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December Daily® 2015 | Days Twenty-Three Through Twenty-Five

Welcome to  December Daily® 2015 | Days 23-26. 

I hope you had a lovely holiday with your family and friends! Today I'm sharing the last few days of my album and wrapping up December Daily® for 2015 - I've included a video walk-through below as well. Thank you so much for sharing your stories this past month. I wish you all the best for 2016 and beyond. 

Also just a heads up that there are a couple days left to join my One Little Word® workshop at the early bird price of $26 (after 12/31 it will be $31). 

First up, Day 23:

On the 23rd we made the trek to the mall to visit Santa. 

I included the official photo in the album (behind the stamped journaling from Day 22) by simply punching holes to match the rings. I also included the gold circle transparency page within Day 23. 

To tell my story I used the "today" card from the Main Kit and simply jotted down a few memories of the day related to Simon and Anna. 

Here's a look at Day 24: 

Christmas Eve around here included time spent with just my kids in the morning and then Aaron and his kids came over for dinner in the evening. 

For this spread I loved including a morning photo + an evening photo. The "good times" card gives the basic details and then I created a flip-up using the gold-foil Jasmine Jones "together" card to write out a bit more of the story. 

I used the gold washi from the Main Kit and one of the journal cards from the Jasmine Jones kit with a green phrase sticker on top of the branch. Simple and easy to create a home for additional journaling. 

Here's a look at Day 25: 

For Christmas Day I ended up wanting to use four photos. One of Simon, one of Anna, one of Anna and me playing video games, and one of the kids by the tree in the morning. 

To accommodate the additional photo I simply added it into the album and used the other side as a home for a journal card + my journaling for the day. I added the "25" badge on top of the seam where the two cards meet. 

I wrote on each of the photos of the kids - just a few words about them and the day. I used this AE gold pen and this AE Precision Pen for writing on the photos directly. 

On the back of the journal card combo I included the other photo of Anna and me playing Super Mario Bros. I also included the enlarged 6x8 photo of the kids in front of the tree. On top of that photo I added some journaling and a Silhouette cut made using word art from the Storytelling With December Daily® class

Love the photo focus of this day. 

This year I also included a Day 26 because I traveled with Aaron and his kids to celebrate with his family in Portland: 

Traditionally I've ended this album on December 25th. With a different schedule this year it made sense for me to include the story of Christmas with Aaron's family and I'm so happy I did as it was really fun to get to experience their Christmas traditions. 

I had trimmed this Santa that Anna colored earlier this month to include at some point - today seemed like a good day. In addition I included a couple of photos from Aaron's parents + journaling about that adventure. 

I ended the album with a photo of snow falling at Aaron's parents house and their tree. 




I'd love to have you share a link to your Day 23-25 album pages below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link.

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24 thoughts

  1. jenmcampbell says…

    Ali, I just wanted to say thanks for sharing so much of your process and inspiration this month and in the December Daily Class. This was only the second time I've completed December a Daily and this time around I LOVED it - I think I'm hooked! I set myself up to be able to keep up and I think that kept me inspired. Live how it turned out and the stories I have been able to tell. Thanks again!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Mori49 says…

    Thank you Ali. My first year and now I'm hooked. I can't think of a more creative way to track my favorite month of December.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. SusanB says…

    Another lovely album Ali! Thank you for leading us through this project - I am so grateful for my stack of December Daily albums.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. ribosome13 says…

    Thank you for all the inspiration, videos, and hard work. I sure do appreciate it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. karenika says…

    thank you so much Ali. Thank you for the joy this brings to me each year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. sim1 says…

    Thank you for sharing your experience on Christmas Day - it brought a tear to my eye. I really love this project for many many reasons. Essentially it provides me with an emotional compass to keep me on an open-hearted track. I thank you for sharing your creativity and vulnerability. Such inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. ShellyJ says…

    Thank you for sharing with us! Another wonderful Christmas season documented.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. hgauvin says…

