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Give Sunday | 16

This year, in honor of my 2015 One Little Word® "give," I'm sharing a hand-drawn quote each Sunday here on my blog.

I found this quote from Cheryl Strayed (author of Wild and Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar) this week on Erin's Design For Mankind blog within a post titled: Hair, Today. That post is definitely worth a read today - lovely perspective. Love the idea of contemplating what things we are hanging on to that are no longer needed - physically, emotionally, spiritually. 

Click here to read my initial post and download the #givesunday word art title and checklist for helping you to give a little something today. You can also view all the past #givesunday quotes via the archives

Click here to download the #givesunday 16 quote. Please note: If you are reading this post via email you need to click through to the actual blog post to download the file

You're invited to join me. What will you give today?

Have a wonderful Sunday. 

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12 thoughts

  1. PamBaldwin says…

    THIS!!! Things in the Universe must be lining up because I really needed to hear this today and it posted a day early. Coincidence? Maybe not! Thank you Universe (and Ali ;)

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  2. mtercha says…

    Beautiful. Thank you. Michelle t

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  3. Juljul13 says…

    Ali, Great quote.
    I don't know if you follow this blog but I thought of you and your Parisian Adventures and thought you would enjoy. My 'give' to you. Enjoy your weekend.

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  4. wyldefleurs says…

    Ali, for me, this is the best quote you've shared yet. I know I'm not the same woman I was and my wants, desires, dreams, personality, etc are so different from 20 years ago, 5 years ago. We're constantly changing along with life circumstances. Before reading your blog this morning I had just came across an email from my sister from 2010 and we were discussing bible teacher/author Sheila Walsh. My sister passed away in 2012. She was such an incredible source of wisdom to me. I hear her voice in my heart. This quote you shared today is something my sister would say to me. Thanks for sharing this.

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  5. shan979 says…

    I was scrolling through my insta feed and this quote stopped me in my tracks. Just what I needed. As I've spent much of the last couple days mentally re-hashing some things that I truly need to let go of. Because they are taking my joy, stirring up a pity party, thinking that things used to be better when . . . but all this is going to get me nowhere. Thank you, thank you!

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  6. crestajune says…

    Just what I need... Thank you, Ali.

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  7. carriecolbert says…

    Yes! My word of the year is release, based on this sentence of the year, if you will, which I heard in yoga on New Year's Day:

    When we let go of the things we no longer need, we make room for beautiful, wonderful new things.

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  8. LakeLady8186 says…

    Ali, as a cancer survivor with difficulties caused by treatment -- today I want my old self back. I really need to give myself something -- encouragement to be who I am now and encouragement that I am still worthy.

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