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Project Life® 2016 | Title Page

I am so totally doing Project Life® again in 2016. 

Remember at the beginning of last year when I hesitated, said I was going to stop and then missed it and started up again? I'm so happy I did. Yeah, I didn't finish last year in last year but I never really had that intention. I figured I'd see how it went and if I wanted to keep doing it I would. I did and I do. I only shared a few spreads on here in 2015 and more were shared in the classroom portion of my Story Subscription (I've been doing one weekly spread per theme to show how the kits can work with Project Life®). 

I've spent a bunch of time over the last week printing out photos for 2015. I have all photos through July in spreads now and am working my way through the others. Some weeks in the second half of the year have already been done and many have one or two photos printed and a few sticky notes and journal cards here and there. I've gotten into the habit of printing my photos first and then adding my stories. I'll be sharing those with you here as I complete them. 

For my title page I'm following the same format I have just about every year which includes a photo of each of us + pattern cards in the 4x6 spots:

I think it was in the One Little Word® workshop that I mentioned that I might overuse this photo of me. I can officially check that box now as it's appeared in December Daily®, One Little Word® and now Project Life®. I'm not apologizing for it at all because I like that photo - I felt good when I took it and I want to keep feeling that way. 

For my title page I used a combination of cards from my journal card sets. The "memories" patch was from the Old + New Story Kit™ (available until January 14th). The circle pattern card is included in the Love Life set. The bottom left card (the text) is from the Gratitude set and the circles were hand-cut from other journal cards. The "new year" card is from the New Year set (with lots of fun sentiments about celebrating). On top of that I added a chipboard piece from a Freckled Fawn embellishment kit and "2016" from my St. Helens alpha. In between the photos of us I included a large chipboard "E" for Edwards with three small stars on top. 

Super happy to be continuing to tell the stories of our life. I've been going back through past albums oner the last week while getting ready to launch my new online 4-week workshop Storytelling With Project Life®. We had planned to open registration this week but there were a couple things I wanted to adjust before we open registration so that will now happen next week and the class will begin a couple weeks later. When I looked back at my completed albums from 2012, 2013, and part of 2014 you know what word came to mind? Whole. Yep. The pieces of my life come together in these albums. 


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41 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Awesome title page. That's a beautiful photo of you. I love that photo, I can feel the joy from it, every time I see it. Totally not over-using. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. cruisin_ali says…

    love this page Ali. Just one question, are your new journal card sets double sided?
    thanks for the ongoing inspiration, you never disappoint!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      They are double-sided and the package includes two so you can use both sides.

    2. Char says…

      And they are wonderful. I got one last month and plan on getting them all as soon as my budget opens up a bit. The are the best quality I have seen in PL cards and the sped signs are so versatile.

  3. larkindesign says…

    I'm so happy you are doing PL this year! I'm so happy you love that photo of you! Thank you for providing us with so much inspiration, in every post, class, and product.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. palmharborscrapper says…

    So glad you are offering a new class in Project Life!! Can you give us a heads up on the price of the class? I am on a budget and want to make sure I allow enough $$$.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      The class will be around $30 and there will be an optional kit as well (working on exact numbers and some kind of promotion is part of the reason for the delay).

    2. palmharborscrapper says…


    3. Blissmamaof3 says…

      Any idea when the class will get rolling?

  5. jlcrite says…

    Love this! Can't wait for the class!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. iscrapjohnson says…

    Thanks for the inspiration Ali. Project Life overwhelms me but I think it is my thing to document my life with my hubby. My plan is to do one 12x12 (side) per week, which only is 4 photos and 4 stories. I think this should be manageable. Looking forward to taking your class for continued inspiration.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      That sounds great. One of the things, as with most things (ha), is making it work for you and adapting it to the kinds of things you want to capture. People have been doing lovely things in the 6x8 size too.

  7. LynneGillis says…

    YAY!!! So glad that you'll be doing PL this year! Looking forward to signing up for your new PL class... and completing my own albums! I rocked 2015 through the first 8 months... then life got insane... but I love your inspiration to simply go back and catch up, rather than ditching the whole thing. Thank you!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Eight months is so great Lynne. To be honest I really am loving going back and filling in the gaps.

