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Week In The Life™ 2015 | Let's Do This

Hands in the air. 

That's how I feel on Monday morning of Week In The Life™. Okay maybe not that excited, but pretty darn close. Let's do this thing

This thing, this week of documentation, is an awesome opportunity to capture life right now. 

And if you are reading this and it's Monday night and you forget to take photos this morning, no sweat. Start now. Start tonight or tomorrow morning. 

Here are a few other things to remember this week: 

1. Go with the flow. Don't panic if you don't get photos of every single detail. Remember this is not a sprint, but a longer distance spread out over the course of seven days. If you miss a morning or two or an evening, no sweat. Keep going.

2. Focus on the words and photos this week. There's no need to try to do everything - taking photos and writing things down is enough. 

3. Have fun seeing your life through the lens of your camera. 

And here are a few things I mentioned in my Ready Set Go post last year which is absolutely still applicable today: 

  • Look for the stories. Read this post for inspiration. As you go about your day, think to yourself about how you can capture those stories with your lens. How do all these different stories weave together to create the life you are living right now?
  • Answer the question, "what is the truth of my day?" As you walk around your house, your office, your kids school, think about and document the truths that make up your day.
  • Remember that it's NOT about the products. It never has been and it never will be. Yes, they are fun and I love working with them to bring an album together, but the products are not the point. If they help get you going in the right direction then that's awesome - but don't let them detract from your experience.
  • Remember that the best camera is the one you have with you.
  • Get yourself in the photos - by whatever means necessary - at the very least once per day.
  • Without a doubt, this project often mirrors back to me many different things about my life. It is often a catalyst for change as I see things in front of me that really can't be ignored much longer. I challenge you to think about those things this week.
  • Or skip all that intentional stuff and just have fun taking a whole lot of photos of your daily life.
  • Join the free Week In The Life™ community message board and gallery here.

Bottom line, I challenge you to take this opportunity to celebrate and to write and to photograph your life as you are living it right now. No one can tell this story but you.

I'll be back tomorrow sharing my Monday words and photos. I'll also share a few photos along the way on Instagram using the hashtag #weekinthelife. 

And PS, yes, there's a whole story about that photo and how I love that it's grainy and dark and at Margaritaville in Las Vegas and that Aaron took it and about how much I love dancing and live music and how I need to bring a little more of that Ali into my everyday. 

I also wanted to take a minute today to announce and introduce you to a new camera bag collaboration with Epiphanie. I partnered with them to come up with a classic, clean-lined everyday camera bag and it's now available in three colors

Here's a short promo video with more details: 

I love how these turned out and have been carrying around the cream bag for the last few weeks (with and without my DSLR).

SPECIAL PROMO DURING WEEK IN THE LIFE™ Use code ALI20 for $20 off until August 21st. 

Happy documenting!

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34 thoughts

  1. Michelle06 says…

    Yes Ali, Lets do this! My first day of Week in the Life is coming to a close, I have really enjoyed being an observer of my life via the camera lens today, super excited for tomorrow and the rest of this week. Yikes love the Epiphanie bag design!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Jacqui1902 says…

    i cant find the bag on their site, can you please post a link to it!

    Reply 6 Replies
    1. ohiopo says…

      I can't find it either :(

    2. raskinner says…

      I tried too. Hopefully it will be up soon.

    3. AliEdwards says…

      Sorry about that! Here's a direct link:

    4. caflucas says…

      I went to the website, and initially it didn't show your bag. Now the bag is on, but when I go to check out I get a message that the coupon code has already been redeemed! (not!) and it will not apply the code.
      Thanks for any help. Love the bag!

    5. AliEdwards says…

      Hi @caflucas - hmmm, you can contact their CS here (I just sent them a note as well):

    6. caflucas says…

      Yes, I did that and they promptly replied there had been a "glitch" which should now be fixed!

  3. mtercha says…

    Have a great week, Ali! Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. katyscrap says…

    Very excited! I've already taken several photos this morning documenting getting ready for work, my commute in and what my desk looks like. I plan to print the pictures out tonight and get them into the album and reflect on the day and the stories I want to tell. Knowing that there are thousands of others around the world doing this project at the same time makes it so much more special. We can do this!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. heatherw says…

    OK, I gotta ask.......where is that chambray dress from you are wearing in the video? :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - that's from H&M.

  6. cruisin_ali says…

    I'm in and started the day with the "snooze button!" hopefully not an indication of how this week is going to go! got to laugh - this is my life! love the bag ... I tried to find it and couldn't locate yours on their site either??. would it be possible to add a link directly to yours?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It's all corrected now:

    2. cruisin_ali says…

      thanks Ali :)

  7. peggy1958sue says…

    Didn't go to the website yet on the bags, but hopefully I can order one for myself!
    It's my bday tomorrow and I think this would be an EXCELLENT gift to myself. DON'T YOU??
    (Smile!) Love that WITL is the week during my birthday too!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Absolutely! Here's a direct link:

  8. papergoddess says…

    Ooh, love my Epiphanie bags, nice style!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  9. Lize says…

    Ali, you look fantastic! Have a great WITL.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  10. mollymoo951 says…

    I like this: have fun seeing your life through the lens of your camera! It is interesting for sure.

    ETA - and these two: Without a doubt, this project often mirrors back to me many different things about my life. It is often a catalyst for change as I see things in front of me that really can't be ignored much longer. I challenge you to think about those things this week. AND Or skip all that intentional stuff and just have fun taking a whole lot of photos of your daily life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. gina200 says…

    Thanks Ali for so much inspiration & guidance!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. thenerdnest says…

    So excited! I got started yesterday :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    I'm in! Bought the WITL kit, thought I'd save it for a "better" time, or when I have more time, but you know what - why not now? I'm gonna go with it and not worry about it even coming close to perfection, just capture what I can. I'm excited!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Sounds like an awesome plan!

  14. brouhaha63 says…

    Can I just say I love the bag design! It's so sleek and simple- it looks like the perfect everyday bag that can also protect your camera. Unfortunately, it's a bit out of my price range right now but I'll admire online until I can get one! ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Bellaa75 says…

    Oh I want that bag sooooo much, but shipping is $62 and with the exchange rate I think it would end up close to $400, argh!!!! It's gorgeous though. I'll keep dreaming for now!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Inkfanatic says…

    I love love love this project! Also loved the 'hands in the air' start to the week! So much, in fact, I used the timer and got a pic of myself with hands in the air, as I stood on the dock over a pond on our property. It meant sprinting across new plants, under a weeping cypress tree and freaking my dogs out, lol...but SOOO worth it!'s on Baby!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Oh that is awesome :).

  17. Gremie says…

    Ali, which "color" WITF album did you choose this year? Just wondering. Thanks.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'm using the days of the week black and white ;).

  18. rrmason says…

    Such a gorgeous bag, Ali. Love this collaboration! Excited to start my WITL project. We are in the middle of a relocation and dealing with some sad family stuff. But I figured this would be the perfect time to document my week. I look back on last year and the words and photos tell such a great story. I am thankful for my life, even when it is messy like right now.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. carriecolbert says…

    Just realized feedly hadn't been pulling your posts into my reader for some reason. Fixed now. Carry on. :)

    Reply 0 Replies

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