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The Weekend Lens | When Doing Nothing Is The Very Best Thing

There have been many weekends when the kids were with Chris where I worked ( to catch up or to get ahead), or traveled, or had plans with friends, or grieved, or had a specific agenda in place. 

This weekend I decided to set everything else aside and do nothing. 

Aaron stopped by during the day on Saturday ( while running his own errands) to pick something up and took this photo of me and George and Woody hanging out together. I was in-between documentaries on Netflix at this moment if I remember correctly. 

The  big brown couch continues to be a wonderful gathering place after years of use.  

Okay, so the truth is I didn't really do nothing. I think the key was that I didn't have a specific agenda in place and I didn't work - I simply took a break and went where the moment took me. And I definitely stayed in my PJ's most of the day (even when I ran a couple errands - it's how I roll). 

Here's a look at what I did do on Saturday and Sunday: 

  • Watched one movie and three documentaries on Netflix: Short Term 12 (based on a recommendation from Cathy), Fat, Sick And Nearly DeadForks Over Knives, and Hungry For Change
  • Went grocery shopping for the week at Trader Joes because after watching all those documentaries it's hard not to rethink some of my current habits and stock up on vegetables. 
  • Took a whole car load of stuff from the garage to Goodwill in-between movies. I also stopped at Home Depot and picked up a Shop Vac and vacuumed the car when I got back to the house. Those are two things that have been on my list for way too long. 
  • Did yoga twice (using the Studio Yoga app - it's been great). 
  • Last night Simon joined me for a one-on-one night. We skipped the Superbowl (no cable) and opted for The Prisoner Of Azkaban instead. 
  • Did some laundry and the dishes and moved a shelf out of the garage into Anna's room that better fits her larger books.
  • Had a dream about meeting Dave Matthews. Yep. Any one out there have any connections to help me make that a reality? Ha. For Aaron the mega-fan of course.  

So yeah, I didn't really do nothing. 

It was slow and deliberate and quiet and rejuvenating in the best ways. 

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39 thoughts

  1. ksenia says…

    I love those documentaries! And between juicing and vitamix-ing I feel totally powerful :)
    Just wanted to tell you why I read your blog. In general, I have pretty much given up reading blogs regularly. There are a lot of people I admire, who are good at a craft, and have successful blogs, but I still stopped reading. I do find myself wandering here every few days though. I think it's because you seem genuine and I can relate to you. Many other bloggers, with only the best intentions, often leave me feeling like they have everything figured out, and are always on top of things (or if something doesn't go their way they still don't get frustrated or discouraged). I just can't relate to that and instead of being cheered on (as they intend, I'm sure) I generally feel totally deflated. Anyway, your genuineness and personality are great!
    Also, whenever you're in Portland, check out New Seasons -- great local place for a healthy selection (a bit pricey though).

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you for those kind words - actually really appreciate that today especially :). I am so far from figuring it all out.

  2. abbypimentel says…

    I, too, LOVE that photo! Did Aaron use a (your?) DSLR or phone, if you don't mind my asking!?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      He used his phone :).

  3. chp97 says…

    Ali, love reading your blog - downtime is important, so I've learned when the rest of life can be stressful, so enjoy it when you can. I'm always inspired by seeing bits and parts of your life through what you share with us, your readers. Thank you for being open and for being You. Happy Friday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. tamisc says…

    my favorite quote "I do not mean I have nothing planned. I mean I plan to do nothing." i am in the DMB fanclub and can get pretty good seats most of the time, or at least general admission to the front so if you get to the site early you can usually get in the front row. I have gotten to see DMB lots of times but the best was when I was front row center. Dave sang just to be all night long.

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  5. Ismail says…

    Its wonderful blog. Here i find more interesting thing to make relax and peaceful everybody want peaceful thing which can take tension.
    Moto X Force

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