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December Daily® 2016 | Registration Now Open For Storytelling With December Daily® Workshop

What stories will you tell this December? 

We are bringing back one of my most popular workshops for the 2016 holiday season - registration is now open for Storytelling with December Daily®. This class is designed to get you in the mood for documenting your December, one story per day.

PLEASE NOTE | This class originally ran in November 2015 and we are bringing it back for those of you who may have missed it the first time around.Overall, the content will be the same as the 2015 workshop because it was intentionally designed not around any specific kit but more around the process of storytelling and my own personal experience participating in this project the years. I will be adding a bonus lesson showing my completed 2015 December Daily® album.

ALUMNI | Based on feedback from alumni who were interested in taking this class again we are offering an alumni option with a discounted rate for anyone who would like to participate in the live version of this class for 2016 (as with all my classes you still have access to the content from last year but we realize that some people appreciate being able to be part of the new active community and receive the emails as new content is available). If you are an alumni and are interested in being a part of the workshop community again, please enter the code "SWDDalumni" here to purchase this class for $5.99. This code will only work through the link provided and if you previously were enrolled in the class in 2015. The storytelling stamp set is not included with the alumni option

This workshop was a tremendous labor of love to create. I am so proud of the content included and I hope you will consider joining me in this in-depth look at the different ways to capture and tell your stories during the holiday season. 

Here's a look at what I'll be covering each week for four weeks starting November 1st:

Week One | A look back at all nine of my past December Daily® albums with individual video walk-throughs. The take-away from this lesson is the opportunity to learn from the past and reflect on what's worked - and what's not worked - to create a plan for this year. This lesson includes over 4 hours of in-depth video walk-throughs

Week Two | Process exploration. Setting expectations and setting yourself up for success by establishing a storytelling mindset. This lesson includes a 1.5 hour video presentation + a 5-page handout

Week Three | Specific storytelling ideas, encouragement and inspiration, along with photo ideas to spark additional stories. This lesson includes three videos: an overview of the topic of storytelling (30 mins), my favorite story themes (35 mins) and my favorite photo stories (22 mins).

Week Four | Techniques for including stories in your album including digital, hybrid, interactive, etc. Essentially, once you've established your stories how do you include them in your album? This lesson includes 6 videos: an overview of the topic (13 mins), my favorite ways to get stories in my album (15 min), adding text to a photo in Photoshop (16 mins), writing on photos (13 mins), embossing tutorial (8 mins), a flip up and out technique (15 min), and a Silhouette tutorial (16 mins). 

The classroom will remain open and act as a supportive community throughout the month of December and beyond as you work to complete your album. 

A couple things to note:

  • This is not a step-by-step workshop for setting up your foundation pages. I will be sharing my process for creating my foundation pages, as well as sharing each completed day, on my blog in the same manner as I have done in past years.
  • I am aware that not everyone has children at home and will be keeping that in mind as I present the content within the class. Please remember that I do have children at home and it does influence the types of stories that I include at this time in my life. I also spend parts of December on my own and include those stories as well.
  • For the last nine years I've shared all my December Daily® pages and process on my blog. Content included in this workshop will come from my past experiences (meaning I am not creating new pages for this workshop and will be using my past albums as inspiration and teaching tools - and as this content was originally created in 2015 some examples will reference my plans for my 2015 album). 

Registration for this 4 week workshop is $29.99 and includes a 4x6 December Storytelling Stamp Set (while supplies last - there is a limited number available - and shipped free to you to spark stories in your album this year. This stamp set is not included with the alumni option) and a big digital package that includes PNG and cut files: 

What do you need for this workshop? 

  • A willingness to look back & ahead
  • Enthusiasm for the story-aspect of this project
  • You do not need a specific December Daily® kit for this workshop

I hope you'll join me for this exploration of December storytelling ideas, inspiration and techniques. 

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44 thoughts

  1. Ballfieldmom says…

    Best 30 bucks you will ever spend!! So heartfelt and genuine! And encouraging to just look for the joy and document the everyday moments in December and all year. I will be watching again this year as my holiday changes with my empty nest. I know through this class, Ali will be cheering me on to look for the good stuff!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you for that awesome feedback!

    2. carri says…

      So excited! I kicked myself for not taking the class last year and have been so looking forward to this year! And I got my box of goodies yesterday!

  2. TaraElias says…

    Registered, and looking forward to it!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome Tara - I'll be looking forward to seeing your album :).

  3. BunnyLady876 says…

    I got so much out of this class last year. I just signed up again with the alumni option and can't wait to go through it with everyone again. The encouragement and enthusiasm is worth every penny. Thanks for offering it again, Ali. Bring on December!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome - thank you :).

  4. CasieGutierrez says…

    Registered and super excited to start! I loved the story telling with project life class and it helped my process so much!
    Thanks for the super cute stamp :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for joining in!

  5. peanutshell says…

    Totally off topic but I wanted to let you know how much I like you "page not found" page. I just landed there accidentally and it made me laugh out loud. Nearly got tea up my nose. Thanks for adding a good dose of silly to my day :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      You are welcome :). We love that too. We need to do an update because Simon is now taller than me!

  6. ShellyJ says…

    This was the best class ever... Right next to the Project Life class! Best $29 you could spend on yourself during the holidays. I completely recommend it. I will definitely be signing up as an alumni. Thank you for that option!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  7. Mel_12 says…

    So excited to join in the fun again this year. Loved the class last year and happy to sign up again. So much inspiration and thought provoking content to help make your December Daily full of stories. Thanks for running this once more.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you so much!