    Thanks for sharing the remainder of your pages for 2015. This process and the class you provided were SO MUCH FUN! Because the DD frenzy started so early this year I wasn't sure whether everyones' enthusiasm would fizzle or continue to the end. It's just been a blast! I've loved every minute of it. My album isn't quite finished but I'm nearly there. I just wanted to say that as I watched your video, it reminded me of when my girls were much younger and I was in the same situation as you are now. It was so hard to send them to their dad's house when all I wanted was to keep them with me for the day. I can say without a doubt that it will get easier. Time makes things easier. Here's to 2016!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. scrapfin1 says…

    I love how you document daily life, whether its December Daily or PL. Thank you for your inspiration. I hope you will be doing PL 2016, please share your plans/thoughts on that. Happy New Year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. mtercha says…

    Ali, I've loved seeing your album all month, thank you for sharing it. Your ideas are clever and awesome, thanks for that, too, as I've actually taken a few notes, things I want to remember to try for my next projects. Also, I do love your pens. I have the precision black one, and both the silver and gold too, and they're really nice, write so smooth. Thanks. Wishing you much happiness, and good health, in the coming year. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Shannon_Primicerio says…

    Thank you so much for another great year, Ali! I am finishing up my (3rd) album this week and I have really enjoyed the process. For me, it's a practice in gratitude as well as a way of documenting my family's story. This project is priceless and I am always so glad I do it. Happy New Year! Can't wait for OLW 2016!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. larkindesign says…

    Ali, every year DD has been such a near and dear project, and this year you raised the bar even higher with the class. Thank you so much for sharing your craft with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. kislanykim says…

    I'm so happy for your happy Christmas, Ali. It's not easy, but bless you for your positive approach.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. sjansenak says…

    Almost finished my first DD - what a great project. I did have to laugh about the change as you get later in the month. My pages got simpler and simpler. I appreciate your videos, your honesty, and your inspiration. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Ainoko says…

    Thank you Ali! The daily videos have been a true christmas gift and I have appreciated them so, so much. At the start of December I didn't think I would make one this year, now I'm halfway through my album and can't wait for the next year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Mpasquini12 says…

    Loved it! Very excited to finish up this week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Untiedt says…

    Thank you Ali for the December Daily videos they were a huge help and full of inspiration. I'm excited to put my final touches on my album and get ready for OLW. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in 2016. Happy New Year! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. abragg79 says…

    Gorgeous!! As always. Thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to get started on mine.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. gina200 says…

    Thank you Ali for sharing your pages and process with us. And thank you for sharing parts of your life too. I have loved watching the videos each day. They have been a little break in my hectic days. I quickly realized I wouldn't be able to get photos printed and my album put together but I hope I took enough photos and notes to put together an album now that Christmas is over.
    We have recently had a divorce in my husbands family and I've seen how hard it is on all the people involved, regardless of who initiated it, especially at the holidays when everyone is spending time with family. I applaud you for being true with your feelings and not thinking you have to be happy about how everything is but yet giving yourself permission to see the joy and not dwelling on negative. I look forward to putting my album together and to OLW in 2016!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. khess136 says…

    Thank you, Ali, for an amazing December journey. As empty nesters I really didn't know how I would fill my days. Yet, with your tutelage my fears were allayed. I have more than enough to record and will use the whole month! I participated in ONLW 2012 and will be joining you for ONLW 2016..I can't wait!! Blessings to you and your sweet family. ~ Karen

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. birdnscrap says…

    I really was amazed at how hard you worked on this project and how much you shared with us. I loved the videos! I thank you for that, Ali. This was my first year doing DD, and while it was fun, I think the Chanukah/Christmas holidays may fit into my Project Life memory keeping better than into a separate album. I think the fact that my kids are adults makes a big difference in how much DD means to me. But I did learn to focus on experiencing the joy of the season from doing DD. I will incorporate some of these ideas into my holiday memory keeping next year. Thanks again.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. roos1111 says…

    Hi Ali, thank you so much for sharing these daily videos. I really enjoyed watching them and I am impressed with your creativity and how you put things together. Thank you for being so honest and for showing us how to document daily life!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. mitchmac says…

    Thanks for your awesome inspiration again this year!

    Ali - was just wondering if you put anything in the little bookplate on the spine of your album?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I haven't yet - just planning to do something simple with the year.

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