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Story Kit™ & Story Stamp™ | Lens

A new Story Theme is now available. This month we are focusing on stories related to the word Lens.

A lens is so much more than just a part of our cameras. We view the world around us through a variety of different lenses over the course of our lives - impacted by time, place and circumstance. They are a part of who we were yesterday and a part of who we will become tomorrow. This month we are telling stories of the ways we see life through our own individual lenses.

Initial story ideas for Lens include: 

  • What lens are you currently using to view the stories of your life? Positive, negative, neutral?
  • Tell me a story of what you are literally seeing through the lens of your camera right now? Who, where, when, seasonal, etc.

  • A lens helps us focus on what’s most important. What’s most important for you in your life currently and what are you doing to make sure you are focusing on those things?

If you are already a subscriber to you can now access the content in the classroom (make sure you are logged in to your account).

If you are new to the Story Subscription program, check out all the details here

Here's a look at the Story Kit™ contents for Lens

And the Lens Story Stamp™:

We also have a Digital Story Kit™ subscription available that includes access to the classroom content. Here's a look at what's included for Lens (which also shows all the designs for the journal cards included in the printed version of the kit): Here's a video overview of the products included in the kits this month: 

Here's a video overview of the products included in the kits this month:

And a couple peeks at the layouts I created with the kits this month in addition to the one featured at the top of this post ( full details, including process videos and how-to handout, are included with subscription):

Again, thanks so much for subscribing and/or considering my  Story Subscription program! If you have any questions about this program please let me know below in the comments. 

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17 thoughts

  1. carri says…

    Love that CIRCLE layout!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  2. mtercha says…

    Beautiful kit, I can't wait to get it. Your layouts are awesome, too. Looking forward to delving into the classroom a bit later today. Have a nice weekend. Michelle t

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks Michelle!

  3. chrys23 says…

    looks like a great kit, can't wait to get mine!! love the color scheme this month and the new embellishments are fabulous!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  4. Inkfanatic says…

    This looks awesome! Excited to get it!! And super excited for WITL! Some of this might end up on those pages, perfect timing:)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  5. melmerc40 says…

    I absolutely love this kit! Is it possible to purchase just this theme without subscribing?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes - select the Month to Month subscription option and then send a message to my Customer Service team to cancel your subscription before the 10th of the next month so as not to receive the next month's kit.

  6. SUEMAC says…

    I am a new subscriber to both the stamp and the kit. After several kits passed me by, I finally decided to gift myself with your art which will be regifted to our daughter in the form of stories and photos that capture our time as a family. So happy to have "Lens" as my first kit!
    Grateful for your talent Ali! ;0)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for giving it a chance!

  7. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    Best kits ever, every month :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  8. StephanieHokenson says…

    I ordered the year long subscription and stamp subscription. Now what happens? I'm new to all of this so I'm a little lost.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I responded to your question in the classroom - glad you made your way there :). Let me know if you have additional questions!

  9. Mpasquini12 says…

    I love the colors!!!! ?

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