for the One Little Word journey. This is my 5th year of choosing a word, and I noticed a significant difference of the impact of my words once I started taking the class.

Laura | I have learned that life throws curves (our house blowing up) but having my word and your workshop and the Facebook family has kept me grounded through the worst experience of my life so far. I have learned introspection and patience and self forgiveness and that the focus I had on one little word can not only change a person but get them through some hard times. I am so glad you are doing the class again. My 2015 word is OPEN- open to change!

Wendy | This is my third year. OLW has been amazing. The monthly prompts provided the opportunity for self reflection and an outlet for creativity through some very difficult times. Ali your gentle persistent guidance to live the length and width of life has been so supportive and amazing. I recommend this project to every one I can.

Debra | How bring one specific word into your life can assist in focusing your intentions for the year and making those life changes. How to document goals, the importance of reflection and a variety of methods to document the process.

DianaI learned to be kinder to myself and to be more empathetic to others...that we each have our own journey and to honor that. I also learned to breathe...which is really nice. I learned that I CAN accomplish things and make progress forward to the woman I want to be while still taking care of the woman I am. I also learned that it does not always go as planned and that it is ok. The last few months have been more challenging and nothing has gone as planned...nothing has felt right...I have felt completely off track and that is ok...I can breathe, focus on my word, and regroup. I love having a word of the year. My word is like my own personal helps me find my way. This process is incredible Ali and I am so grateful to you for leading us on this journey... how open you are about your story is so inspiring and encouraging...thank you!! Looking forward to 2015!!

Thank you to those of you that shared your experiences with me. It meant a lot. 

Here's to 2015!

PS | A big thank you to Colleen Attara for making my word again for me this year. Check out her wonderful offerings here

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26 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Everyone's responses were beautiful, and I feel exactly the same way. Thank you. I'm having a little trouble with my word (worthy) right now, there are a few words in the thesaurus that have a more ego driven meaning (to me), and it's bothering me. I just for once want to feel deserving of the love of my family, or the nice things a friend does for me, without wondering why or believing I'm not worthy. So I just need to get past that. I still feel it's time I dealt with this. Anyway, thanks. Wishing you an awesome 2015, with your word and life in general. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Vera says…

    Dear Ali, this year was the first I have taken your OLW workshop and picked a word to accompany me through the year. In 2014 my word was DARE and it has helped me so much, more than I would have believed possible. I suffer from panic attacks and my anxiety has been a cloud hanging not just over my career (being the reason to say no to some exciting oppurtunities) but also over my relationship with my husband and my children, which is infinitely worse. My word was the reason that I focused more on what I really wanted and less on my fear and your workshop has helped me to keep connected to my word. It's been a great year (even though not easy) - we have travelled a lot as a family and also just the two of us and I feel much more connected to my family.
    I have already signed up for 2015 - even though I have not settled on a word yet. It will be an important year for me career-wise, since I am about to sign my first book deal (I am a garden writer) and I am looking for a word that will accompany me on this exciting and scary journey.

    Thank you so much for what you do and your openness of heart!
    Vera (the Netherlands)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. mtercha says…

      Good luck on the writing of your book, and with your word. Wishing you success. Michelle t

  3. laew says…

    Not related to OLW but am wondering where Katie has been?? Wondering if I missed something during the website transition? I miss her occasional posts!
    Happy New Year's Ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      She's definitely still here! With the business changes she is doing a lot of behind the scenes stuff, keeping me on task and organized and sane - ha!

  4. ximena says…

    Ali, I want to use this opportunity to wish you a wonderful 2015. From my perspective as a blog reader and long-time devoted fan, it seems as if 2014 was incredibly successful for you, but it's must have been really hard and intense at times, particularly workwise. I just want to tell you that I think it was worth it, a hundred times over. Your new site is fantastic, your classes are getting better and better, your Story subscriptions just rock! So much so, that by now even my husband knows you by name - ha!
    You truly are an example to follow, personally as well as professionally. Thank you for being an inspiration just by sharing the ups and downs of your life, and by providing educational content that goes way beyond concepts and definitions. Happy New Year and see you tomorrow at One Little Word!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. pmmessner says…

    thank you to all who shared their words about the OLW class and what it means to them...

