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Around Here

I can't tell you guys how good it feels to be home. 

I'm home for awhile with no plans to go anywhere for a least a month. I love to travel, but man it feels good to settle in here again. 

Here are a few things happening around here recently: 

1. Type starts today. You still have some time to join this 12-week workshop that's focused on the ways we incorporate type into our memory keeping projects. One theme per week keeps it simple and focused and fun. I'd love to have you join the community. Full details here. For me it's going to be all type all the time for the foreseeable future. 

2. My yard is coming alive (peonies coming soon as you can see in the photo above) and I'm looking forward to getting myself organized and efficient in my office so I can get outside more. Not having anywhere to travel for awhile helps give me the chance to get organized and stick to the tasks right in front of me (vs. having to get ready to go somewhere). 

3. I have had zero interest in cooking for months now. Zero. It's an ebb and a flow for me generally - sometimes I'm totally into it and other times it's all I can do to get a decent meal together for the three of us. Popcorn counts at least once a week (with a side of cheese and apples of course). 

4. My kids rooms are in dire need of a clean up and a clean out. The legos are out of control in Simon's room need to be sorted (this is more of a group project so I need to be ready to have the time to get in there and help with the organization by color into bins). The more "little kid" things need to be moved out of Anna's room and shared with someone who will give them love. I have an antique headboard and footboard in the garage that I'd love to get painted in a fun color for her room. Adding that to my list of things to make happen in the coming months. 

5. Soccer has started again for Anna. I love watching her play and I love the chance to connect with other parents at her practices and games. 

6. I can't believe that we are close to summer again. Our local outdoor pool will be opening next months which is one of my favorite things to do when the weather warms up. 

7. Now is the time of year that we figure out what's happening for the kids during the summer. Chris and I will have a sit-down meeting soon to figure out the logistics - camps, Grandma & Grandpa time, camping, etc. 

I also wanted to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to all of you who have supported me in the last year with the transition to the new site and the new products. Your continued support means so much to me - thank you for participating when you can and for continuing to want to tell stories together through products, inspiration and education. 

Happy Monday!


Here's the winner of the Type workshop giveaway: 

katie1980 | I'd love to take this class as it sounds amazing. Especially the fonts bit - I'd love to learn how to mix fonts and ideally space them right to be able to create my own "subway art" with the blocks of text with tons going on but with a clean look! I seriously thought about taking the class, but I just can't afford to right now, with three year old twins and too much going on, money wise. So to win this would be awesome! I'd really like to be involved with this classroom, Ali! Thanks for offering us the chance.

Congratulations Katie! We will be in touch. 

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35 thoughts

  1. MonikaKnapp says…

    I love your everyday photos! May I ask when do you plan documenting "Week in the Life"? I hope it will be earlier than last year, in a "brighter" season.

    Reply 6 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - planning for August this year (and then spring next year).

    2. MonikaKnapp says…

      Thank you, Ali! That's awesome! Can't wait for this project.

    3. Marjorie30 says…

      Hi Ali, will there be a kit for the new Week in The life?

    4. AliEdwards says…

      Yes - there will be a new kit this year.

    5. Marjorie30 says…

      Thank you for your quick answer, Ali. Looking forward to it. :)

    6. mary_rogers says…

      I guess that means I had better finish up 2014 before August!

  2. happytoscrap says…

    I don't know how you capture your feelings and to do lists. Do you journal it before you put it out for us to follow along? I do admire your consistency to get your stories out. You seem to make cleaning the kids' rooms a "want to do it project".

    And you are right! Summer is just around the corner!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - I actually do it while I'm composing the post. Generally I think about a combination of some facts and some feels and then bring them together in a numbered list. And yeah, I do actually like cleaning/helping clean/organizing my kids rooms.

  3. Jana_NJ says…

    Ali Thank you for rocking ! and helping us to get inspired and thanks for sharing so much I wish I could afford more because all you do helps me a lot in my scrapbooking . So thank you !

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. desilei says…

    Life is good! Enjoy your home-time and the beautiful Spring season you have over in that corner of the states. I love Spring and I love organizing too (the cleaning bit more of a necessity)! I may tackle some spring cleaning while my kids are with their dad this weekend. Makes it so much easier to do when you do not have ANY distractions. :) --Desiree

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. SuWrite says…

    Hi Ali,

    Loved your blog post -- where did you find that sweet numbered coat rack (first picture)?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! It's from Pottery Barn a few years ago. It sat in my closet forever before I finally hung it up a few months ago. Great for kids backpacks and bags.