  8. mtercha says…

    I'm in! I know this will be awesome. Even though I've been around for a few years now, this is my first DD, and I'm super excited. Thanks. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Bea_Cervantes says…

    Registered and super excited to begin!! I did take a class 8 years ago with Ali, and learned a lot! I'm sure this will be worthy (USD is sooo expensive for me now).
    This is the first year I will make my album for December and I'm to excited! let's see how this works out..

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. audmac says…

    So excited for this! Like your other classes, will we always have access to class content? Also are your albums shown in their entirety? I'm wanting to check out your 4x6 again! I'm considering that size. Thanks Ali!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. meldarcy says…

      The class will be there for ages (my 2015SWDD is still accessible :) Loved this class so much last year!! And yes, Ali does a complete video walk through of all her albums, including the little interactive parts (ie flip ups etc). So excited to re-do and get inspired for 2016DD !!!!

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Yep - complete video walk-through of each album - which is why that part ends up being over 4 hours of video (broken down by year of course). And yes - same as the others in terms of having access after the class is "officially" over.

    3. audmac says…

      Thanks Ali, all signed up! Looking forward to it and thanks for the bonus stamp!

  11. Lauraforte says…

    So excited for this project. And your class. But with a 21 month old and a one month old baby during that time We'll see how it goes.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. katie1980 says…

      The best bit I found about DD is that if you use the physical kit, you can literally spend moments each day capturing the stories on the cards to go with the photos you will already be taking, and you'll have a beautiful memory book at the end. Even if you go through and "sort" it later, the important bit is spending (in my experience) less than 10 minutes per day getting the stories captured!
      I print photos later, but put a note/ place holder for what images I'm planning to use in my album, then get a bulk print order done once they're all taken and cropped :)

  12. AmeliaWoodbridge says…

    Always love your classes...excited to do this one! I've done December Daily for three years now...will be fun to get some new ideas.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you! I think you will like it :).

  13. judyg says…

    If you are on the fence, sign up for this class! One of the most motivating I have
    ever taken. I was able to complete five albums that I had started and never finished.
    Excited to complete another one this year, especially after receiving my order yesterday.
    Thanks Ali.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      You are welcome Judy - and thank you :).

  14. cruisin_ali says…

    This was the most pivotal class to my personal memory keeping and storytelling journey. This class provided me the stamina and motivation to complete 3 albums last year, made for my Mom spanning 7 decades of Christmas memories and stories. As an alumni, I can't wait to get back to the inspiration and the community! Thank you Ali for giving us your time but most importantly your heart in this class. Can't wait to get started again!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you so much for that feedback :).

  15. shannon80 says…

    I did this class last year and have signed up again this year via the alumni option. Thanks so much for this option Ali.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Sure! Thanks for joining in again!

  16. katie1980 says…

    I'll be an alumni this year, thanks for offering that option! Did we receive this stamp set previously, or am I imagining that bit? (My brain is playing tricks on me recently!)
    ETA - I just found last year's blog post and I did receive the stamp set! I am not quite as crazy as I'd feared ;)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I know those feelings :).

  17. jjanie says…

    This was such an awesome class... videos. With Ali explaining the thought process behind the book/pages/journaling... it gave me so many "ah-ha" moments!! This is not only an awesome class for DD but it will be SO helpful in all your scrapbooking projects from journaling to travel mini books! A 'must take' class! For Sure!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  18. cyhou10 says…

    I registered! Super excited as this is the first time that I will be creating a December Daily album! Thanks Ali for all your inspiration and showing us your thought process behind this project.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Welcome and I hope you enjoy it!

  19. jaimeelynn says…

    can't wait - thanks for the alumni deal. You rock Ali!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for joining in again!

  20. carobibo says…

    I took the class last year and really enjoied it.
    I am considering taking the alumni this year but have one question.
    Ali, will you add a video of your 2015 album and your though for this year?
    By the way, just love your daily videos last year on your blog and hope that you will do so this year (eventhough it might be challenging with your new home configuration)
    Thank you so much for all the inspiration.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yep! Adding a walkthrough of my 2015 album :). I'm not making any promises for the videos - we shall see how that goes!

    2. linda_wijtvliet says…

      Thanks a lot for the alumni deal! I also hope you will make videos again this year because they have been so helpful for me, I sometimes have a hard time concentrating - especially when reading. Video content seems to keep my attention much better. I do understand if you can not make this happen in your busy and challenging year, I also hope that you are feeling much better healthwise!
      I moved country myself which was also very challenging so I'm very much looking forward to December as I can setup my tree, relax & go all out on decorating. My favorite time of the year really (together with Halloween ;). Finally a box free & renovation free home.

  21. kathryn_1969 says…

    I've just signed up as I enjoyed the Storytelling with Project Life earlier this year. Even better, I'm no longer going to out to work from 28 October so will have loads of time to dedicate to this project. My scrapbooking has kept me sane the last few months and I can't wait to get more done!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. carrieelias says…

    I find my biggest struggle with a Daily is how to tell a complete story in only a photo or two (it feels like I need to take 5 photos) you think this class may help me since I'd prefer to only take one or two photos?

    Reply 0 Replies

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