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In This Season

I am knee deep in life. 

So much good. So much challenge. Riding the waves of both. 

Friday was the first day in a long time that I felt _____________ in a long time. Calm. Present. Hopeful. There's not a perfect word for it, but it was good. 

Thank you God for good. 

Other things that have been filling me up recently:

I listened to one of my favorite poets Mary Oliver (interviewed on the On Being podcast) and ordered her new book of poetry called Felicity

The kids are so great. So great. Learning. Laughing. Listening (most of the time). Connecting. This season with them feels different. They are getting older. The conversations and the pauses are different. There are still challenges to be sure, but they are just really wonderful to be around right now. Anna rocking her spelling words and Simon loving his Doc Brown Halloween costume (and anything Back To The Future). Lots of "I love you's" everyday in this house. 

Katie and Peter welcomed a baby boy into the world last Monday. It is the greatest joy to me to witness the two of them with their own child now. Katie has been with my family though our own thick and thin for the last six years. She has cared for them and for me with a deep, deep love. Our hearts are bursting to help welcome Graham to the world. 

Satuday morning I woke up early, as I've been doing even since coming back from France, and went for a walk before 6am. In the dark. And it was awesome. 

I loved this interview by Jess Lively with Elizabeth Gilbert who says near the end of the interview: "If you're not dead yet you're still a student.

This past Monday I finally, after saying I was going to do it since January, signed up for and attended a local yoga class. I literally smiled to myself during one of the poses, that I'm-also-probably-going-to-cry-smile, as I experienced that very specific feeling that I was exactly the place I needed to be. My body and mind were filled with the positive messages of surrendering and strength and moving through resistance. I'm going again tomorrow. 

Current words: curious, whole, hope, ignited

Current playlist: Macklemore (Downtown), Bob Dylan (Greatest Hits), Mumford & Sons (Wilder Mind)

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37 thoughts

  1. tb8282 says…

    Love yoga! I actually attend a Holy Yoga class at my church that fills my mind, body and spirit and I love it.

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  2. bravelove says…


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  3. Davida says…

    Your posts always inspire me to dig deeper & do more. Love that your felt calm, present & hopeful! I'm a crying/smiling person more often than I would like to admit; my kids probably think I'm crazy ;-) So funny to read about Simon; my son & Simon are on the same wavelength; my son is currently a little obsessed with Back to the Future as well. He watched all 3 movies the week of the anniversary. So excited for Katie & Peter - wishing you all the best :-)

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  4. desilei says…

    " I'm-also-probably-going-to-cry-smile, as I experienced that very specific feeling that I was exactly the place I needed to be." Yes! I so know that feeling and it is awesome. I actually kind feel that way right now. Thank you for sharing. --Desiree

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  5. JenHart says…

    Aww Ali, perfect sentiments. I'm happy for you that you are 'in it' and loving it. Thank you, thank you for sharing your words, it really means a lot to me.
    I wish you all the best as you adjust to the gorgeous Graham blessing. Jen x

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  6. Binxcat1 says…

    I always feel like a creepy stalker whenever I read your blog... I mean seriously we are obviously just at similar life stages, young kids etc etc... but it's getting kinda weird... I mean, yoga? I have a tab open right this very second trying to find a class nearby (something I have been meaning to do for so long now) and then I remember "oh, it's Monday"... check Ae's blog for #givesunday... and yoga. I don't read your blog every single post... but every time I do you could be writing what's in my head... so at the risk of sounding all SWF on you... I really "get" this post.

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  7. Binxcat1 says…

    Oh and welcome to the world Graham. You're a very blessed little guy.

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  8. abbypimentel says…

    Every. Single. Comment. Above...DITTO! Yep, taking the easy way out, but no less heartfelt!

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  9. Janice15 says…

    "I'm-also-probably-going-to-cry-smile" - yes, this!

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