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Week In The Life™ 2015 | Thursday In Album

I spent time this weekend wrapping up my 2015 Week In The Life™ album. It's always a good feeling AND a relief when I get the album all together and I hope it will help spur you on to getting your photos and words off your computer and into your albums too. I'll be sharing the rest of the daily posts here this week (except not tomorrow because my post will be about the new Story Kit™).

Thursday was the day I used the prompt "I want to remember" which continues to be a favorite of mine that I come back to again and again. You'll also notice that I didn't add in any extra photos today - definitely par for the course in terms of simply taking less photos throughout the week. 

Here's a look at Thursday: 

I didn't have a photo of breakfast today so I just substituted with a morning photo. If I would have been thinking about it I probably would have labeled it "laundry" instead of morning since it already says "morning" on the card itself.

For the "Thursday" journal card I wrote up a list of things that the three of us love and printed it on the card (you can read more about that process in my Monday post). 

I wrote, "We love Taco Tuesdays. We love movie nights both at home and the theater. We love popcorn for dinner. We love going to the swimming pool. We love being together. We love traveling. We love Star Wars. We love ice cream for dessert. We love taking photos. We love cats. We love camping. We love traditions and holidays."

So yeah, a lot of those things are things I could have easily written with the title "I love" but they are also things that we share a love for around here. 

Simple, simple (but time consuming - ha). 

I love the thickness of those white letter stickers from the kit. Great for adding a word or two directly to your photos. 

I did include the card insert on between the last images for Thursday. Use StazOn to stamp right onto the label stickers. The # is from my Silver Mixed Chipboard Shapes set



Other posts from the album creation portion of  Week In The Life™ 2015 so far can be found here:  

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16 thoughts

  1. Bellaa75 says…

    This is great Ali, I love that photo of you with the wet hair. Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. mtercha says…

    Beautiful. Really love what you did, and how it's coming together for you. I want to remember is my reason why. Always, and for everything I do. Love this prompt. Looking forward to the new story kit. :) michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. anniebeagle says…

    I am really loving your album this year (to be fair, though, I have loved every year!). ;) The Morning/Afternoon/Evening food insert is my favorite thing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. homemakermichigan says…

    Love your pages Ali! Does anyone know of a good resource on how to print directly on photos the way Ali does? We have photoshop, but I'm not sure quite what to do.


    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - you should check out my Getting Started posts here:

    2. kre8tivekate says…

      Take a look at Ali's website. She has great Photoshop tutorials, and definitely has some that explain how to add type to your photos.

    3. jdm9 says…

      I have used this method by Cathy Zielske and its works really well. Then you can add the text directly to the photos on your phone, and they save to your photos. You can then print them out like you would any other picture. Hope this helps!

  5. hgauvin says…

    Your inspiration this year helped me get this album finished. I'm loving it! I just have to keep reminding myself not to re-invent the wheel - "good" is good enough! I'm off to finish last October's WITL album. I'm on a roll.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  6. nashsurg says…

    I may have missed this but do you plan to restock the week in the life kit? I wasn't ready earlier and now think I could tackle it!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! We will not be restocking the Black & White Album + Kit but the Grey Stories Album + Kit is still available here:

      I will be doing this project again in April 2016 (moving it away from the Fall) and we will have a new kit available for next year.

    2. mtercha says…

      Oh, April?! Cool.

  7. marcela says…

    Love this prompt too! Thank you for all your journaling prompts, they helped me a lot with putting words down on the page, it was my first year doing WITL but i had a very clear, simple plan for photos and words just like you did. Thank you for the inspiration Ali.
    Can't wait for April 2016 to do it again!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. JenHart says…

    Your album is just so good Ali :-) I haven't finished this one and I am inspired for the next one by how you journal. I look forward to improving with this project.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. elli says…

    Hi Ali. I was wondering... what did you wind up doing with the 2x2 pockets?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hey! I actually didn't end up using them - I considered using them for the opening page and closing page but liked what I had in place. I'll likely use them in another project or just add them to Project Life® one of these weeks.

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