  6. tapjanuario says…

    Hi Ali, I love you soo much, because you are the same person, the women with realize that's need to organizing your house how like us. And need to clean kids room, like me. But you a inspiration for me, because when I'm very sad about anything I read your posts and I'm feel soo good. I want to do your classes some day, but now I can't financial problems. Kisses a lot. Have a good Monday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. jaimeelynn says…

    Welcome home....for now anyways!!! I have loved the transition to your new site and even though I haven't had a chance to participate in the story kit content online yet (new baby at home) I subscribed right away and love the kits!! Keep doing what you are doing!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. birdnscrap says…

    Ali, I know that wonderful feeling of getting home and wanting to stay put. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us. Love the photo of your dog!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    Enjoy each everyday at home moment at home, yep even the sorting and cleaning - when it's done, it just feels good, doesn't it! Like you, my "to do" list is steep but that doesn't mean it can't happen. I want to tackle my mom's room - she passed away in November and I have done some surface cleaning but there is alot more to do. I like to jot things down about her as I go through her stuff - so many good memories still live in her room. I am also determined to take everything out of all of my kitchen cabinets, rearrange where I keep my pots & pans, give away all the extra cups and "whats-its" that we don't use...then move on to the closets! Go us!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Emmaj says…

    I need to write a list like this. Thanks for the reminder.
    Also, THOSE KNOBS!!!!! Where did you find those numbered knobs? They are so cute and really make that coat dump place look super awesome.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hey! The whole piece - knobs + background were from Pottery Barn a few years ago. I finally put it up a couple months back.

  11. jeannine says…

    These photos make me smile! Thank you

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. gemini_jen says…

    Re: your cooking comment ... I did a few meal prep trials lately (Blue Apron, Plated and Hello Fresh). I was in a rut, cooking wise, and have started to love cooking again. All 3 companies are quite similar - meals are $10-12 each, and I receive three meals (for two) weekly. The portions are generous, but most importantly - I'm trying new recipes and loving it! The ingredients are fresh, and I'm cooking with ingredients I've never cooked with before. And you get the recipe if you want to create the meal from scratch.

    Not sure what your kids like food-wise, but that might be an option to try, too.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. angelagrissom says…

      This sounds like an awesome idea!

  13. lime says…

    I've been a fan for years. Really like your new website + content, and these 'around here' posts are some of my favorite reads. Enjoy spring time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. jchurch2 says…

    Ali, you have no idea how I look forward to reading your very real posts. If you can figure out how to get inspired to make meals, please share. Welcome home...great for spending time with family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. peggy1958sue says…

    OH YES!!! The LEGOS! I had 2 boys that LOVED these little blocks that you connect together to make some pretty amazing things! One Christmas, I had them put the kits together and then I put them in baggies, etc. and then put them all in drawers marked with what kit they made so that when they have little ones of their own, the kits are all ready to be made. The little "put together books" went right in that same drawer. The boys were now 21 and 25 years old. My 25 year old was actually on his way to the Peace Corps for 2 years, so my 21 year old had to finish making them. I had them ALL over the basement all made up sitting on their little pattern books. Now it was my turn to disassemble them, get them in baggies/bags, then into drawers marked by TITLE of kit. SO AWESOME! Good luck with your little Lego land & organization!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Borcherding says…

    Quick question Ali... are these pics taken with your DSLR or camera phone? And if you have taken with a camera phone may I ask which phone you have? I have an old iphone and the camera is pathetic.. I prefer not to take pics with my phone since it's a phone and not my "camera" per se, but the reality is, I have my phone ALL the time and the convenience can't be denied! LOL! I am eligible for an upgrade and I don't care about the phone features, just the camera. HA! Thank you!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - these were all taken with my iphone6. Love it.

  17. anniebeagle says…

    I hear you on the room clean up / clean out! We've been in that mode for weeks now, if not months. We just finished sorting Legos by color into a couple of Trofast shelves from IKEA. They're working out well so far. Still need to hang a couple of Ekby shelves for display space. Slowly but surely... ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. jenmcampbell says…

    I am sooooo glad I am not the only one out there struggling with food lately! I have zero motivation what-so-ever to plan meals and/or cook them! My only saving grace is that BBQ season is rapidly approaching in Winnipeg and that will freshen up the menu a little bit, plus take th pressure off me because my husband generally likes to BBQ :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. katie1980 says…

    I am stoked to have won the Type Class giveaway! Thanks so much, Ali, it looks amazing. I now just have to schedule the time to watch the videos - probably once my twins are in bed - and do the work. This will definitely help me to focus and make sure that I get my "me time" each week. This will be invaluable in improving my scrapbooking. Especially as I also just got Photoshop Elements 13 as a treat, and a course on the basics of how to use it. Type will dovetail into that perfectly. (Who cares if the house is a mess, right?!)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. kelsterjean says…

    As the child of divorced parents, it makes my heart so happy when I read about all the things you and Chris do TOGETHER for the kids. I just always wanted to tell you that. Also, I'm happy Katie won! I don't know her, but it sounds like she really deserves it!

    Reply 0 Replies

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