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New Story Theme Now Available | Tough

Happy mid-March and welcome to a new Story Theme: Tough

As I've mentioned in past months, my goal is that these products are tools in getting your stories told. Our stories include ups and downs, weaknesses and strengths. The products included in this month's kit are designed to support and acknowledge the more challenging times in our lives from bad days to divorce, and they ways in which we bravely face those times. 

If you are already a subscriber to you can now access the content in the classroom (make sure you are logged in to your account).

If you are new to the Story Subscription program, check out all the details here.

Here's a look at the Story Kit™ contents for Tough:

And the Tough Story Stamp™

We also have a Digital Story Kit™ subscription available that includes access to the classroom content. Here's a look at what's included for Tough (which also shows all the designs for the journal cards included in the printed version of the kit): 

Here's a video overview of the products included in the kits this month: 

And a couple peeks at the layouts I created with the kits this month (full details, including process videos and how-to handout, are included with subscription):

Again, thanks so much for subscribing and/or considering my Story Subscription program!

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21 thoughts

  1. Bellaa75 says…

    Just love the colours in this kit Ali, awesome as always!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. mtercha says…

    Beautiful. Looks so great. Thank you. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. kelsterjean says…

    I hadn't purchased a kit up until today, but this one I had to buy as soon as I saw it. This is so perfect for the time in our lives. I purchased both the kit and the stamp and can't wait to create with it. Thank you Ali for this awesome product!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Lize says…

    Love this kit (especially that Life card), and the fact that you encourage Real Life story telling. Cannot imagine the memory keeping world without your influence...and if that sounds too dramatic, I know I would probably have only documented birthdays and vacations.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Lize says…

    Ali, could I also please make a request: Could photo's of your pages that you've done for a story theme be somewhere easily accessable? It would really be helpful for quick reference when you're doing a layout, or know what cards to save for a layout? I know they're in the process video's and on the gallery, but both are time consuming to look through.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      They are also in the handout :). Many people print out the handouts and put them in a binder for easy reference.

  6. cathyzielske says…

    I feel like this would be a great kit for me right now. Life in this middle place is definitely challenging.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. abbypimentel says…

      Pretty sure the crap-free scrapbooking world would LOVE to see your take on this kit! I'm feeling a Make-a-Page-Monday featuring Ali's kit in your future! And, of course, sending happy thoughts your way! :D

  7. Ekaterine says…

    I Love it! It's just beautiful. I've been buying the stamps and kits from the start and has never ever had any regrets! They just keep on getting more and more exciting AND THE CLASS CONTENT IS JUST AWESOME! Can't thank you enough Ali, never can thank you enough.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Bookworm says…

    I completely love the story glimpsed in the bottom photo of the notes that Katie would leave for you. What an amazing gift to have a friend like her.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. swissmama says…

    love the colors in this kit. I can already think of a few stories...

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Jjones2011 says…

    Thank you Ali for a very timely and appropriate kit. February was a very difficult month for our family and this kit is exactly what I need to document the strength that has been shown through very TOUGH times. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. jdj247 says…

    Thank you so much Ali for this theme. Life is definitely not just just about the "good stuff" but it's also the "not-so-good" stuff counts too. This kit is AWESOME! love the fact that it can go both ways of the spectrum from good to not-so-good and vice versa, it depends how you look at things. Much love to you and your team for another great month of getting our hands "dirty". LOL. can hardly wait to get it in the mail and use them!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. claraogren says…

    Ali, this kit is AWESOME. I think my favorite kit ever was the "Go" kit, but this is easily my second favorite. This definitely opens up so many different stories. I love how you said that tough isn't just "hard" but also strong. Mind blown. It instantly took me to several other stories I hadn't considered. You are the absolute best at this, thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. BethMB says…

    I'm on the waiting list, and keeping my fingers crossed I can get this kit. It speaks to me enormously about one area of my life, and I planned to use it as a springboard. And its exquisitness doesn't hurt. Whether I'm able to get it or not, it got me thinking and imagining... so thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Beth - where are you seeing you are on a waiting list?

  14. Northrigg says…

    I really like the colors of this kit and the theme. Looking forward to this month

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  15. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    Can't wait to get my stamps and kit. Tough times - gotta love 'em? Not really, but unfortunately some tough times = lifelong coping. Situations like chronic illness, mental health, family personality clashes etc. can be both heartbreaking and tough with no end in sight. These products - especially the stamps, can be used time and again when the going gets tough. Thanks Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Maggie_Zygo says…

    Oh Ali, how timely. I have followed your blog fervently since mid-2013. You're just one year older than me and I've always felt that it is a privilege to know you, even if merely online. I've always loved your spirit and marveled at our similarities~

    Earlier this year, at the start of my 3rd trimester of pregnancy, we purchased our first house and memory capture pursuits got pushed aside as we cared for our firstborn baby who had just turned a year old and went through the purchase process and preparation and move... Concurrently, in my final weeks of pregnancy, I was also going through several surgeries and biopsies to look into a tiny swollen lymph node I had discovered in my neck in my 2nd trimester, and on Friday, March 18th I got the call that no one wants to ever receive. The surgeon on the other end of the line told me, "I'm so sorry, you have cancer." Later THAT day (as were preparing to move our final things), at a routine NST to make sure our babe in utero was happy, I was pushed into delivering our sweet baby Jesse when he showed a few dips below baseline in his heartrate. After I got out of the hospital and as I attempted to heal from the most recent biopsy and the Cesarean (and wrap my head around the bombshell that had just hit), I found out that the kind of cancer I was diagnosed with (non-Hodgkin lymphoma) is one of ONLY 4 types of cancer that can transfer from mother to babe in utero. My pregnancies were only 6 months apart so now I have to live with the uncertainty of whether or not both of my beautiful sons' health could be directly affected by this nightmare as well.

    I am looking forward to catching up on the blog as time permits, but the first thing I saw upon checking in? This month's Story Kit: TOUGH. Why yes, I'll say, TOUGH it is indeed. Thank you for this apt theme that reflects my world this very month.

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