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. cruisin_ali says…

    I love the support of this community and of course of Ali. I do feel sometimes like I stalk her blogue as I can't wait to read the next chapter! I've never done OLW but decided to take the plunge and try it out this year. After doing December Daily, I am hooked. For some reason, as I read the blogue last night, the word "reach" just jumped out at me and again this morning... everything happens for a reason I say.. so my OLW this year will be REACH. Reach into your soul, Reach for the stars, Reach into your heart, Reach for new adventures... yup REACH is it for me this year! Can't wait to see where this takes me! Happy New Year everyone and let 2015 be the start of REACH-ing new personal goals!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. rhondapogo says…

      I like this word!

  7. CherylatScrapstorian says…

    This is my first year doing OLW and I cannot wait to see where it takes me!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Bspannbauer says…

    Good morning Ali, I am super excited about this coming year and OLW is part of the reason! I saw on IG this morning that you are headed off for some R&R, hope you have a wonderful, relaxing time!!! Happy New Year!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. FYoung says…

    Hi Ali,

    I am glad I chose to sign up again this year! yay! With that said where do you get the large word that you are holding made? I would like to try that this year if at all possible to get one made. Thanks for all you do it is very much appreciated.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      That's from Colleen Attara - link at the bottom of the post above :).

  10. saramitchell09 says…

    I am so excited for this class to start! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Kegger says…

    Hi Ali,

    Really excited about this class - My first time signing up! I was wondering if Katie is still with you and if you are planning on catching up with Project Life from 2014?


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Katie is absolutely still here! With the business changes she has more responsibility behind the scenes. I do hope to catch up on PL from the last year, but I don't have a timeline in place (just a big pile of stuff).

  12. LitCoach21 says…

    This is my first time joining the One Little Word community. My word for 2015 is BELIEVE. I will be focusing on my personal, professional, and spiritual beliefs by actively thinking, speaking, and acting on the verb BELIEVE. It's a powerful word, which I am hoping will help me to discern my priorities, speak my truth, and move forward accordingly in all areas of my life. Thanks for providing this space to share. Laurie

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Paper_Inkpressions says…

    Truly... I love the whole concept of this "One Little Word" of yours every year. I begin the struggle with finding my OLW each and every year always coming up empty? I even joined one year via Big Picture Classes to ZERO avail... huge waste of $ for me. This year as always I applaud you and the wonderful yearly posts of just how you arrive, reflect and go forward!

    The last few weeks of 2014 weren't all they were cracked up to be. Then the very last day of 2014 things started looking up in a positive manner... My "outlook" for 2015 changed. The word OUTLOOK hit me LOUD AND CLEAR this year.

    So this brings me to my QUESTION... what do you do with the words "thrive" and now "give" at the end of your year, Ali? Are these a STRONG, THICK material or more like a heavy card stock? I inquire because I'm thinking of ordering mine, but honestly they are a tad spendy. I'm about DE-CLUTTERING my life in many ways as well this year.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - for the last two years I've added these words (they are recycled plastic) to my vision boards that we have created in the workshop.

    2. Paper_Inkpressions says…

      Thank-you for the response, Ali. Hopefully, you'll share a blog post on your vision boards at some point? You are an inspiration to us all. Looking forward to following your PL 2015.

    3. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - that's content that is included with the class so I won't be sharing it here on the blog.

  14. LWilson1111 says…

    Ali, my word for 2015 is SERVE. I think you and I chose two different words with much the same intention behind it. The short of it is, if something does not serve God, me, my family, others, I can let it go. I want to serve my family with intention and serve myself well too. And with 3 children who are becoming older and more aware, I want to help them learn what service is through helping others.

    And as an aside, my OLW for 2014 (BRAVE), helped push me through the fear of flying. I flew for the first time in 9 years with my family and I'm SO proud of myself for it! Thank you for the example you set, the work you do and the willingness to share it all.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome - proud of you!

  15. PolkaDotCreative says…

    My word is STRENGTH. Yes, I feel compelled to write it in caps every single time :) I'm excited about this project. It's great to do the creative stuff but it wonderful to be able to combine creative with nurturing the soul too. x

    I have just blogged about why I chose my word on my creative site, Polka Dot Creative.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. timeline says…

    Thank you for posting. I have read a lot of books that are similar! Unlike other articles, yours really made an impact on me. We all want to read more posts like this one, so I hope you keep them coming!

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