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Around Here

I was on the Paperclipping Roundtable podcast earlier this week (talking about documenting mental health issues) and during the discussion I talked about how much I valued my Around Here posts - the ones that capture a combination of facts and feelings about what's happening in my home and my head and my heart at any given time. It was a good reminder to get myself back in the habit of taking the time to write it down and share it here and then turn it into a layout when I have a chance. 

So here are a few things happening around here: 

PACKING & PREPARING | Leaving on a jet plane this weekend for my Scrapmap trip to Bali. This one has been planned for a couple years and filled up fast with people who have gone on past trips with me. I'll likely be planning another one of these in the future to a different destination and I'll let you know the details for that when they become available. I'll be taking a Traveler's Notebook and using that style of documenting for this trip - my first time. I'm excited to mix it up, get a little looser with my documenting, and see what happens. 

UNPACKING | Aaron, by the time this posts, will have completely moved all his belongings into my house (or very close to it). There is a big old mess exploding downstairs and in my bedroom and I'm taking it all in stride. Once we get back from Bali the plan is to finish up his music room in the garage (I have an extended garage which has enough space to park a car + make a room in the back) and then a lot of the stuff that's in the house now can move out to the garage. The plans for the creation of an additional bedroom upstairs are in the architectural drawing stage (this will be combining the room outside my office + my album shelf area into a a new bedroom for the girls).  

LISTENING | To all the kid conversations. Listening for happiness. Listening for signs of stress. Listening to their banter. Listening to the ways in which they communicate with one another. Listening to "Pictures Of You" and "Just Like Heaven" from The Cure. Listening to podcasts: season two of UndisclosedThe Simple Show, and On Being.

WATCHING | Aaron and I started watching Stranger Things on Netflix. It's a bit too scary for me (meaning I have to hide my eyes at some parts) but I want to know what happens now. I definitely can't watch it alone.

PURCHASING | I bought a new camera this week and it's all Liz's fault. Actually, it was time - I went with a Canon 6D. I'll post more about it after I have a chance to use it. 

READING | My copy of the new Harry Potter book came yesterday. Both Simon and Isaac were super interested (Isaac has read the series multiple times and if you've been reading my stories for any length of time you know Simon's affinity for the series). Simon followed me around for the rest of the night reading it out loud and he kept coming across characters and going "NO WAY. NO WAY." and getting so excited. I think he totally loves that it is in a script format (based on a play currently running in London) - one of his favorite things to do in the last year or so is to re-write movie scripts by watching them with the subtitles on and transcribing the stories into Word documents. Yep, he was excited.    

LOADING & UNLOADING | The dishwasher. I'm looking forward to getting back from this trip and setting up some new house rules/kids jobs/chore charts. Adding four people to our house more than doubles the number of dishes when everyone is here and I want this to be a house where kids have responsibilities and share in the overall work of family life. 

GIVING THANKS | This has been a really great summer. Simon has loved being on the swim team (a total surprise) and I think he's loved the social aspect as much as anything. It's been a great way to begin the transition to high school since it's a neighborhood pool and he's gotten to meet a bunch of kids who will also be at the same high school. He's really grown - literally and figuratively - over the last few months and it has been such a cool thing to witness. He's excited for high school and we are doing our best to keep that positive momentum going into the fall. 

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23 thoughts

  1. cruisin_ali says…

    Thanks for sharing (again!).. have a wonderful trip to Bali, can't wait to hear and see all about it!
    Don't worry, we will all be here waiting for your return :) Enjoy!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. TerryB says…

    Love these posts!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. leannet says…

    Always love your posts and classes...the 15th is my favourite day of the month!
    Just a suggestion for your growing household: my girlfriend redid her kitchen and put in two dishwashers. I thought it was crazy at the time but there are NEVER dirty dishes on the counter! When one is full, instead of stacking the rest and waiting to wash and unload, you just start loading the next one
    Have a great trip!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. birdnscrap says…

      We have two dishwashers and it is awesome!
      Especially when we entertain or have house guests, which will be like your daily life!

  4. Librarybug says…

    I'm so happy to see an around here post from you. I feel like it's been a while. Happy Friday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. tealmyre says…

    Beautiful post and loved the podcast episode. Life coaching through scrapbooking - thank you for sharing your gift!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. mtercha says…

    That's awesome. I'm so happy about Simon, and all the good things going on there. Have an awesome, awe-inspiring trip. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. tammywyn says…

    We just spent a week in So Cali visiting from the Midwest. On the red eye flight home I listened to most of the podcast on the plane and then finished it up last night. The transparency from you both is appreciated. The messages resonated so well with me and many of the comments and supports were parallel to what I use to manage anxiety and panic. Flying rarely bothers me but all other types of travel - bus, boat, car, train, etc. . . induces anxiety because I get horrible motion sickness. Talking about your Bali trip was giving me 'anxiety' because of all the travel involved after you arrive but these are the types of experiences I want to do as I don't want to miss out on the joy of the living. The techniques in Dr. Kelly McGonigal's new book called the Upside of Stress has really helped these last few months with a new job promotion I received and even with the anxiety of actually going on some of the rides at Disneyland that I had not done in the past. I highly recommend it. There are many stories in the book which help with relate to the 'science'. Have safe travels.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. kaylambutler says…

    love this! i really want to do more journaling like this-- such a great way to capture what's going on at the current moment. have so much fun in bali-- what an adventure! my sister and her husband went to bali earlier this summer and their photos were INSANE!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. PoochPatrol says…

    Wonderful post. Have an awesome trip to Bali. Looking forward to what inspirations you get while there!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. KProffitt says…

    Have a wonderful trip to Bali! So glad all is going well!! XO!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. TORRSMOM says…

    Exciting times, indeed! Looking forward to hearing about the details for your next retreat, as well as seeing all the words and pictures you share from Bali!

    If you're looking for a podcast to add to the mix, I've REALLY been enjoying "The Good Life Project."

    Happy travels!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Erinaaaa says…

    So happy for all of you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. DebbiePiercey says…

    Great reminder post Ali! Have a wonderful and safe trip! We just binged watched "Stranger Things". I can't wait for another season! Love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. scrapsandsass says…

    So happy for you. :) I read your posts like this and my heart just swells. :)

    My (adult) daughter and I watched Stranger Things together and were both covering our eyes in some spots. I really loved it though, and it totally made me nostalgic for the 80s and my teenage memories. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. KarynS says…

    I really love these around here posts Ali, thanks as ever for sharing your story.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Lynette150 says…

    As always, thanks for sharing! I'm excited to see how you use the traveler's notebook. I've been playing with a couple for a few months as a daily journal. It's very different!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. hgauvin says…

    I love your "Around Here" posts the most. It inspires me to do the same thing. Thanks and safe travels!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. mzuege says…

    I love your "Around Here" posts. Do you have a stamp for it?

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. TracyG says…

    Ali I just wanted to say thank you to you and Noel for the awesome podcast! Thank you for being so open and honest. It was one of the best EVER!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Amygretchen says…

    I'd be so interested to hear what you think about the canon 6d. I have been needing to upgrade and anxiously waiting for the 5d mark4. Now that it's finally been released I'm unsure.

    Always love your around here posts and sharing "real" with us. Definitely appreciate your thoughts on mental illness as anxiety creeps up in my life as well. thanks.

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