  8. Inkfanatic says…

    Love that Title page! And that photo of you is so awesome! Definitely one I would overuse. I have a couple of those...favorites that get used again & again. One, in fact, a selfie taken before selfies were popular to do ( and challenging since it was a point & shoot), was from 2006, lol. I use plenty of 'us' pics that are more current too, lol. But I love reliving those moments/stories/memories every time I use it :) So excited to learn more about your upcoming PL class! Thanks, as always, for being so super inspiring!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. picki56 says…

    I love that photo of you! I am not sure if I'm doing project Life weekly or monthly this year. I got a little overwhelmed trying to keep up a couple of years ago and I haven't tried since but the 2 years I did complete are my favorite albums. I definitely have lots of photos from this week so far. I think I need to just do it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Stheiner says…

    Cleaning off my scrapbook table that I haven't used in forever this weekend and getting started. I think I need this class!!! I want to actually follow thru with this for 2016.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. awalsh says…

    I'm so signing up for your class. Ali, you're an inspiration and great motivator. You keep me accountable!! I'm behind on PL (birth of second daughter kept me from printing my photos as regularly) but my OLW is organize and I want it to flow to all parts of my life. Time to organize my PL supplies and get a move on :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Untiedt says…

    I'm so happy your doing PL this year. Last year I didn't get much done and I missed PL. You keep me inspired and to try something new. I hoping to take the class but it will depend on timing of it all. Your classes ROCK! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. kre8tivekate says…

    i LOVE that photo of Simon. It's like a sneak preview of his grown-up face. Let's hear it for making it work for you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. doudoune says…

    Great pages as usual Ali! Thanks for sharing!
    Is there any chance you're planning to come over to France to present a workshop this year? I'd love to attend if this is the case!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I won't be traveling to France this year since I was there twice in 2015 :). I will definitely be back again at some point. Love France :).

    2. virginiegoujon says…

      Can't wait Ali ;)

  15. SparklinD says…

    Yay! Just when I'm getting back to PL! I just want to say thank you for being this awesome source of inspiration! Very much looking forward to your spreads and to the class of course!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. nicolemann9 says…

    Love your title page, Ali! Such great photos of all of you. I am feeling super inspired and excited about Project Life this year (and really excited to take your class!) I feel like I have finally found/realized my 'style' - which is clean and simple. Lots of white space. I am excited to move forward and make pages like that. Previously I tried to emulate other's pages, that were much busier - I like the look of that on their pages, but not so much on mine (plus, so much more work!) Bring on 2016!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. jchurch2 says…

    You are making me want to do it, too. Great page. Can't believe how Simon and Anna are growing up so fast!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. virginiegoujon says…

    Got the Memories patch on my title page as well (same 4x6 spot)
    Love your page. These pictures are awesome!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. SusanBowers says…

    Ali, any chance those wonderful journal card sets (Gratitude, Love Life, etc.) are going to go digital?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes - those will be coming out in the next few weeks.

    2. SusanBowers says…


  20. theglor01 says…

    Its crazy how I thought I would be to busy this year to start this project again. Then after reading your post I feel like how can I not keep track of our little life and tell our stories and give myself this creative out lit to do so. Thanks for the inspiration and support.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. emma_cwn says…

    " The pieces of my life come together in these albums. "
    I love what you said here. It truly embodies how I feel about my project life albums - in my albums I see my heart and all my gratitude for the pieces of my life on the page and every time I look at them it connects me to those feelings again. The entire process creating and looking back at my albums after time reminds me that I'm whole and that I have everything I need right here, right now.

    I always love your project life layouts and your heartfelt perspective on memory keeping. Looking forward to the workshop!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. NatashaP says…

    Title page is great. If you love a photo it can never be over-used!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. birdnscrap says…

    I get it. You love that photo cuz you like a Jedi!

    I'm so happy that you're doing PL this year. I so missed you and Katie doing PL last year.
    Can't wait to sign up for your new PL class, too.
    Thanks for inspiring us and sharing so much of yourself.
    Happy New Year, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. kelseyespecially says…

    See-through pockets are amazing. I'm REALLLLLLY feeling 'em this year – I think. I always love them in other people's pages/layouts and then can't seem to make them work for me. BUT THIS YEAR I'M GOING TO TRY AT LEAST!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Ibutina says…

    I am stumped. Need help, please. I'd like to add text and image on the back of the title page. How can I accomplish this digitally? I have a MAC. Have sent you inquiry through the Conversation line. Appreciate a response in email. Thank You.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - I'm thinking that my free series on Getting Started With Digital Scrapbooking might help you:

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